Can Some one guid me through screenshot

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To format values in a printable you need to create a macro. The macro will format the value when placed into the Word doc when the printable is run. See an example here:


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Hi Community,

Can you provide a code example for the following scenario:

When a record to a detail is added, make a field in the Parent Page visible.


When a record is created in Detail 'Opportunity Team' make the Description field (of Opportunity_Form_Page) visible



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Best reply

So you can  fetch the count of records under the detail object through code.If the count is greater than 0 then you can make it visibile.
EG below:

for the visibilty logic refer -…


Hi Community,

Any update regarding scenario?


So you can  fetch the count of records under the detail object through code.If the count is greater than 0 then you can make it visibile.
EG below:

for the visibilty logic refer -…


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You need to create a custom detail generator(look at the example in Terrasoft.FileAndLinksEmbeddedDetailGenerator)

After that, create schema and add to manifest:

Ext.define("Terrasoft.configuration.CustomEmbeddedDetailGenerator", {
    extend: "Terrasoft.EmbeddedDetailGenerator",

    generateItem: function() {
        var config = this.callParent(arguments);

        var cardGenerator = this.getCardGenerator();

        var isEdit = cardGenerator.isEdit();
        if (isEdit) {
            config.xtype = "my_embeddeddetailitem";
        return config;


Create detail component with button 

Ext.define("Terrasoft.configuration.MyEditEmbeddedDetailItem", {
  extend: "Terrasoft.controls.EditEmbeddedDetailItem",
  xtype: "my_embeddeddetailitem",
  initialize: function () {
    this.myButton = Ext.create("Ext.Button", {
        text: ""
    this.myButton.on("tap", this.onMyButtonTap, this);
  onMyButtonTap: function() {
        success: function(latitude, longitude, locationObj) {
        scope: this

In RecordPageSettings metadata set generator xclass for detail
    "operation": "insert",
    "name": "AccountAddressDetail",
    "values": {
        "generator": {
            "xclass": "Terrasoft.configuration.CustomEmbeddedDetailGenerator"
    "parentName": "settings",
    "propertyName": "columnSets",
    "index": 3

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I have a Freedom UI Page with a city field filter to show only US cities. If the user starts typing a city that belongs to more than 1 state, the user does not have a way of choosing the right one, without using the search icon where, by default we have the state shown on the search results. 


Ideally, we just want to display the state on the search results and not on the city field itself on the page, as we do have another field showing the State for the city selected.







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yes, adding the view for more columns in the dropdown field would be great !

We created a dedicated task for our R&D team in order for them to review the possibility of adding this logic to a dropdown list. For now, you can use "Selection window"

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Hi Community,

Can you provide a code snippet of how we can capture the delete event generated from an Editable List, from the parent Page?



We want to catch in the Opportunities_FormPage -> the deletion of a record in Opportunity Team Detail.



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Hi Community,

Any update regarding this scenario?



You can fetch the event of deletion in a business process. Then you can do actions and if your object opportunity has live update set then the updates will appear as soon the business process has run.


Other option would be to add your own action in the list and handle all necessary changes in the page.




There is a crt.DeleteRecordsRequest, you can add a custom handler for this request (handlers in schema metadata).

This request is called when the user tries to delete records from the row menu and bulk actions menu.
But it is called before user confirmation (modal window), and rights checking.

There are such properties in the payload: 

dataSourceName - data source name of list, for which request is called;
filters - filters for records deletion(passed when records deleted by bulk actions panel)

recordIds - record ids which should be deleted (passed when record deleted by clicking row menu delete button)


handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/[{
            request: "crt.DeleteRecordsRequest",
            handler: async (request, next) => {
                const dataSourceName = request.dataSourceName;
                const filters = request.filters;
                const recordIds = request.recordIds ;

                console.log(dataSourceName, filters, recordIds );
                return next?.handle(request);

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Does Creatio can counts in years? I would like count how many years "Contacts" have.

Like it works for days - .Totaldays

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Please provide us with a little bit more information on your task, so we can better understand your idea.

Hi. I have a day of birthday filed in Contacts. And I want send a reminder po responsable for the contacts when left 7 day to day of birthday. My idea is create a BP which will start at 1:00 everyday and analizing this field.

Antonii Viazovskyi,

Hi. I have a day of birthday filed in Contacts. And I want send a reminder po responsable for the contacts when left 7 day to day of birthday. My idea is create a BP which will start at 1:00 everyday and analizing this field.

Дмитро Вовченко,

This functionality can only be implemented by development tools. We advise you to pay attention to how the GenerateAnniversaryRemindings business process is implemented and use it as an example.

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Hello friends!


We've been working on creating custom branded mobile applications for android and iOS.  Still working on finishing iOS, but Android is done, with the exception of one issue that I cannot resolve.  Everything is branded using our images, with the exception of the launcher icon itself.  I added all of our custom images to the src folder and all of the images in the application were updated as expected (including notification icons). Any icon used for the launcher should be in the "mipmap_xxxx" folders and we have added equivalents in the SDKConsoleUtility/src folder.  We know this is working, since the notification icons are using our custom icons.  As a final attempt, I replaced every instance of a creatio icon image I could find in all of the source repository files and still the launcher icon is the creatio icon.  

Has anyone successfully custom branded the mobile app for Android and was able to use a custom application launcher icon?

As a reference, we've been following the academy article here:  Brand and publish mobile apps basics | Creatio Academy

Please let me know what I'm missing.

Thank you!



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Hello Jeremy,

To change the launcher icon you have to specify the "app_icon_path" in the SDK.config file from the article that you've mentioned

For example:

"app_icon_path": "../res/AppIcon.png"


Hi Anhelina


The config value "app_icon_path"  is for iOS only, according to the documentation here: SDKConsole utility parameters | Creatio Academy


For Android, there is a value for "native_resources_path" that is the path to the src folder with the custom image resources.  This value is set and working as all of other images in the app have been referencing our custom images there. It's just not using our image for the application launcher icon.


Any ideas?


Jeremy Couzens,

It usually works with native_resources_path for Android. The default folder is res/android/res, and folders with resources should be placed inside, as is done in Android projects. The directory can contain subdirectories with drawable, drawable-xhdpi, and other icons.

Maybe the reason is the file type? You can use the xml and webp
In another case, it's hard to understand the reason remotely.

Hi Jeremy, 

I'm currently working on the branding of the mobile application. 
Can you tell me how did you change the login page logo, by default it's the bpm'online logo and I cannot make it change to our custom image.

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I have some questions about lists in Creatio Freedom UI.

1. Is there any way to make a field read-only on a list while allowing it to be edited from the form page? I tried to use object-level business rules, but I couldn't disable the field only on the list. Fields are not available in the page-level business object on the list view.
2. Is it possible to add a custom validation for some fields on the list?
3. Is it possible to handle every field change, like on a form page? Some of my fields are being calculated live on the form page, using `crt.HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest`. I'd like to do the same on the list page or at least make those fields read-only on the list page.
4. I found a crt.SaveRecordsRequest request during debugging that allows me to review user changes before saving. But when I try to open a mini page using request.$context.executeRequest, nothing happens.
5/ Do you know of any more helpful requests related to lists? I found some more, like `crt.SaveDataRequest`, but it seems to have a restricted scope, so I can't add my own handler for it.

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1.Yes you can deselect the inline editing of records option in the designer page for the detail.
2.Yes it is possible through code - but can you pls elaborate on what you mean by custom?
3.No you can't do the live calculation on the list page

Hello Eryk,
Thank you for your question!

Regarding your forth question. The following code should work
handler implementation code
Note that you also need to add @creatio-devkit/common library to your module dependencies as well as pass parameter it's function.
import deps and pass parameter to function
You can find some examples of how to open a page in custom handler here.

Regarding you fifth question. Could you please clarify and provide example on how you are implementing your logic? 

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We run code on our leads page that when the page is saved with required fields that aren't populated we have pop-ups to prompt the user to collect the data in sequence. The sequence in which these pop-ups happen appears to be based on the business rules of the page... How do we update the order of the business rules (to force an order update of which fields get marked as required, and in turn the pop-up sequence)?


Thank you for any insight.

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Good day!

Would it be possible for You to provide us with the code You are attempting to run along with the screenshots of the pop-ups that You end up seeing?

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Hello, We've followed the steps here… to create a Freedom UI page for an existing object (Leads) and can view the Freedom UI in the web interface, however we do not see the option to enable the Freedom UI for this section in the Mobile Application Wizard. There should be a checkbox next to the Leads section to enable the freedom UI but we do not see it. How do we do this?


Thank you,


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Good afternoon!

To do this, you need to enable the "UseMobileFlutterFirst" feature here:



Hi Anton, thank you for the reply. I enabled "UseMobileFlutterFirst" as you described but I still do not see the checkbox to enable freedomUI in the mobile app wizard for our leads section. Is there anything else I need to do?


Also, it looks like you posted an image but it didn't load for me in case that included an additional step.



Eric Curran,

Please contact technical support at

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