

Is there a way to configure a field's logic in client module like,

If condition A, use lookup A

if condition B, use lookup B


Can you provide a sample code for it? 


Thank you!

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You can use the business rules for this purpose and do it with no-code methods. Please check the article "Set up business rules" for the newest versions of the Creatio application. 

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Hi Team,


We notice below redis timeout error in application logs - 

Redis LogRetryData - Retry operation. RetryCount = [1]. Sleep duration = [00:00:05]. Causing exception: 

[StackExchange.Redis.RedisTimeoutException: Timeout performing HMGET (5000ms), next: HMGET 0f21kpmv0wrwvnntd5cf3ah2:Cache, inst: 1, qu: 0, qs: 26, aw: False, rs: ReadAsync, ws: Idle, in: 188, in-pipe: 35, out-pipe: 762, serverEndpoint:, mgr: 10 of 10 available, clientName: , IOCP: (Busy=48,Free=952,Min=4,Max=1000), WORKER: (Busy=49,Free=32718,Min=4,Max=32767), v: 2.0.601.3402 (Please take a look at this article for some common client-side issues that can cause timeouts: https://stackexchange.github.io/StackExchange.Redis/Timeouts)

   at StackExchange.Redis.ConnectionMultiplexer.ExecuteSyncImpl[T](Message message, ResultProcessor`1 processor, ServerEndPoint server)

   at StackExchange.Redis.RedisBase.ExecuteSync[T](Message message, ResultProcessor`1 processor, ServerEndPoint server)

   at StackExchange.Redis.RedisDatabase.HashGet(RedisKey key, RedisValue[] hashFields, CommandFlags flags)

   at Terrasoft.Redis.StackExchangeAdapters.RedisClientAdapter.GetValuesFromHash[TValue](String hashId, String[] keys)

   at Terrasoft.Redis.BaseRedisStore.<>c__DisplayClass22_0.b__0()

   at Polly.Policy.<>c__DisplayClass119_0`1.b__0(Context ctx, CancellationToken ct)

   at Polly.Policy.<>c__DisplayClass129_0`1.b__0(Context ctx, CancellationToken ct)

   at Polly.RetrySyntax.<>c__DisplayClass12_1.b__1(Context ctx, CancellationToken ct)

   at Polly.Retry.RetryEngine.Implementation[TResult](Func`3 action, Context context, CancellationToken cancellationToken, IEnumerable`1 shouldRetryExceptionPredicates, IEnumerable`1 shouldRetryResultPredicates, Func`1 policyStateFactory)]


A few articles found online suggested extending timeout on redis client using connectTimeout to more than default 5000ms. The timeout parameter was added in the connection string and set to 10000. Yet, we see the same type of timeout error referencing 5000ms. 

Connection string for redis as follows- 

; db=; port=6379; connectTimeout=10000; maxReadPoolSize=250; maxWritePoolSize=250; " />

Has anyone come across this issue before? Any insight is very much appreciated.


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This issue occurs due to a heavy load on the website.

We noticed that you recently contacted our support regarding this matter. After thoroughly examining the information you provided, we concluded that the issue likely arises because there is insufficient processing power during operations. You need to monitor performance. This error is related to performance, CPU load, or it could be a general (temporary server issue) due to server overload. At some point, certain operations slow down the system and degrade performance, affecting everything—logs and Redis included.

For example, there could be throttling on the website, insufficient CPU resources, or many concurrent threads, which could lead to a lack of retries. If you carefully review your error, you'll notice that typically only one retry is attempted—meaning the operation failed once and then a retry occurred. In this case, these are not critical errors but rather a consequence of what’s happening on the server. So, this issue is a result of a performance problem, and it could also be related to a filled Redis database. However, you need to analyze the overall website performance.

I also noticed that you changed the connectionStrings, but it is set in the web.config file in the Redis configuration.

In the Redis configuration, the connectionStringName="redis", the default timeout is set to 30 seconds.


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Hi Team,


I'm trying to set up a report for Order section using FastReport. The intent is for users to apply the required date filter on the Order section and generate the report for that period. For eg, order report for month of April, May etc.

The problem I'm facing is that I'm unable to show the selected date period on the report heading (eg. Order Report 04/01/2024 - 04/30/2024). All the rest of the data populates fine. Not sure if there is a way to pass them as parameters to the report template.

Can anyone suggest a way to achieve this?

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To display the selected date range in the report heading using FastReport, you'll need to pass the date parameters to the report and then use them in the report's header. 


In this matter, new logic for the interaction of these fields will need to be implemented and specified in the data provider. Unfortunately, we do not have ready-made solutions for this implementation. This approach still needs to be tested.

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any support with runtime error? Can you share your experience?


Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.

Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".

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Please contact out support team directly at support@creatio.com so we could analyze this issue.

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Hello! Does anyone know how to add an iframe to a specific entry in the details?
It’s just that an iframe should appear inside a specific entry below the values. It will appear when a detail entry is active.

Thank you in advance!

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In the current version of Creatio, it is not possible to add an iframe directly into a details column. However, you can add a button to a grid detail that opens a modal window containing an iframe. I followed the guidelines from - here.

I added an "Account Detail Test" to the Account section with a "Link" column and a "View Frame" button. When this button is clicked, it sets the detail record field values into session storage. Here is an example of the logic I implemented:1
Code of UsrFrameControl:
Code of UsrModalPage:
Code of test detail on account page:
The main point is to store the link in session storage. To achieve this, I added a "Link" column to the detail. In the FrameControl module, you read this value and set it as the src attribute of the iframe.

Hope this helps!

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Hi all,


Further to the thread below, is it possible to make a button added to the active row of a detail conditional?
Add button into the active row of detail | Community Creatio

I want to make the button enabled on a certain condition but when I add the enabled and visible values to the Diff of the datagrid, I get no result (tried passing "enabled": false to check it wasn't an issue with the CanSplitFlights method)

define("UsrFlightsDetail", ["ProcessModuleUtilities"], function(ProcessModuleUtilities) {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "UsrFlights",
		details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "DataGrid",
				"parentName": "Detail",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"values": {
					"activeRowActions": [],
					"activeRowAction": {"bindTo": "onActiveRowAction"}
				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "DataGridActiveRowSplitFlights",
				"parentName": "DataGrid",
				"propertyName": "activeRowActions",
				"values": {
					"className": "Terrasoft.Button",
					"style": Terrasoft.controls.ButtonEnums.style.BLUE,
					"caption": "Split flights",
					"tag": "SplitFlights",
					"visible": true,
					"enabled": CanSplitFlights
		methods: {
            CanSplitFlights: function() {
                var FlightTypeId = this.getActiveRow().get("UsrFlightType");
				var FlightTypeValue =  FlightTypeId  && FlightTypeId.value;
				if (FlightTypeValue == '3a0d3b1b-9af5-472a-bac9-e785500ac4e9') {
					return true;
                return false;
			onActiveRowAction: function(SplitFlights) {
				switch (SplitFlights) {
					case "SplitFlights":
			onSplitFlights: function(){
					sysProcessName: "UsrSplitFlights",
					parameters: {
						FlightId: this.getActiveRow().get("Id")
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Best reply

I've done some hacky options that sort of worked manipulating the button elements in the dom on row click, but I've never been able to have it work binding an attribute to the visible/enabled of the row buttons and change row by row. That's never worked for me. Instead I typically do a check in the code that executes on click to let the user know if it's not available for the row. I'd love to know if there's some way for this to work, but from experience it doesn't work. 

I've done some hacky options that sort of worked manipulating the button elements in the dom on row click, but I've never been able to have it work binding an attribute to the visible/enabled of the row buttons and change row by row. That's never worked for me. Instead I typically do a check in the code that executes on click to let the user know if it's not available for the row. I'd love to know if there's some way for this to work, but from experience it doesn't work. 

Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan. I'll call it quits then and add a check on click.

Honestly, it's more of an aesthetic requirement than a functional one. Ideally I won't offer the user a button that they can't click.

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Hello Creatio Community,

I'm creating a script task for email sender using a documentation from creatio team. I followed the provided instructions for creating the script task, but when I published  the script task some errors occured.

Some of the classes and interface cannot be found also the IntegrationApi library cannot be found.

source code below :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Terrasoft.Common;
using Terrasoft.Core;
using Terrasoft.Core.Configuration;
using Terrasoft.Core.DB;
using Terrasoft.Core.Entities;
using Terrasoft.Core.Factories;
using Terrasoft.Core.Process;
using Terrasoft.Core.Process.Configuration;
using Terrasoft.Mail;
using Terrasoft.Mail.Sender;
using IntegrationApi;

    var mailBoxSettingId = Get("SenderMailbox");
    var emailClientFactory = ClassFactory.Get(
    new ConstructorArgument("userConnection", UserConnection));
    var emailSender = ClassFactory.Get(
    new ConstructorArgument("emailClientFactory", emailClientFactory),
    new ConstructorArgument("userConnection", UserConnection));
    var entity = UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("MailboxSyncSettings").CreateEntity(Uif (entity.FetchFromDB("Id", mailBoxSettingId, new List { "SenderEmailAddress" })) {
    var senderEmailAddress = entity.GetTypedColumnValue("SenderEmailAddress");
    var message = new Terrasoft.Mail.Sender.EmailMessage {
    From = senderEmailAddress,
    To = Get("Recipient").Split(';').ToList(),
    // Cc = List{ "first@recepient.co", "second@recepient.co"},
    // Bcc = List{ "first@recepient.co", "second@recepient.co"},
    Subject = Get("Subject"),
    Body = Get("Body"),
    Priority = Terrasoft.Mail.Sender.EmailPriority.Normal
    var attachment = new Terrasoft.Mail.Sender.EmailAttachment {
    Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
    Name = "test.txt",
    Data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("some test text")
    return true;

errors in lines :

    var emailClientFactory = ClassFactory.Get(
            var emailSender = ClassFactory.Get(
            var message = new Terrasoft.Mail.Sender.EmailMessage {
            Priority = Terrasoft.Mail.Sender.EmailPriority.Normal
            var attachment = new Terrasoft.Mail.Sender.EmailAttachment {

Documents in this link:
page 14: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/sites/academy_en/files/pdf/node/1474/Sending_emails_.pdf



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Hello Alba,
Thanks for your question.

I am glad to assist you however it is hard to understand what causes the error without error messages. Could you please enable tracing for you business process and share the error message? 

This code works fine for me:


Hope this helps


I had the same issue following the same article.


Then I decided to do differently. No code is needed :



By using the element process file you can generate the printable then using the file in the process allows you to add the file generated in the email as attachment, you don't need to store the file in an activity record.


Tell me if you need more details.

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Hello Creation Community,

I have developed functionality that displays printables based on specific configurations. I have overridden the initCardPrintForms method and other necessary methods. However, I've encountered an issue: this development works correctly only when the page is rendered for the first time.
I need to refresh the list of printables whenever the "Product" field, used as a filter, is updated. Here's the relevant code snippet:

onProductUpdate: function(){
this.setFZSelectedApp(this.$PrimaryColumnValue, true, null);
Even though the collection of printables updates during debugging, the action buttons, including the print button, do not reflect these changes.
Based on my developments the "Application form report" should be excluded after the product was updated.

Displaying image.png

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Look at this discussion, I believe you can find useful information there.

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I have a detail that uses an object  that represents structure of database view, the detail is non editable. 

What can I do that on double click of a row to open a page that contains the detail's columns as fields?

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Dear Alba,


You can register details based on a database view that will open to editing, the same way you can add a detail based on a regular object.

You can read more about these implementations in the following tree: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platform/detail-examples


Have a great day!

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The records of associations in the MailboxFoldersCorrespondence and ActivityFolder tables exist, but when an email arrives, the Activity is not linked to the ActivityFolder, ActivityInFolder is empty. As a result, all emails are not associated with the folder on the mail server in which they are located.

How can I fix it?


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Dear Sergey,


Could you please provide us with an example and more details of this issue?


Thank you in advance!

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