Error parsing contact full name

Hi community

When placing the GivenName, MiddleName, and Surname fields on the contact's placeholder card, they found that these fields were incorrectly parsed from Name.

This appears to be happening in ContactGmsFieldConverter.

In Italy is usually found contact with 2 given name or 2 surname,

for example the name Carlo Alberto dalla Chiesa should be parsed

  • GivenName: Carlo
  • Middle Name: Alberto
  • Surname: dalla Chiesa

while the ContactGmsFieldConvert parses the FullName in

  • GiveName Carlo
  • Middle Name: Alberto dalla
  • Surname: Chiesa

How can I disable it ?

I created a business process that takes the values filled in the GivenName, MiddleName and Surname fields, concatenates them together and assigns it to the Name field, but I got the unexpected result.

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Hello Stefano,


Thank you for your question!


The solution here is to leave the system setting with code ContactFieldConverter empty (please see the screenshot below):



After that, you need to log out of the system and log in again. This should help!


Kind regards,


Anastasiia Lazurenko,

Thank you Anastasiia

it works!

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