Hi Community,
The goal is to execute a specific process each time another process returns errors on it's logs.
To achieve this we found on the community this post (https://community.creatio.com/questions/Notifyuserifbusinessprocessfails), where someone had the same goal. The correct answer for that post, says that we need to "create a view based on the SysProcessLog table and add this newly created object into your business process as a starting signal".
After creating the view and adding the new object to the business process as a starting signal, the process still does not run.

We checked the view and it's being populated correctly. Only the modified/added trigger are not being set.
To create the view we used the following guide https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-16/localizing-views.
Could you please help us understand and solve this issue?
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Pedro Pinheiro