Modify Timeline Entity


I am trying to add a new entry in the following because I enrolled a new Activity Type: Notes.

Do you know how to modify this, addon?

Below is the TimelineEntityValues where I want to add another entry.


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Hello Solem,

To make changes to the addon, you can modify the Modifications package node of the addon structure.

There is an article in Creatio Academy with an example of how you can customize the Timeline component:…

Hello Artem and Solem,
When i try to save the update made into the modification package i get the following error :
Unable to save changes for item "CallTimelineEntity". It is either created by third-party publisher or installed from the file archive

how can i correct this problem ?


LÉZORAY Nicolas,


For my case, I was trying to add a new option menu in the timeline so I ended up editing the Timeline through updating the database value for that timeline to enroll my new activity.type

Solem Khn,

Hello Solem,

It works on Freedom with the doc provide by Artem.

On Classic i used to modify the database but this way doesn't works on Freedom, is not it ?

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