Is it possible to create cases with webhook integration ?

Using the new case management composable app, can we create cases with webhook (Eg: from support contact page on website)?

And can you populate the webhook with predefined values in addition to the form fields ?

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Yes. You can add a Case (or any entity) using a webhook. All you need to do is specify EntityName: Case in the payload and include any of the fields needed for the case, including any default values. 

What I've not tested yet (and I suspect cannot be done with a webhook) is include a nested payload for related data - such as an account)

Yes. You can add a Case (or any entity) using a webhook. All you need to do is specify EntityName: Case in the payload and include any of the fields needed for the case, including any default values. 

What I've not tested yet (and I suspect cannot be done with a webhook) is include a nested payload for related data - such as an account)

You can also specify in webhook an entity which will be used as an intermediate object before case registration. 

For ex, Submitted form. 

You will need to add your case relating fields in Submitted form (including nested payload) and then to write a process which will be triggered when a form is submitted and 

to manage nested data, perform any searches and register a case from this process.

More than using the webhook to entity conversion using the OOTB process, I've been just adding my own. If the payload from the webhook doesn't contain an "EntityName" the ootb process rejects it, however, you can still create your own process that triggers from a signal of webhook added, plus you can add filters for the headers or payload containing some specific values. Then deserialize the JSON payload and do whatever you want with it. I'll have an article written up on this topic soon.


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