We use Creatio cases for our customer support service desk function. I am looking at having a report which will allow us to view the metrics around SLA breaches. This is a common requirement, where we can identify the cases in a given period that exceeded the SLA parameters for response time and resolution time.
This should contain the following detail:
- Case
- Account
- Case Created Date/Time
- Case Closed Date/Time
- Case Response Time exceeded time
- This should be in Hours/Mins
- Case Resolution Time exceeded time
- This should be in Days/Hours/Mins
The report will only show cases that have breached the SLA within the dynamically selected time period e.g. Last Month or This Week etc.
I am hoping that someone has already created such a report, but I have not been able to identify how to put this together within Creatio Dashboard. Note, I have just installed the PowerBI capability and have started to play with this, as an alternative reporting method.
Thanks in advance for any help