Hi community

which is the retention time for process log records  (SysProcessLog)?

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Hi there, when I setup a business process, I have to get the value from an element parameter like [#Get base currency rate.XXX#] where XXX is the value stored in a system parameter, say [#Base currency#]. Any suggestion? Thank you in advance!

Please refer to the following figure.

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Hi Andrew,

Just an idea, you could possibly use a formula to get the value you're after. It would be a big series of ?: statements to ultimately put the value into a process parameter. For example: 

(BaseCurrency == "TWD" ? [#Get base currency rate.TWD#] : (BaseCurrency == "USD ? [#Get base currency rate.USD#] :  ...you get the idea))

If you're only going to be handling the 5 currencies you have in your screenshot, you could put each in it's own process param and then would be easier to work with for the formula or in a script task.


Ryan Farley,

Hi Ryan, thank you for your advise. Yes, your suggestion is a solution which I thought of previously. But I didn't find any "if then else" formula in the documentation from Creatio. Can you show me where to find this formula? Thank you very much!

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Hi community,

I tried to install on my creatio instance the map widget (Map widget for Creatio | Creatio Marketplace), but it does not appear in the chart type list on dashboard designer.


What am I doing wrong?

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Hello Stefano,

See my reply on this post from Sept 15, it has the solution to get this to work (by overriding BootstrapModulesV2) https://community.creatio.com/questions/map-widget-creatio-no-map-option


thank you very much!

Hi Stefano,


You could also check Mapsly which is a map solution available in Creatio Marketplace :)

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I created a custom package working in file system mode on my PC.

The package is set to be "Compiled into a separate assembly".

When I compile it (selecting "Compile" in the dropdown menu near the package name and selecting "Compile all" in the Actions button) I see a popup error reporting syntax errors in all the Client modules of the package (see image below).

Creatio shouldn't compile Client modules since they are Javascript and not C# (the errors are syntax errors related to C# language).

I also "Generate for all schemas".. I tried almost everything without success.

The package works fine, even exported and installed in cloud production environment, but I cannot compile it in my development environment.

Why does Creatio try to compile in C# the Client modules?



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What could be the ideal issue behind this error message? While publishing, Generating Schemas and Compilation, encountering with this error message. The instance is on cloud and connected via VPN. Issue arises only when above described actions are done. 


Any suggestion would be helpful.


Thank you!

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Is it possible to join documents uploaded on Creatio to an email ?

We would like to store files in Creatio and use them into email attachments (without downloading them into computer).

Thank you !


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Hi support

I've installed different addon from the market place.

There are many "marketplace creatio webservice" processes running on the instance

Is there anyone who knows why these business proces exist?


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Dear Stefano,

Could you please attach the screenshot once again?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,



Hi Bodan,

I've attached the screenshot

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Hi Team,


I changed the object permissions from one object.

How can I bind this object permission?


Kind regards,


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Hello Andreia,


You have to erase the current binding in the package to bind the data to the other one.

Data should be bound only once in an application. In order to control the binding process more carefully, we recommend to avoid using the data binding tool and bind data only via SQL scripts binding. 

This way you'll make sure that all data was bound correctly according to your needs. 


Also, it's not recommended to bind the access rights to the package. All system administration settings like object permissions, operation permissions, roles, users, licensing must be set up in the production environment directly.

Here's the article with more information:



Best regards,


We bind following data in our projects:

Access to objects:  SysEntitySchemaOperationRight

Operations:  SysAdminOperation

Rights for opertions:  SysAdminOperationGrantee

But old data (access rights) are not deleted - you should do this manualy or with sql script.

Thank you both

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Dear community,


I have a case where I need to get the section's id that the detail belongs to in detail edit page. While var sectionName: this.get("DetailColumnName"); gives me the code of the section, it would be easier to process logic if I could get the section's Id in SysModule table.

Would appreciate your help!


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Hi Shivani,


You can initiate the ESQ query on the onEntityInitialized method execution on the edit page of your detail and call the SysSchema table using the detail column name so to get the UId of the section schema and then call the SysModule table to get the module id (the column in SysModule is SectionSchemaUId).


Best regards,


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I have a detail that has been added on an opportunity in code, so I cannot make it read-only with the opportunity designer. How do I set up the code so that make a decimal field in the detail read-only ?



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Hi Damien,


If this is a detail with an editable list simply add this code:

"enabled": false

to the definition of the column that you need to disable (should be added to the detail page schema, not detail schema). So it should look like this:

				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "columnName",
				"enabled": false

and refresh the page.


Best regards,


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