Hello, we are not utilizing the Chat feature at this moment in time. Is there a way to remove this from our UI so that we don't cause confusion with our users?

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Best reply

Hello George,

I have an article on how to remove the icons from the Actions Dashboard here https://customerfx.com/article/removing-the-facebook-whatsapp-or-telegr…


Hello George,

I have an article on how to remove the icons from the Actions Dashboard here https://customerfx.com/article/removing-the-facebook-whatsapp-or-telegr…


This worked perfectly! Thanks so much for your assistance.

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Can anyone assist with this installation failure for the ITSM for Service Creatio marketplace add in?


Our version is 7.18.3 but that was not in the list below.

File attachments
Like 0




We reviewed this add-on and fixed the problem.

You can install the latest version with fix on this page:



Hi, I installed and didn't get some features mentioned in the manual, for example the "Dependence of case priority on urgency and impact level" lookup isn' installed, and also cannot add it, so this object isn't in the package, so when add urgency and case impact Priority didn't change as docummented


Have some package update?



Hi Julio,

We have reviewed this solution. It is deprecated, not supported, and does not meet the current Marketplace requirements. We have removed this app from the Marketplace and do not recommend using it.

That you for bringing this to our attention.


We are going to publish a new Banza ITMS box for Creatio solution in the near future. I believe that solution will cover your needs. You can learn more about it in the Coming soon section.

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Hi community,


I have an issue while updating Creatio from the 7.18.0 version to the 7.18.1 version. The base version I started from was the 7.17.4 and everything worked as expected for the update to the 7.18.0 update. When I try to update the version from the 7.18.0 to the 7.18.1 I have some problems, please take look at the screenshot below :



[11:10:15] Autogenerated\Src\ODataEntities\DuplicatesHistory.BackReferences.Deduplication.cs(21,52): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'DuplicatesHistory' does not exist in the namespace 'Terrasoft.Configuration' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [D:\Creatio\QUAL\Terrasoft.WebApp\Terrasoft.Configuration\Terrasoft.Configuration.ODataEntities.csproj]


This is an example of an error. I get this error for every single file under the "Autogenerated\Src\ODataEntities\" folder. I tried to give all the rights to the IIS user but it didn't changed anything. 


Any advise on how to solve this ? Before the update I regenerated the schema code sources and compiled the 7.18.0 version and everything worked as expected.


Thanks for you help !

Like 1


Best reply

Hello Jonathan,


After you tried to log in and it stuck, please change the URL in the address bar of the same tab to the next one and try to open it:



After that please try to generate the source code and re-compile the system.


Best regards,


Hello Jonathan,


Hope you're doing well.


Please try to proceed with the following recommendations (it should be done on the updated to 7.18.1 instance):


1. Check in the \web.config file of the external application, that keys Feature-UseSeparatedOdataEntitiesDll and Feature-ODataEntitiesCompilationInSeparatedDll are disabled. If there are no such keys, there is a need to add them in <appSettings> section:

<add key="Feature-UseSeparatedOdataEntitiesDll" value="false" />

<add key="Feature-ODataEntitiesCompilationInSeparatedDll" value="false" />

2. Generate a source code for all schemas through the UI or with a help of the corresponding operation of WorkspaceConsole:

"operation": "RegenerateAdditionalSchemaSources",

"configurationPath": "${WebAppRootDirectory}\Terrasoft.Configuration",

"confRuntimeParentDirectory": "${WebAppRootDirectory}",

"logPath": "${WorkspaceConsoleLogDirectory}",

"continueIfError": "True",

"workspaceName": "Default"

3. Compile a system and check whether everything works as expected.

4. Proceed with an update to further versions. In order to do so, delete from \InstallPackages folder with versions those to which the system has been already updated and run the update utility once again.


Best regards,


Hello Roman Rak,


Thank you for your answer. I've already done all the steps that you mentioned above before doing the update but I always get these errors. I did the update from version 7.17.4 to version 7.18.0 and I have no errors on the updater.exe. Then, when I do the update from the 7.18.0 to the 7.18.1, i get all these errors comming from the "Autogenerated\Src\ODataEntities\" folder. 


How can I do to solve these ?


Best regards,






Hi Jonathan,


I also had lots of errors in the same update, but I could still log in after the upgrade, so I just re-generated all source code schemas and recompiled and the version worked fine.


Hope this helps!


Best regards,


Hi Robert Pordes,


I treid to regenerate the schemas and recompile the version. I can now log in but have some errors. After the login screen, it blocks on the Creatio logo without any explicit errors. So, I looked at the console if there was any problem and the output is on the screenshot below. So, I tried to do a backup to the 7.17.4 version and ran the update to the 7.18.0 (which has absolutely no errors when updating) and I encounter the same issue. At first, when I try to log in, it prompt me to put the new linceses for the 7.18.0 and afterwards, when I've put the licenses, and try to log in, I encounter the same issue. I'm stuck on the Creatio logo with the exact same console errors. 


Any suggestion ? Thanks for your help by the way !




Hello Jonathan,


Thank you for your reply. Robert thank you for your help as well.

We have discussed and re-checked the described upgrade issues with the responsible team and they provided the fix for that. There was implemented a fix into the Updater utility. For a successful update process to version 7.18.1, you will need to replace the previously downloaded utility with the updated utility and configure the install.xml according to your task, after that you need to restart the upgrade process (can be checked on the copy for the first time).


Please find the needed utility in the link below:



Best regards,


Hi Roman,

I tried to restore the version to the 7.17.4 and proceed to the 7.18.0 using the new updater linked above. The updater prompts no errors. When trying to log in, I have the same errors printed in the google chrome console like you can see in the posts above.


I think that your updater should fix the problem of this issue :


"[11:10:15] Autogenerated\Src\ODataEntities\DuplicatesHistory.BackReferences.Deduplication.cs(21,52): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'DuplicatesHistory' does not exist in the namespace 'Terrasoft.Configuration' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [D:\Creatio\QUAL\Terrasoft.WebApp\Terrasoft.Configuration\Terrasoft.Configuration.ODataEntities.csproj]"


But not the other one... Apparently they aren't related. 


Any suggestion ?



Hello Jonathan,


Could you please tell us if there were any other error notifications in the update logs?


Thanks in advance.


Best regards,


Jonathan Quendoz,

same question as before: did you regenerate sources and recompile?




Hi Roman Rak,


Indeed from what i've seen in the updater.exe, I hadn't errors and everything worked fine. However, when I look into the logs, there is something strange. Here are some screenshots of the beginning of the logs :



[13:11:28] Error has occurred during the loading of workspace build

Could not load file or assembly 'IntegrationApi, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

Could not load file or assembly 'ExchangeApi, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

 System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.

   at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module)

   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes()

   at Terrasoft.Core.AppConnection.LoadWorkspaceAssembly(SysWorkspace workspace)


=== 11:11:28.9991 (UTC) === 

[13:11:29] Start info: 

[13:11:29] x64 

[13:11:29]     Help: help 

[13:11:29]     Operation: InstallFromRepository 

[13:11:29]     WorkspaceName: Default 

[13:11:29]     AutoExit: true 

[13:11:29]     SourcePath: D:\\UpdaterService\\delivery\\InstallPackages\\7_18_0/Pkg 

[13:11:29]     DestinationPath: D:\UpdaterService\delivery\InstallPackages\7_18_0\Temp 

[13:11:29]     ConfigurationPath: D:\\Creatio\\PROD\\Terrasoft.WebApp/Terrasoft.Configuration 

[13:11:29]     InstallPackageSqlScript: True 

[13:11:29]     InstallPackageData: True 

[13:11:29]     UpdateDBStructure: True 

[13:11:29]     RegenerateSchemaSources: True 

[13:11:29]     ContinueIfError: True 

[13:11:29]     AutoUpdateConfigurationVersion: True 

[13:11:29]     TreatDataErrorsAsWarnings: True 

[13:11:29]     UpdateDBStructure:  

[13:11:29]     LogPath: D:\\UpdaterService\\delivery\\InstallPackages\\7_18_0\\Log 

[13:11:29]     ConfRuntimeParentDirectory: D:\\Creatio\\PROD\\Terrasoft.WebApp 

[13:11:29]     SkipValidateActions: True 

[13:11:29]     SkipConstraints: False 

[13:11:29]     IsForceUpdateAllColumns: True 

[13:11:29]     UpdateSystemDBStructure: True 

[13:11:29]     ValidateSchemas: False 

[13:11:29]     Assembly version: 

[13:11:29]     Configuration version: 7.18.0 


And at the end of the logs :



=== 11:46:20.6114 (UTC) === 

[13:46:20] Compiling and saving in 'Default' workspace database 

[13:46:20] Loading schemas from database 

[13:46:23] Loading schemas from database is completed 

[13:46:23] InitializeContent started at 00:00:02.6654344 

[13:46:23] CopyProjectFile VisualStudioProjectFilePath = [D:\\Creatio\\PROD\\Terrasoft.WebApp/Terrasoft.Configuration\Terrasoft.Configuration.Dev.csproj] DefaultVisualStudioProjectFilePath = [D:\Creatio\PROD\Terrasoft.WebApp\DesktopBin\WorkspaceConsole\Terrasoft.Configuration\Terrasoft.Configuration.Dev.csproj] 

[13:46:27] InitializeContent finished at 00:00:06.5509964 

[13:46:27] WorkspaceCompiler.Build started at 00:00:06.5513397 

[13:46:27] OldUI = False 

[13:46:27] NetStandardCompatibilityMode = True 

[13:46:28] Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 16.7.2+b60ddb6f4 for .NET 

[13:46:28] Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 

[13:46:32]   Determining projects to restore... 

[13:46:32]   Restored D:\Creatio\PROD\Terrasoft.WebApp\Terrasoft.Configuration\Terrasoft.Configuration.Dev.csproj (in 184 ms). 

[13:46:36]   No way to resolve conflict between "log4net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=669e0ddf0bb1aa2a" and "log4net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1b44e1d426115821". Choosing "log4net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=669e0ddf0bb1aa2a" arbitrarily. 

[13:47:35]   Terrasoft.Configuration.Dev -> D:\Creatio\PROD\Terrasoft.WebApp\Terrasoft.Configuration\bin\Terrasoft.Configuration.dll 

[13:47:35] Build succeeded. 

[13:47:35]     0 Warning(s) 

[13:47:35]     0 Error(s) 

[13:47:35] Time Elapsed 00:01:07.30 

[13:47:35] WorkspaceCompiler.Build finished at 00:01:15.2821526 

[13:47:36] Compilation Time: 00:01:15.3597809 

[13:47:47] Processed elements: 1 out of 1 

[13:47:47] Utility finished working. 



In the middle of the logs I didn't found anything that could help us out, everything worked and installed correctly.


Any suggestions with the help of these screenshots ? 


Thanks a lot for your time !

Hello Jonathan,


After you tried to log in and it stuck, please change the URL in the address bar of the same tab to the next one and try to open it:



After that please try to generate the source code and re-compile the system.


Best regards,


Hi Robert Pordes,


Yes, every time after doiing something I always regenerate new schemas and compile the system from the workspace console.


Best regards,


Hi Roman Rak,


It worked ! However, I generated the schemas source code from the workspace console utility using the "RegenerateAdditionalSchemaSources" and then compiled from the workspace console using the "BuildWorkspace" operation and it didn't worked ! 


However, in the community they clearly said to me that compiling from the Workspace Console and from the UI is absolutely equivalent.




How could you explain this ? And how could I know that I've should go and generate schemas and compile from there : https://your_site/0/ClientApp/#/WorkspaceExplorer  ?


Thanks a lot for your help, the point is that it works now but I would love some explanation to this strange problem.

Hello Jonathan,


Thank you for letting us know. The link I have provided was taken from the demo site when I was opening the Advanced settings section (basically the ending of the link is the same for all instances starting from version 7.17.0).


Also, we have informed the responsible team about the behavior you have faced during the update to version 7.18.1.


Best regards,


Hello Roman Rak,


Thanks for your answer. How could you explain the fact that when generating schemas and compiling from the workspace console it didn't worked but when I generated schemas and compiled from the UI it worked if the two procedures are equivalent ?


Best regards,


Hello Jonathan,


It's difficult to specify the reason without details. We suggest checking application logs to check if there were any error notifications when you have run the needed operations via the workspace console.


Best regards,


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Dear mates,

Can i close the opportunity page in a process  ?

When an opportunity is closed and won, an order page opens automatically.

As soon as the user save the order, the order page close and the user returns to the opportunity.

I would like he stays on the order when he save it and i would like to close the opportunity too.

How can i do this ?

Thank you


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Dear Nicolas,


As of now, this can be achieved only via development. You can find examples of this implementation on community: https://community.creatio.com/questions/how-stop-redirection-new-order-section-opportunity



Best regards,


Dear Max,


i override  the Save method and i modify my autosave method and it works fine i stay on the order where the order is saved.


But when i add a product to the order, the order is saved and it go back to the opportunity.


Do you know where the save method is call in this case ?

In my orderproduct detail, there is a save button:


Shall i override the save method of the orderproduct detail ?


Thank you !




LÉZORAY Nicolas,




You will need to override the _navigateBack method (that is called by the afterSave method) of the ProductSelectionSchema schema. This method publishes the "BackHistoryState" message via sandbox and is responsible for pushing the user back in the history.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Hi Oscar,

So i have to replace the ProductSelectionSchema.

In the documentation, i have to used "Replacing Client Module":


But i cann't find it in my system:


What must i used to replace ProductSelectionSchema ?


Thank you !


LÉZORAY Nicolas,


You need to use a replacing view model.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thank you Oscar,


i overrided the ProductSelectionSchema _navigateBack method.

i commented the line: this.sandbox.publish("BackHistoryState");


Now when i save the product in my orderproduct detail, i stay on the orderproduct selection page. how can i close the detail page to go back into the order ?

Oscar Dylan,

by overloading the _navigateBack method, I haven't found a way to close the product details page without the order also closing.

LÉZORAY Nicolas,

Override de productselectionschema:


            methods: {


                 * Additional processing after products saving.

                 * @protected


                afterSave: function(args) {

                    this.sandbox.publish("ProductSelectionSave", this.findSelectedProducts(), [this.sandbox.id]);





                 * @protected


                UsrnavigateBack: function() {

                    var isOpportunityPage = window.location.href.indexOf("OpportunityPageV2") > 0;

                    if(!isOpportunityPage) {


                        this.set("IsPageClosed", true);

                    } else {

                        this.config = this.sandbox.publish("ProductSelectionInfo", null, [this.sandbox.id]) || {};

                        window.location.assign("ViewModule.aspx#CardModuleV2/OrderPageV2/edit/"  + this.config.masterRecordId);





and it works !

even if at the end the user pust close two times the opportunity

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Hello community!

Is there any way to assign multiple departments (in different accounts) to a single contact?


For example, I have a contact who works in several accounts and in each account he is in a specific department. Some contacts are in multiple departments in the same account. For rights, it's easy, we can use functional/organizational roles but I need my contact to be in multiple accounts. How can I do this? With Creatio, I can only assign one account to a contact. If I assign another account, the previous account will appear in the job experience and it will not be his primary job..


About the accounts it's something like that :


Main Entity


   └───sub unit 1

       ├───sub sub unit 1

       │   └───sub sub sub unit 1

       └───sub sub unit 2

           └───sub sub sub unit 2


I have up to 5 levels of depth (main -> unit -> sub unit -> sub sub unit -> sub sub sub unit).

And I need my contact to be in 2 different units (sub sub unit 1 and sub sub unit 2 for example).

Each (sub) unit is an account because I had too many problems with departments (departments don't appear for some reason but I am able to assign a department to a contact.


I need to see the same contact working in two different accounts. So, in the page of the first account, I need to see the contact. For the second account as well.

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Best reply

Dear Julien,

In Creatio a contact can only have one primary job. However, you can add new jobs or mark the existing ones in "Job history" as "current". This way if you go to any of the accounts marked as "current job" of the contact you will see the contact in the "Contacts" detail of "Contacts and Structure" tab.

You can find more information about managing job experience here: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/crm_tools/accounts_and_contacts/manage_job_experience


Hello Julien, 

Can you please clarify your request a bit? 

Thank you in advance.

Hi Roman,


I've updated my post !

Dear Julien,

In Creatio a contact can only have one primary job. However, you can add new jobs or mark the existing ones in "Job history" as "current". This way if you go to any of the accounts marked as "current job" of the contact you will see the contact in the "Contacts" detail of "Contacts and Structure" tab.

You can find more information about managing job experience here: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/crm_tools/accounts_and_contacts/manage_job_experience


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