Is it possible to specify an extra column or 2 to be used for searching against when typing text into a combobox in Freedom UI? The use case is that users can select an Account in the ComboBox lookup, but should be able to search in that dropdown combobox using either the account's Name, or its Account Number.


I know it's possible to do this by opening up the modal lookup window when that's configured, but to save some clicks ideally it would be possible to just type/paste into the combobox to achieve this behaviour.

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Hello Harvey,


It's not possible for now, but we've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 

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I want to run a web service on combobox changed event.

What is the syntax of register the handler in the client module file? 

(What do I need to write in viewConfigDiff --> values to execute the handler on the change event?)




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Best reply

You can see how to respond to the change event here:…

Also, for calling the web service see here…


You can see how to respond to the change event here:…

Also, for calling the web service see here…


Thanks! It solved my problem :)

Hello Ahmad Al Najjar,


Which one? Can you please provide an example on what specifically is not working?


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Hey guys,


I have a ComboBox that I would need to have a dynamic list of values. Is there a way in Freedom to make it so that the values do not come from a specific lookup dataset, and are only manually populated?



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Currently it's not possible to achieve using handlers or basic Freedom UI wizard. We've already created a suggestion to our R&D team to make it possible in future application versions and once it's done we will inform everyone in the Academy and Release notes. Thank you for helping us in making the app better!

Best regards,


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Hi community,


I installed the multichoice package from the marketplace and I created a combobox but for some reason I'm not able to save the data once I filled the created combobox.


Here is my schema :

define("MTF_Candidat1Page", ["MultiChoiceMixin"], function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "MTF_Candidat",
		attributes: {
			"UsrComboBox": {
				"dataValueType": Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP
		mixins: {
			MultiChoiceMixin: "Terrasoft.MultiChoiceMixin"
		methods: {
			init: function() {
				this.callParent(arguments);, arguments);
			getMultiChoiceEntitiesConfig: function() {
				items = {
					UsrComboBox: {
						mainEntitySchemaName: "MTF_Candidat",
						mainColumnName: "Lkp_Francais",
						relatedEntitySchemaName: "MTFcompetenceslinguistiques",
						relatedColumnName: "Name"
				return items;
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
				"operation": "insert",
				"parentName": "TabMTFInfosCandidatTabLabelGridLayoutd7450211",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"name": "UsrComboBox",
				"values": {
					"className": "Terrasoft.MultiChoiceCombobox",
					"layout": {
						"colSpan": 12,
						"rowSpan": 2,
						"column": 0,
						"row": 0,
						"layoutName": "TabMTFInfosCandidatTabLabelGridLayoutd7450211"
					"bindTo": "UsrComboBox",
					"dataValueType": Terrasoft.DataValueType.ENUM,
					"labelConfig": {
						"caption": "Test ComboBox"

"UsrComboBox" is an attribute I created in the attributes of this schema.

"MTF_Candidat" is an object that I created in the page wizard.

"Lkp_Francais" is the field ID for a lookup already defined in the page wizard. By default when I created Lkp_Francais, the connected lookup is "MTFcompetenceslinguistiques".

"MTFcompetenceslinguistiques" is a basic lookup with only the inherited fields


It produces this combobox :

The UI part it works fine :

But if I save my object, close it and reopen it, the data previously filled in the combobox are no longer there:


I tried to generate the source code for all the modified schemas in the advanced settings, then I recompiled everything and it still doesn't work.

Do you have any idea what is going on and what I can do to solve this problem?


EDIT : in my getMultiChoiceEntitiesConfig method I tried to change

mainColumnName: "Lkp_Francais"


mainColumnName: "Id"

as recommanded in under the installation part and this time when I save my object it just load indefinitely. I tried to change it to "MTFContactCandidat" which is a lookup connected to a Contact object and the result was the same,when I click on save it loads indefinitely.


Best regards,


Julien G.

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Best reply

Hi Julien,

This add on should work with a detail which linked with your main entity (MTF_Candidat) and the lookup (MTFcompetenceslinguistiques).


According to the information you mentioned, you only have a field in the MTF_Candidat which linked to MTFcompetenceslinguistiques.

Therefore, you need change your design by creating a detail which allows you to store multiple records from the lookup and link to the main object.


After that your item configuration should be something like this:


items = {
 UsrComboBox: {
		mainEntitySchemaName: "DetailObject", //Detail Object code
		mainColumnName: "ColumnConnectedToMainObject", //The column in the created detail which link to MTF_Candidat.
		relatedEntitySchemaName: "MTFcompetenceslinguistiques", //Lookup object,Your configuration is Correct.
		relatedColumnName: "ColumnConnectedToLookup" //The column in the created detail which link to MTFcompetenceslinguistiques



Cheng Gong

Hi Julien,

This add on should work with a detail which linked with your main entity (MTF_Candidat) and the lookup (MTFcompetenceslinguistiques).


According to the information you mentioned, you only have a field in the MTF_Candidat which linked to MTFcompetenceslinguistiques.

Therefore, you need change your design by creating a detail which allows you to store multiple records from the lookup and link to the main object.


After that your item configuration should be something like this:


items = {
 UsrComboBox: {
		mainEntitySchemaName: "DetailObject", //Detail Object code
		mainColumnName: "ColumnConnectedToMainObject", //The column in the created detail which link to MTF_Candidat.
		relatedEntitySchemaName: "MTFcompetenceslinguistiques", //Lookup object,Your configuration is Correct.
		relatedColumnName: "ColumnConnectedToLookup" //The column in the created detail which link to MTFcompetenceslinguistiques



Cheng Gong

Cheng Gong,


Thanks for your answer!



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