Hi Community,


In mobile, I found this sample below in Academy on how to add filter to dropdown field. My question is how to add mulitple filter to dropdown field. I tried below syntax but it is not working


addFilter: [


                      property: "IsChief",

                     value: true




                      property: "IsChief2",

                     value: true




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Hi Fulgen, 


Please try to use it in this way : 


addFilter: {

type: Terrasoft.FilterTypes.Group,

subfilters: [{...}, {...}]



Best Regards, 


Bogdan L.

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Hi Everyone,

in mobile app, in the Account section,  we added a link to the order detail, which display the order list for that account.

Unfortunatelly, when selecting one order, the product list is missing.


I did not found a way to display it, using the mobile app assistant.

After some searching, i found that the MobileOrderRecordPageSettingsDefaultWorkplace define the fields to be displayed, but i could not configure it properly to display the product list.

How can it be done, please ?



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Hello Patrice,


You need to add it to the mobile application manifest.

Find details here:



Best Regards, 


Hello Bogdan,

thank you for your answer.

The mobile application manifest is a part of the solution as one need to add OrderProduct reference in it to make it work.


For my particular issue, i did not set MobileOrderRecordPageSettingsDefaultWorkplace correctly.

Finally, i found the right way :


		"operation": "insert",
		"name": "OrderProductDetail",
		"showForVisibleModule": true,
		"values": {
			"caption": "OrderProductDetailCaptionOrder_caption",
			"entitySchemaName": "OrderProduct",
			"filter": {
				"detailColumn": "Order",
				"masterColumn": "Id"
			"operation": "insert"
		"parentName": "settings",
		"propertyName": "details",
		"index": 1


If anyone searching for the complete solution, here is the MobileOrderProductRecordPageSettingsDefaultWorkplace :


		"operation": "insert",
		"name": "settings",
		"values": {
			"entitySchemaName": "OrderProduct",
			"details": [],
			"columnSets": [],
			"localizableStrings": {
				"primaryColumnSetOrderProduct_caption": "Informations générales"
			"settingsType": "RecordPage",
			"operation": "insert"
		"operation": "insert",
		"name": "primaryColumnSet",
		"values": {
			"items": [],
			"rows": 1,
			"entitySchemaName": "OrderProduct",
			"caption": "primaryColumnSetOrderProduct_caption",
			"position": 0,
			"operation": "insert"
		"parentName": "settings",
		"propertyName": "columnSets",
		"index": 1
		"operation": "insert",
		"name": "Product_row_123",
		"values": {
			"row": 2,
			"content": "Nom du produit",
			"columnName": "Name",
			"dataValueType": 1,
			"operation": "insert"
		"parentName": "primaryColumnSet",
		"propertyName": "items",
		"index": 2
		"operation": "insert",
		"name": "Quantity_row_123",
		"values": {
			"row": 3,
			"content": "Quantité",
			"columnName": "Quantity",
			"dataValueType": 1,
			"operation": "insert"
		"parentName": "primaryColumnSet",
		"propertyName": "items",
		"index": 3
		"operation": "insert",
		"name": "Price_row_123",
		"values": {
			"row": 4,
			"content": "Prix de vente",
			"columnName": "Price",
			"dataValueType": 1,
			"operation": "insert"
		"parentName": "primaryColumnSet",
		"propertyName": "items",
		"index": 4
		"operation": "insert",
		"name": "Discount_row_123",
		"values": {
			"row": 5,
			"content": "Réduction",
			"columnName": "DiscountAmount",
			"dataValueType": 1,
			"operation": "insert"
		"parentName": "primaryColumnSet",
		"propertyName": "items",
		"index": 5
		"operation": "insert",
		"name": "Product_row_123",
		"values": {
			"row": 6,
			"content": "Détails du produit",
			"columnName": "Product",
			"dataValueType": 10,
			"operation": "insert"
		"parentName": "primaryColumnSet",
		"propertyName": "items",
		"index": 6

Best regards


Patrice Vigouroux,




Many thanks for sharing your solution with us! :)

Please let us know in case of any additional questions. 


Best regards, 


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In Order section there is a OOB lookups field called "Customer". On click we can select either Account or Contact because both list are appearing for selection.

I have a requirement to implement the similar functionality like combining multiple list into one lookup field.

Please help with the configurations.

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Best reply

Hi Janhavi,


You need to study how this lookup is implemented on the BaseOrderPageV2 schema and implement the same logic for your column. It's simple - create two lookup columns (UsrContact and UsrAccount that will point to the Contact and Account objects respectfully), add the following attribute to the section edit page schema:

"Client": {
					"caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.Client"},
					"dataValueType": this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
					"multiLookupColumns": ["UsrContact", "UsrAccount"],
					"isRequired": true

Add the localizable string with the "Client" code and then insert this column somewhere on the page (I've been using the contact profile container as a parent):

					"operation": "insert",
					"parentName": "Header",
					"propertyName": "items",
					"name": "Client",
					"values": {
						"layout": {"column": 0, "row": 7, "colSpan": 24, "rowSpan": 1, "layoutName": "ProfileContainer"},
						"controlConfig": {
							"enableLeftIcon": true

As a result you will get the needed lookup:

Best regards,


Hi Janhavi,


You need to study how this lookup is implemented on the BaseOrderPageV2 schema and implement the same logic for your column. It's simple - create two lookup columns (UsrContact and UsrAccount that will point to the Contact and Account objects respectfully), add the following attribute to the section edit page schema:

"Client": {
					"caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.Client"},
					"dataValueType": this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
					"multiLookupColumns": ["UsrContact", "UsrAccount"],
					"isRequired": true

Add the localizable string with the "Client" code and then insert this column somewhere on the page (I've been using the contact profile container as a parent):

					"operation": "insert",
					"parentName": "Header",
					"propertyName": "items",
					"name": "Client",
					"values": {
						"layout": {"column": 0, "row": 7, "colSpan": 24, "rowSpan": 1, "layoutName": "ProfileContainer"},
						"controlConfig": {
							"enableLeftIcon": true

As a result you will get the needed lookup:

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

It worked 


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Hello Everyone.

I want to log in a separate file every communication with a Web-Service (request , response time etc).Is there any built-in , or tools from Marketplace to realize this task. Or I should customize the source -code.  

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Best reply



Perfect, then additionally you can use the same approach with EntitySchemaQuery, but create record is some section and then use the standard "Export to excel" functionality to get the file with request calls. So each time something is calling the GetErSumSq method you can create a record in some separate section (for example called "Integration call" and add information like DateTime.Now (to get the date and time when the method was called and which value was returned (sum))). Also you can try looking into the HttpContext, HttpContextAccessor and AppConnection to see which information is available there that can be used to additionally log the method call.


Best regards,


Hi Petrika,


This should be done directly in the code of the 3rd party endpoint to which the call is performed (in case we are discussing the 3rd party webservice call from the business process). Logs of the integration call on the Creatio side are accessible only via standard IIS logs. Or you can enable the process tracing to see the status of the call.


In case the webservice is stored in the Creatio configuration (standard anonymous or regular webservice) then you can either add a part of inserting a record to some specific table in Creatio (via InsertQuery class for example) and retrieve data from there.


Best regards,


Thank you very much for your immediate response Oscar. I have got an idea now.  This is what i am trying to do. I have created a button in the Front-End (Get Sum Ws) which calls in the Back-End a basic web service that caculates the sum of the AmountHC in Details Rows.

This is the code in the back-end

namespace test1323.Files.cs
    [EntityEventListener(SchemaName = "PetrikaExpenseReport")]
    [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Required)]
    class DemoService : BaseService
        [WebInvoke(Method = "POST", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped,
ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
        public decimal GetErSumSq(string name) 
            EntitySchemaQuery entity = new EntitySchemaQuery(UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager, "PetrikaExpenseReport"); 
            entity.PrimaryQueryColumn.IsVisible = true;                                                                   
            IEntitySchemaQueryFilterItem parentfilter =
            EntityCollection records = entity.GetEntityCollection(UserConnection);                                      
            Guid parentId = records[0].GetTypedColumnValue<Guid>("Id");
           EntitySchemaQuery rows = new EntitySchemaQuery(UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager, 
            IEntitySchemaQueryFilterItem childfilter =
            rows.CreateFilterWithParameters(FilterComparisonType.Equal, "PetrikaExpenseReport", parentId);
            EntityCollection lines = rows.GetEntityCollection(UserConnection);
            decimal sum = decimal.Zero;
            foreach (var r in lines) 
                sum = sum + r.GetTypedColumnValue<decimal>("PetrikaAmountHC");
            records[0].SetColumnValue("PetrikaTotalAmount", sum);                                             
            return sum;

I want to log in a separate file every communication (request , response time etc) with GetErSumSq.



Perfect, then additionally you can use the same approach with EntitySchemaQuery, but create record is some section and then use the standard "Export to excel" functionality to get the file with request calls. So each time something is calling the GetErSumSq method you can create a record in some separate section (for example called "Integration call" and add information like DateTime.Now (to get the date and time when the method was called and which value was returned (sum))). Also you can try looking into the HttpContext, HttpContextAccessor and AppConnection to see which information is available there that can be used to additionally log the method call.


Best regards,


Oleg Drobina,

Hi , I can't find the whole solution for logging a web service , it seems some comments have been missed or deleted , any ways , how can i log a web service in creatio ? 

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Hi teams

Do you know the difference between TemplateText and TemplateBody in BulkEmail entity?

I'm trying to create a bulk email from a business process and I found these fields.

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Hi Everyone, 


I am trying to send emails with custom templates but the tool of the process designer won't show me my custom templates.

Anybody has any idea about the issue?

thank you in advance !☺

Like 1



Hello Federica,

Please contact our support team for further investigation: 



Best regards,


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I've created a new lookup using the Section Wizard and created a new table for it there as well but for some reason I can't find the table on the System Designer -> Lookups.


I tried searching for it by name and manually but it appears as if it doesn't exist although on the section itself you can see the lookup field and when editing the field you can see the table connected to it.


Any thoughts on how I can find this table?

Like 1





Please check whether you are adding a new lookup through the Section Wizard in a proper way. 

While adding a new lookup column to the page you can choose a "Data source": existing lookup or a new one.

You can proceed with creating a new lookup in a following way:

All the changes should be first saved through the Section Wizard, once done you can find a newly created lookup in Lookup section:

To be able to find the newly created lookup in the Configuration section, please check whether there are no additional filters:


Alternatively, you can first create a new lookup based on the need object and only after that proceed with adding a new lookup column to the needed section through the Section Wizard based on the already existing lookup.


Hope this clarifies!

Best regards,




I actually created it in the proper way thru the Section Wizard to avoid any complications but it appears to have created the object but not the lookup, so I went to lookups and created a new lookup using the created object (found it in the Configuration section).


So the problem is resolved :)

Edo Sagron,


Thank you for the update! 

Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of any additional questions. :)

Best regards,


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Is there any way of increasing text/font size when Email is read on phone?


Can we change CSS on Emails such as in this example?

@media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
    .bodyContent{font-size:16px !important;}



Or can we use font sizes that are responsive? Such as vw, wh, 1vmin, 1vmax



I have an old question about responsive image sizes which is sort of similar here:


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Best reply



We've analyzed your request and have some solution for you. Please check out all the steps to achieve such implementation:


1. When you just open the email designer, add "block" element and "HTML" element on this block.

2. Click settings (1) and apply "HTML design mode".

3. Here you click to the HTML block, then "Edit HTML" and you will see such document. I added my "div" with the message that will be sent. In my example it's "Hi all". 


Here is the code itself: 

div class="text-class"> Hi all</div> 


4. Also I added CSS style: 


Where (max-width: 480px) means that the style will be applied for devices with screen width less than or equal to 480px (here you need to check the particular width of the devises that will receive this emails and set it up to according to your business logic).

And I also created "text class", which is mentioned in the diff (p.3) ,where I applied "font-size: 40px;".


Here is the style code itself: 


<style media="screen and (max-width:480px)">.text-class { font-size: 40px;}</style>


Basically, thats all I added - one div and style for it.


5. As for result, in preview you may see the difference beetween the desktop and phone mode, the phone text is higher, as you wish:


You may also add any styles you want and change it for your requirements. 



P.S. Please also check this link, it might give you some additional tips of how to work with HTML in email templates: 




Hopefully it helps!


Best Regards, 


Bogdan L.




Hi Julius


You can test all this and wherever CSS is supported, be it a web or a mobile application, the styles will work. 


But resizing (for example, email) specifically for the web application open on the phone is impossible - 

it will in any case convert the text according to the telephone mode, like any other site.


Here as an example with email template, you can change as you wish by base tools: 




Also, if you are using Mobile App, you can modify it with custom CSS: 




Best Regards, 


Bogdan L.



Hi Bogdan. I was unclear.

My goal is not to change the text size for Creatio users, but for the recipients of the email.

When the recipient opens the mail on phone, we'd like the text to be slightly larger.




There is no such option in Creatio to change the text size for the third user.


Another user might use any kind of phone with a different operation system etc. 


So you might find some useful info in Google on how to increase this text for a particular group of users who received emails.


Best Regards, 


Bogdan L.





We are double checking this question with our developer's team. 


I'll let you know if we have additional information.






We've analyzed your request and have some solution for you. Please check out all the steps to achieve such implementation:


1. When you just open the email designer, add "block" element and "HTML" element on this block.

2. Click settings (1) and apply "HTML design mode".

3. Here you click to the HTML block, then "Edit HTML" and you will see such document. I added my "div" with the message that will be sent. In my example it's "Hi all". 


Here is the code itself: 

div class="text-class"> Hi all</div> 


4. Also I added CSS style: 


Where (max-width: 480px) means that the style will be applied for devices with screen width less than or equal to 480px (here you need to check the particular width of the devises that will receive this emails and set it up to according to your business logic).

And I also created "text class", which is mentioned in the diff (p.3) ,where I applied "font-size: 40px;".


Here is the style code itself: 


<style media="screen and (max-width:480px)">.text-class { font-size: 40px;}</style>


Basically, thats all I added - one div and style for it.


5. As for result, in preview you may see the difference beetween the desktop and phone mode, the phone text is higher, as you wish:


You may also add any styles you want and change it for your requirements. 



P.S. Please also check this link, it might give you some additional tips of how to work with HTML in email templates: 




Hopefully it helps!


Best Regards, 


Bogdan L.




Bogdan Lesyk, Thanks! Works really well! If you want to make this a featire in the Email designer -feel free to make this function into a suggestion. Thanks again!

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When we push our main package on dev environment to test environment, DCMs (Lead and opportunity) only partially update.

We binded the SysDcmSettings as well as SysDcmSchemaInSettings in the package, new stages get added to the DCM however, stages for which name have changed or been removed/replaced with another stage do not update.

Any idea what could be happening ?

Like 0





You need to check if the SysDcmSchemaInSettings and SysDcmSettings is connected properly to the package. To check it you need to:


1) Execute the following SQL query (if you are using PostgreSQL, then you need to replace square brackets with quotes):


SELECT [SysDcmSettingsId], [SysDcmSchemaUId] FROM [SysDcmSchemaInSettings] WHERE [SysDcmSchemaUId] = '8d628f2a-7941-42f3-98dd-aed0b6b708fc'

where 8d628f2a-7941-42f3-98dd-aed0b6b708fc is the UId of the SysSchema record for this DCM (can be also retrieved from the URL bar of the browser when the DCM wizard is opened):

2) Make sure that there are SysDcmSchemaInSettings and SysDcmSettings bindings present in your package with the following data bound:





In my example above these settings were saved for the DCM in the "Orders" section created by "Order status" column. 


3) Once the package is deployed only changes in the DCM structure will be saved. But if you renamed some stages in the dev app - they won't be renamed in the target app.


To transfer updated names for stages you will need to perform an export/import of translations. For example, order stages can be found in the "Translations" section using the following filter by "Key" column: %Data:OrderStatus.Name%

So the final action that should be performed after the package installation is transferring of translations (using an import of translations into the "Translations" object of the target app from the excel file that was formed as a result of the export of translations from the dev app).


Using this approach everything should be transferred properly.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,


HI Oscar,

Thanks a lot, it seems I have translation issues indeed. However, it is a nightmare to work the with translation section in Creatio - it takes hours and hours to load and any mishap makes the section reload completely again, which is just not feasible work in a day..... This is something Creatio really needs to improve on ...

The quickest solution I found was to connect once in english, load lookup,  set column view to show the fields' ID, take a screenshot. Switch profile to French, go back to dcm stages lookup, view fields ID to make sure I'll match with the right fields in english, rename there.

Damien Collot,


Yes, sometimes the translations section needs much time to load. And sometimes it helps to run the actualization process separately (in this case the translations section opens faster). You can go to configurations, find the TranslationActualizationProcess, open it and run the process. Wait until it's completed and then try going to the translations section.


Also yes, you are correct, you can also rename values in the localization needed for the translation to be applied, but I am not sure if it will transfer the translation in such a case. Using the translations export\import works like a clock, but if you tested the approach with renaming under the French user profile and installing the package after that - perfect, then we have two options now:)


Best regards,


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How can I run multiple local instances hosted in IIS at the same time? I have 2 instances hosted in IIS, so When I login into 1st instance, the system logs me out of the 2nd instance and vice versa. Any suggestion?

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The problem is probably that the domain name of the websites is the same (for example my_site:88 and my_site:89). It is not possible to contain multiple sessions on the same domain.


Best regards,


In addition to Max's comment (about ensuring both sites have a different port in IIS) you need to make sure you've modified the Redis database number in the connections to both have a different number. For example, if one of the websites have Redis database number of 1, change the other to use a value of 2.


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