Hello community!

Is there any way to assign multiple departments (in different accounts) to a single contact?


For example, I have a contact who works in several accounts and in each account he is in a specific department. Some contacts are in multiple departments in the same account. For rights, it's easy, we can use functional/organizational roles but I need my contact to be in multiple accounts. How can I do this? With Creatio, I can only assign one account to a contact. If I assign another account, the previous account will appear in the job experience and it will not be his primary job..


About the accounts it's something like that :


Main Entity


   └───sub unit 1

       ├───sub sub unit 1

       │   └───sub sub sub unit 1

       └───sub sub unit 2

           └───sub sub sub unit 2


I have up to 5 levels of depth (main -> unit -> sub unit -> sub sub unit -> sub sub sub unit).

And I need my contact to be in 2 different units (sub sub unit 1 and sub sub unit 2 for example).

Each (sub) unit is an account because I had too many problems with departments (departments don't appear for some reason but I am able to assign a department to a contact.


I need to see the same contact working in two different accounts. So, in the page of the first account, I need to see the contact. For the second account as well.

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Dear Julien,

In Creatio a contact can only have one primary job. However, you can add new jobs or mark the existing ones in "Job history" as "current". This way if you go to any of the accounts marked as "current job" of the contact you will see the contact in the "Contacts" detail of "Contacts and Structure" tab.

You can find more information about managing job experience here: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/crm_tools/accounts_and_contacts/manage_job_experience


Hello Julien, 

Can you please clarify your request a bit? 

Thank you in advance.

Hi Roman,


I've updated my post !

Dear Julien,

In Creatio a contact can only have one primary job. However, you can add new jobs or mark the existing ones in "Job history" as "current". This way if you go to any of the accounts marked as "current job" of the contact you will see the contact in the "Contacts" detail of "Contacts and Structure" tab.

You can find more information about managing job experience here: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/crm_tools/accounts_and_contacts/manage_job_experience


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