Creatio keeps adding a package

Hello Community!


I have an on-prem installation of creatio studio compatibility edition version 8.0.9.

I installed the Customer 360 app and created my custom app in the application hub.

The newly created package is specified in the "CurrentPackageId" system setting


Now when I click on the gear icon on eg the contact list from the Customer 360 app, creatio creates a new package with a name in the format my case, it was "QsApp_oyuwyip".

This package has a special manifest file called app-descriptor-extension.json in the file system, which seems to be used to associate the package with the Customer 360 app and to extend it (the new package can be seen in the "advanced settings" part of the Customer 360 app).


I can move the ClientModule to my package and if I change it, then create will update it correctly (and not create a new module in the QsApp_oyuwyip package), but if I change something else (like the account page from the Customer 360 app) it will be stored in the QsApp_oyuwyip package again and I'd have to move it again.


This "feature" makes it more difficult to deploy the changes to our customer's system. We are using git and Clio in our CI/CD pipeline, which was built with one package to transfer in mind...

Is there a way to force the system to use my custom app/package to store all changes?




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In order to have the changes saved in the application to the desired package, you need to set it in the "Package in installed application" lookup. After doing this, the changes made to this application will be automatically saved in the package you have selected.


This behavior is described in the article on our academy for more detailed.

Thank you for your question.



In order to have the changes saved in the application to the desired package, you need to set it in the "Package in installed application" lookup. After doing this, the changes made to this application will be automatically saved in the package you have selected.


This behavior is described in the article on our academy for more detailed.

Thank you for your question.

Would definitely be a good video, feels like a recurring theme :)

I've been told the issue with random packages being selected for a customization to be saved in (and new packages being created) will be improved greatly over the next few versions. 

However, for now, you can control the package it will be saved in by changing the URL when you open a page for edits and appending the query string parameter &packageUId=[Your package UId]. This will force the editor to save the new version of the page in that package. If you want an easy way to get the package UId, simple click the [Add page] button in your application and copy this from the URL then use to add to the URL the first time you edit an existing Freedom UI page to force it to go into your package. Once the page is added to your package after the first save, you'll no longer need to add this to the URL and it will continue to save it to your package. 

For example, the *first* time you edit a page such as Contacts_FormPage, add this to the URL to force it to save into your package. From then on, editing that page will continue to save it to that package.


Ryan Farley,

Great tip 🙂


Great to hear there is plan to improve handling of the "auto" packages. Also from the marketplace directly in the application hub (only in dev/test instances) also create new empty packages each time since Creatio 8.1 is also quite confusing 😅. Hope they fix that before pushing the feature into production instances.

In the meantime, it would be great for Creatio to provide official proper guidance and tips to manage this.

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