We are using the devlabs Excel Reports Builder add-on and since the Creatio upgrade to Version 7.17 or 7.18 it is not possible anymore to upload templates. The upload in itself seems to go well as there is no error message indicating otherwise. But the checkbox "Template uploaded" is not set to True and after generating the report it is obvious that the template was not uploaded because none of the uploaded changes are in the generated report.

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Hi Oliver!

I recommend updating your add-on to the latest version as this issue was fixed in it. You can find the latest version on this page:


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Hello, i have to move one field from a section detail tab to another tab, how can i do that?



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Hello Alvaro,

Unfortunately, there is no basic tool to implement your business task. 

So, we recommend you create a new field on the tab.

Best regards,


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What is the font on the Cases processing tab? can it be configured by the user? When we send emails via template, we use arial, but shown on the processing time it seems to change to Times New Roman. Can this be configured?

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Hi Mitch,


Thank you for your question!


In order to change the font, please edit the template according to your needs, then select the whole text and choose the fond needed. Unfortunately, this is the only option at the moment. Currently, there is no possibility to apply the font by default for regular emails. Our R&D team has a functionality request in an "Accepted" status regarding the possibility of applying default font for regular emails so we can expect this logic in one of the nearest releases. 


Kind regards,


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Verison 7.18.3. We have process build on object:

In this procees there is a start poin tthat is no longer needed, but I do not see a possibility to delete it (I was able to delete related Script taks though) :

I tried to deactivate Event taht was catched in this start point - but that didn't remove the start point itself.

Please, advice how to remove this element? 


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Thank you for your question!


It can be deactivated in object settings in tab 'events':

Just unclick the element you no longer need.


Kind regards,


Anastasiia Lazurenko,

thanks, but I actually did that already (see my original message: "

I tried to deactivate Event taht was catched in this start point - but that didn't remove the start point itself." ). This Event is not trigered, but start poin in Processs is still there

What did I do wrong there? 


Юлія Дяків,




Thank you for the information!


In this case the best way to resolve this is to:

1. Try changing the Start Signal by clicking the Gear button and to see if this helps deleting it;

2. If this won`t help, the fastest and the most convenient solution would be creating a new Business Process copying the Diagram and the settings of this Business Process.

Please make sure to deactivate this current process after you create a new one from scratch (copying it may result in the same error)


Hope this helps!


Thank you!





Danyil Onoprienko,

thank you. 

Changing the Start Signal didn't help to delete it, unfortunatelly.

As for the solution describd in 2. it could work, but isn't the best approach: in case process is big, with a lot of elements, such "cope-paste" could lead to mistake, and needs extencive testing aftervards.

Best regards, Iuliia



Thank you for your patience.


We have confirmed that this is an out-of-the-box behavior of an Entity (event) sub-process. You can delete the whole box itself, but not the start-element within it:


There is no way of deleting the start element in this Event sub-process.


Hope this  clarifies!





Danyil Onoprienko,

thank you so much for clarification. This seems to ne unnecessary limitation to my view, but you surelly have a reason for such behaviour so we will keep that in mind. Thanks again!

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Hi Community!


Is there a way to prevent users from logging into the system?

For example if we do maintenance, deployments or have to restart the system?




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Hi Robert,

Unfortunately, there is no such functionality in our system. 

As a workaround, you can deactivate users by SQL queries.

Best regards,


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Hi community,


I installed the multichoice package from the marketplace and I created a combobox but for some reason I'm not able to save the data once I filled the created combobox.


Here is my schema :

define("MTF_Candidat1Page", ["MultiChoiceMixin"], function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "MTF_Candidat",
		attributes: {
			"UsrComboBox": {
				"dataValueType": Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP
		mixins: {
			MultiChoiceMixin: "Terrasoft.MultiChoiceMixin"
		methods: {
			init: function() {
				this.mixins.MultiChoiceMixin.init.call(this, arguments);
			getMultiChoiceEntitiesConfig: function() {
				items = {
					UsrComboBox: {
						mainEntitySchemaName: "MTF_Candidat",
						mainColumnName: "Lkp_Francais",
						relatedEntitySchemaName: "MTFcompetenceslinguistiques",
						relatedColumnName: "Name"
				return items;
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
				"operation": "insert",
				"parentName": "TabMTFInfosCandidatTabLabelGridLayoutd7450211",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"name": "UsrComboBox",
				"values": {
					"className": "Terrasoft.MultiChoiceCombobox",
					"layout": {
						"colSpan": 12,
						"rowSpan": 2,
						"column": 0,
						"row": 0,
						"layoutName": "TabMTFInfosCandidatTabLabelGridLayoutd7450211"
					"bindTo": "UsrComboBox",
					"dataValueType": Terrasoft.DataValueType.ENUM,
					"labelConfig": {
						"caption": "Test ComboBox"

"UsrComboBox" is an attribute I created in the attributes of this schema.

"MTF_Candidat" is an object that I created in the page wizard.

"Lkp_Francais" is the field ID for a lookup already defined in the page wizard. By default when I created Lkp_Francais, the connected lookup is "MTFcompetenceslinguistiques".

"MTFcompetenceslinguistiques" is a basic lookup with only the inherited fields


It produces this combobox :

The UI part it works fine :

But if I save my object, close it and reopen it, the data previously filled in the combobox are no longer there:


I tried to generate the source code for all the modified schemas in the advanced settings, then I recompiled everything and it still doesn't work.

Do you have any idea what is going on and what I can do to solve this problem?


EDIT : in my getMultiChoiceEntitiesConfig method I tried to change

mainColumnName: "Lkp_Francais"


mainColumnName: "Id"

as recommanded in https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/multiple-choice-field-setup-creatio under the installation part and this time when I save my object it just load indefinitely. I tried to change it to "MTFContactCandidat" which is a lookup connected to a Contact object and the result was the same,when I click on save it loads indefinitely.


Best regards,


Julien G.

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Best reply

Hi Julien,

This add on should work with a detail which linked with your main entity (MTF_Candidat) and the lookup (MTFcompetenceslinguistiques).


According to the information you mentioned, you only have a field in the MTF_Candidat which linked to MTFcompetenceslinguistiques.

Therefore, you need change your design by creating a detail which allows you to store multiple records from the lookup and link to the main object.


After that your item configuration should be something like this:


items = {
 UsrComboBox: {
		mainEntitySchemaName: "DetailObject", //Detail Object code
		mainColumnName: "ColumnConnectedToMainObject", //The column in the created detail which link to MTF_Candidat.
		relatedEntitySchemaName: "MTFcompetenceslinguistiques", //Lookup object,Your configuration is Correct.
		relatedColumnName: "ColumnConnectedToLookup" //The column in the created detail which link to MTFcompetenceslinguistiques



Cheng Gong

Hi Julien,

This add on should work with a detail which linked with your main entity (MTF_Candidat) and the lookup (MTFcompetenceslinguistiques).


According to the information you mentioned, you only have a field in the MTF_Candidat which linked to MTFcompetenceslinguistiques.

Therefore, you need change your design by creating a detail which allows you to store multiple records from the lookup and link to the main object.


After that your item configuration should be something like this:


items = {
 UsrComboBox: {
		mainEntitySchemaName: "DetailObject", //Detail Object code
		mainColumnName: "ColumnConnectedToMainObject", //The column in the created detail which link to MTF_Candidat.
		relatedEntitySchemaName: "MTFcompetenceslinguistiques", //Lookup object,Your configuration is Correct.
		relatedColumnName: "ColumnConnectedToLookup" //The column in the created detail which link to MTFcompetenceslinguistiques



Cheng Gong

Cheng Gong,


Thanks for your answer!



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Why the City, State/Province, and Country fields are not filled for several (18) accounts?

All these accounts have shipping addresses with the city, state, and country filled.

I tried to change a city in address, but that didn't make a change in the Account's City field.

All other accounts (thousands of accounts) have city, state and country filled.

We need the fields to filter accounts.

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Best reply

Yuriy Konstantinov,

please check if the addresses of the 18 accounts are marked as primary. Only those addresses will be synced to the respective account fields.




Hello Yuriy,

I'm not sure what your question about is.

Are you not able to fill the field in the communication options detail? 

Best regards,



How does a communication option connects to address? I think it's a different thing

Yuriy Konstantinov,

please check if the addresses of the 18 accounts are marked as primary. Only those addresses will be synced to the respective account fields.




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Hi, I've got a page holding two new checkboxes. If the first checkbox (let's say "A") is marked, the second (let's call it "B") has to be unmarked and the other way around. I set the condition in the rules tab, in the page wizard, and each time I clicked on one of the boxes, the second became unavailable as it was projected. However, clicking on the labels of those boxes allowed for marking both of them! I thought I made a mistake and removed the condition.

Having known that both checkboxes are defined in diff array, I declared two schema attributes controlling if they are enabled/disabled. I also glued to the definition of checkboxes event-handlers in this way that each checkbox has its own click event-handler. Event handlers are defined in the section for methods.

Each event handler is responsible for controlling the state of the second checkbox if the first is marked/unmarked. And this time, it also works like a charm, but only when I click on checkboxes. Again when I click on labels of checkboxes, it's possible to mark both checkboxes at the same time. Moreover, it's impossible to handle click-events from these labels.

If it were "normal" js or ts I would handle that easily. Here, I'm running out of ideas. Could you advise me on how to achieve control on those labels, as well (to be precise, I need to have responsive labels to improve user experience)? What I've done wrong so far?

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Dear Duffy,


Thank you for submitting your question!


Could you please elaborate more on your question and possibly provide some screenshots?


Thank you!





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I have a Business Process that creates Leads based on incoming mails. The scenario that creates a problem is- Person- X recommends person- Y and sends a recommendation mail. Now receiving this Mail the BP creates a new Lead. Meanwhile person-Y sends a mail describing His needs, following which the BP gets triggered and creates a new Lead for this mail. Currently both the mail refers to Person-Y, and 2 leads are created for Person-Y.  I need to avoid this duplicate Lead creation. I tried to use "Setup duplicate rules" option, but both mails have different names and email ID.

How to avoid this duplicates Lead creation?


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Hello Angel,

It is difficult to give an exact answer, but you can try the following approach.

Try to add a search for similar leads to the process of creating leads from the business process.

You can add conditional flows that will check duplicates in the system under certain conditions and direct the process to the appropriate branch.

Best regards,



 yes we have planned to use conditional flows to check the lead email Id if it is same merge the records or kept them as it is. Thank you Bogdan

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Hi community

When placing the GivenName, MiddleName, and Surname fields on the contact's placeholder card, they found that these fields were incorrectly parsed from Name.

This appears to be happening in ContactGmsFieldConverter.

In Italy is usually found contact with 2 given name or 2 surname,

for example the name Carlo Alberto dalla Chiesa should be parsed

  • GivenName: Carlo
  • Middle Name: Alberto
  • Surname: dalla Chiesa

while the ContactGmsFieldConvert parses the FullName in

  • GiveName Carlo
  • Middle Name: Alberto dalla
  • Surname: Chiesa

How can I disable it ?

I created a business process that takes the values filled in the GivenName, MiddleName and Surname fields, concatenates them together and assigns it to the Name field, but I got the unexpected result.

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Hello Stefano,


Thank you for your question!


The solution here is to leave the system setting with code ContactFieldConverter empty (please see the screenshot below):



After that, you need to log out of the system and log in again. This should help!


Kind regards,


Anastasiia Lazurenko,

Thank you Anastasiia

it works!

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