

When attempting to add or modify a record in a Section Object I am getting these errors.



I had deleted some columns in the object. I am thinking that may be the root of my issues, but I am not sure. Any insight to what may be causing this and how to fix it would be much appreciated!

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Hello Everyone,


It has been a long time since I have visited this thread, but I have found the origin of the error. I thought I would post here just in-case someone has similar issues eventually.


Bhoobalan was correct in the sense that the issue was located in the server itself. The error messages are being generated from these  'triggers' within the section schema.



The triggers look like the image below.



I believe these triggers were created when I had added an "Image Link" column type. I am not entirely sure though, so if someone has more insight on the creation and removal of these triggers it would be appreciated! Personally, I had just deleted them from the database and everything seems fine, but I have not robustly tested the functionality as I am working on a different version at this point.

Hi Dominic Ricci,

Check the deleted fields and also verify the same has been deleted in all the records. The issue could be the field is deleted from the object but the values stored against the field might be still available in the DB table.

So, delete all the column values in DB where it was stored against the old field "UsrImageId".


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

Bhoobalan Palanivelu writes:

Hi Dominic Ricci,

Check the deleted fields and also verify the same has been deleted in all the records. The issue could be the field is deleted from the object but the values stored against the field might be still available in the DB table.

So, delete all the column values in DB where it was stored against the old field "UsrImageId".


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

Thanks for the quick response Bhoobalan!


I have investigated the issue further in the database and I cannot find any column named "UsrImageId". The only results from a full text database search is the error messages generated which are identical to the ones above.


Is it possible that Creatio had created this column somewhere on the client-side on its own? I am fairly sure that I didn't create this column, but the 'Usr' prefix makes me think otherwise. I will also post the full request below that generates the 500 error.





I have also searched through the application files on the server and still cannot find anywhere were UsrImageId is being used. It should be noted that I followed Ryan's advice in the previous thread I posted and created a virtual column to store Images. Maybe I am missing some nuance about images or virtual columns. I am also not sure where 'old' is coming from as I have never referenced anything as 'old'.

Hello Everyone,


It has been a long time since I have visited this thread, but I have found the origin of the error. I thought I would post here just in-case someone has similar issues eventually.


Bhoobalan was correct in the sense that the issue was located in the server itself. The error messages are being generated from these  'triggers' within the section schema.



The triggers look like the image below.



I believe these triggers were created when I had added an "Image Link" column type. I am not entirely sure though, so if someone has more insight on the creation and removal of these triggers it would be appreciated! Personally, I had just deleted them from the database and everything seems fine, but I have not robustly tested the functionality as I am working on a different version at this point.

Dominic Ricci,

Good tracking!

Could you please post/describe how you go about this "trigger"?

Steps to find that these triggers getting executed and how?


Bhoobalan Palanivelu

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Hi community


Does anyone have experience with the Matomo connector?


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If you require additional information on the Matomo connector, you may get acquainted with the Guide by the link:  https://marketplace.creatio.com/sites/en/files/app-guide/Matomo%20connector%20Guide.pdf


Hope you find the information to be useful!

Hi Alla!

I have installed the connector

I connected to a matomo instance, but nothing happens.

I tried to run manually the business processo  for Sync data from Matomo, but It seems the touchpointsscheduler does not run.

Can you help me?







Stefano Bassoli,


Please contact us via support@creatio.com and describe the issue you are facing with this connector in more details so we could assist you on it. 

Best regards,


Roman Brown,

Hi Roman 

I found the issue.

It's not related to the connector, but it's related to the data.

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I am having issues displaying an image from a link on the record page. I have followed the tutorial below, but have had no success.




The issue seems to be that this tutorial is built to generate links for picture files saved/changed on the record page. Where I would like to do the opposite and display an image from a link that has already been generated elsewhere. The link is from PlantUML and here is an example.




Is there any functionality to display images from image links generated outside of Creatio?

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Hi Dominic, 


You can do this with the following steps: 


1) Add an attribute to the page:

"MyImage": {
	dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT,
	type: Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN,
	value: ""

2) Then add an ImageView element to the diff bound to that attribute: 

	"operation": "insert",
	"name": "MyPageImage",
	"values": {
		"itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.COMPONENT,
		"className": "Terrasoft.ImageView",
		"imageSrc": {
			"bindTo": "MyImage"
		"classes": {
			"wrapClass": [
	"parentName": "MyImageContainer",
	"propertyName": "items",
	"index": 0

3) Now, to show a image, all you have to do is set the image URL in the attribute:

this.set("MyImage", "https://someurl/dir/myimage.png");


Alright, I have found a temporary solution using the iFrame element. I basically followed the steps in this article here.




I am still convinced there is a better solution than this. Let me know if there is a better built-in solution to displaying image links.

Hi Dominic, 


You can do this with the following steps: 


1) Add an attribute to the page:

"MyImage": {
	dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT,
	type: Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN,
	value: ""

2) Then add an ImageView element to the diff bound to that attribute: 

	"operation": "insert",
	"name": "MyPageImage",
	"values": {
		"itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.COMPONENT,
		"className": "Terrasoft.ImageView",
		"imageSrc": {
			"bindTo": "MyImage"
		"classes": {
			"wrapClass": [
	"parentName": "MyImageContainer",
	"propertyName": "items",
	"index": 0

3) Now, to show a image, all you have to do is set the image URL in the attribute:

this.set("MyImage", "https://someurl/dir/myimage.png");


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I need to do a custom button implementation, which will download the grid from the detail with all the data that is in the grid, like the similar function of the "PRINT" button.


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Hi Gabriel Cassimiro,

Please feel to explore the printables in the below thread.

It is explained for Portal users and in the same way, functionality has to be implemented in your custom section (Please be informed to debug the modules explained in the article and use it accordingly for your functionality).





Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

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Hi community!


I am trying to make uneditable the Customer column from Opportunity object based on the stages of the opportunity (dcm bar). My only issue is that I cannot find that column, in section wizard I find it as a script object - I am not sure how to work with that.

Thank you!

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Hi Nicolaiciuc Maria,

You can find this MultiLookup column implementation in the "BaseOpportunityPage" schema.


"Client": {
	"caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.Client"},
	"dataValueType": this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
	"multiLookupColumns": ["Contact", "Account"],
	"isRequired": true


    "operation": "insert",
    "parentName": "ProfileContainer",
    "propertyName": "items",
    "name": "OpportunityClient",
    "values": {
        "bindTo": "Client",
        "layout": {
            "column": 0,
            "row": 1,
            "colSpan": 24
        "tip": {
            "content": {
                "bindTo": "Resources.Strings.ClientTip"
        "controlWrapConfig": {
            "classes": {
                "wrapClassName": [
        "controlConfig": {
            "enableLeftIcon": true,
            "leftIconConfig": {
                "bindTo": "getMultiLookupIconConfig"
    "alias": {
        "name": "Client",
        "excludeProperties": [
        "excludeOperations": [


Please feel free to modify the below attribute in your "OpportunityPageV2" schema.

"Client": {
        "caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.Client"},
        "dataValueType": this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
        "multiLookupColumns": ["Contact", "Account"],
        "isRequired": true,
        "Enabled" : {"bindTo": setEnabled} 

Add below in the Methods section of your "OpportunityPageV2" schema.

setEnabled : function(){
    //Your custom logic
    return true or false


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

Bhoobalan Palanivelu,

Hello, and thank you for your help. I added the column in the attributes part of the schema and the function in the methods part. Unfortunately, in the console I get an error saying that my function is not defined. What should I look on further?

I am having the same issue and it is driving me mad. I followed the above steps but the page just hanged when trying to create a new opportunity. Has anyone resolved this?


Bhoobalan Palanivelu,

Hi Bhoobalan


I tried your solution and the page just hangs when creating a new Opportunity. It does not seem to like the new attribute code. Is there something else that needs to be added? 


Thanks in advance

Hi Rob,

The problem is that you need to write setEnabled in brackets:

"Enabled" : {"bindTo": "setEnabled"}

Also, instead of overriding attribute, you can add this to the diff:


				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "OpportunityClient",
				"values": {
					"enabled": {"bindTo": "setEnabled"} 


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I'm just getting started working with the new Freedom UI.  One thing I'm not able to find any information on is if the new Freedom UI supports mini page popups.  If not, is there a something that has been deemed a suitable replacement for that?  If not, any plans on the roadmap to add support for this?



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Hello Jeremy, 


Unfortunately, the support for mini pages for Freedom UI is not released yet. I created an idea for our developers to adopt this functionality in the future. 


Thank you, 


Hello Ihor,



Can you tell me if support for the mini page is already available in version 8.0.6? I can't find any documentation about it.


Thank you,


Hello Andreia, 


We expect this functionality to be available in 8.1.0 version of a system. 

Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

is it possible to use freedom ui mini page from classic view?

Huge thanks!


hi team,


is this functionality enabled now since we already have 8.1.0 version?

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I have created custom sections on the dev environment, and installed the package to the production environment.

When i try to apply object permissions in production, only the existing sections appear and not my custom sections.

Noting that i can see my sections in the workplace management interface.


Has anyone encountered this problem before ?


Thank you


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You need to check several options:

- Сheck that the object has no publishing errors, and compile the application. 

- Check the rights to the section/workspace and that the user has the right license.

- Check the mapping in the SysModul table. It is possible that the section was added to the same workplace twice and there are some duplicates at the database level, in this case, the section will simply not show up. You need to delete the entries at the database level and add the section again.


If the above tips do not help, it is better to contact technical support.

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I made a post earlier that helped me with a section grid but I currently need to add a custom button that should be on every grid line of a detail that was added in Orders.

As an example in the image above, you should have a custom button on all rows of the Detail grid.

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Hi Gabriel,

Have you tried to implement the logic in the corresponding detail Schema? https://community.creatio.com/questions/add-custom-button-all-rows. If implemented, could you please post the results after implementing them in your detail schema?


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

Yes, it was from this post that I tried, but for the Detail that I put in the printout, I couldn't get it to work with the Detail grid.

Gabriel Cassimiro,


Could you please share with us the current implementation that you are using from the previous post so we can investigate how can it be resolved?


Best regards,


Dariy Pavlyk,

I made the attempt to implement as in this post here: https://community.creatio.com/questions/add-custom-button-all-rows But for what I would like in specific it doesn't work.

Gabriel Cassimiro,


As Dariy Pavlyk mentioned, please share with us what has been implemented. The previously shared article is for the section and please share how did you implement in your scenario (the schemas you used, the implementation you did) With that further investigation could be made.


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.


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Hello community,


    How can i change the color of a "Finish deadline" (Code:"UsrDueDate") column on some condition in section list page. As mentioned in the below picture.



I am able to change the color of entired row.

I reffered to this link "https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-13/how-highlight-re…" to change the color of entire row but i need only a particular column.


Thanks in advance.




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Hello Manideep,


item.columns.ColumnName (ColumnName should be replaced with the needed column) object has no "customStyle" property so it won't be possible using the approach from the article you've shared.t


Additionally the issue is that we could theoretically try using custom CSS, but the issue here is that the grid columns have autogenerated IDs so it will be a complex task to get the element needed in the document to set a custom style. Please use the the approach with marking the whole grid record with some color instead.

Hello Manideep,


item.columns.ColumnName (ColumnName should be replaced with the needed column) object has no "customStyle" property so it won't be possible using the approach from the article you've shared.t


Additionally the issue is that we could theoretically try using custom CSS, but the issue here is that the grid columns have autogenerated IDs so it will be a complex task to get the element needed in the document to set a custom style. Please use the the approach with marking the whole grid record with some color instead.

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Добрый день, 

Подскажите пжл, что делаю не так. 

1. Установила приложение  https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/mailbox-section-creatio.

Все прекрасно, при запуске перехожу в мейл бокс, все ок.

2. Пытаюсь добавить раздел мейл бокс в рабочее место (какое именно значения не имеет, везде одинаковая ситуация). Выбираю его, но по факту раздел не добавляется, хотя на 1 сек происходит как-бы обновление страницы и добавление.    

В итоге попасть в раздел можно только по ссылке, что весьма неудобно.

Заранее благодарю за помощь.

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Добрый день!

Кажется, помогает очистка Redis. Тогда добавляется

Татьяна, добрый день!


Ошибка не воспроизводится на чистой сборке. Попробуйте сначала добавить в рабочее место любой базовый раздел, а после раздел Mailbox.

Добрый день, благодарю за ответы!

Вчера я протестила этот вариант - добавить любой базовый и оказалось, что это тоже не работает. Поэтому написала напрямую в  ТП, т.к. это подтверждает проблему не на стороне mail box, а на стороне creatio. Также написала о предложении Владимира очистить Redis. Когда ситуация разрешится, я отпишусь тут. 

Еще раз благодарю за подсказки.  

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