We have previously installed the ExcelReports add-on. Apparently we had an issue with the installation. 

Then we build a custom package to deploy our many customizations.

To get the installation to work correctly, the IntExcelReportSection client module had to be added to our custom package.

Now I am unable to install the latest version of the ExcelReports add-on because of the following errors


2022-05-09 23:47:33,681 Data "SysModuleEdit_SysModuleEditManager_4efd452f42e04729bcb1e28f5821567b" from package "IntExcelExport" installed
2022-05-09 23:47:33,713 Compiling configuration dll
2022-05-09 23:48:29,266 Errors and (or) warnings occurred while compiling configuration dll
2022-05-09 23:48:29,266 Autogenerated\Src\IntReportHelper.IntExcelExport.cs(84,49) error CS0433: The type 'ExcelPackage' exists in both 'EPPlus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ea159fdaa78159a1' and 'EPPlus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ea159fdaa78159a1'
2022-05-09 23:48:29,266 Autogenerated\Src\IntReportHelper.IntExcelExport.cs(273,31) error CS0433: The type 'ExcelWorksheet' exists in both 'EPPlus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ea159fdaa78159a1' and 'EPPlus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ea159fdaa78159a1'
2022-05-09 23:48:29,266 Autogenerated\Src\IntReportHelper.IntExcelExport.cs(84,11) error CS0433: The type 'ExcelWorksheet' exists in both 'EPPlus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ea159fdaa78159a1' and 'EPPlus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ea159fdaa78159a1'
2022-05-09 23:48:29,266 Autogenerated\Src\IntReportHelper.IntExcelExport.cs(110,11) error CS0433: The type 'ExcelWorksheet' exists in both 'EPPlus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ea159fdaa78159a1' and 'EPPlus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ea159fdaa78159a1'
2022-05-09 23:48:29,266 Autogenerated\Src\IntReportHelper.IntExcelExport.cs(110,54) error CS0433: The type 'ExcelPackage' exists in both 'EPPlus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ea159fdaa78159a1' and 'EPPlus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ea159fdaa78159a1'
2022-05-09 23:48:29,266 C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\3.1.301\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(2081,5) warning MSB3243: No way to resolve conflict between "EPPlus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ea159fdaa78159a1" and "EPPlus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ea159fdaa78159a1". Choosing "EPPlus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ea159fdaa78159a1" arbitrarily.

Looking for some advice on how to successfully uninstall and reinstall this add-on. We're very interested in using this.


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As an update, I was able to uninstall the ExcelReports through the Installed Applications utility, but when I tried to uninstall the Excel Reports built in 2019 (see attached screenshots) I get an error that the package cannot be deleted because "Unable to delete the "IntExcelExport" package as it has dependent package "Beable_Customization"



See note above how we had to add the IntExcelReportSection client module to our custom package to get the package to compile (not sure why).


We deleted that component from our Beable_Customization package. I don't know what other component of the IntExcelReport package may be dependent/has a dependancy on the Beable_customization package. 

Hi Mary!

Regarding the first error, I recommend checking the EPPlus library.

It must be only in one package. You have to delete it from another one.


Regarding package relations. Please, recheck the dependence of "Beable_Customization" package. It could be connected to the "IntExcelExport" package (see an example in the attachment).

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Greetings Community,

I need the options to Approve, Reject and Change Approver in the Approval tab only to be enabled for the assigned approver and not for any one else currently all users are able to approve or reject the approval.

PFA Screen shot for reference


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To solve your business task you can set up Approvals for the section.

The following instructions can help you to achieve the result you are looking for: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/platform_basics/communications/approvals_shortcut/approvals


Approvals can be managed (approved or rejected):

  • By a specific employee, for example, a department manager.

  • By an employee of the specific role (user group), such as “Finance department,” “Administration,” etc.

Kalymbet Anastasia,


I have already configured the approvals as mentioned in the article but the issue is currently all the users in the system  are able to approve/reject the approval.

I need  the approval to be rejected/approved only by the user assigned as approver.

Janhavi Tanna,

You can create a specific role, and allow users of this role to change records of this object.

So, only specific users will be able to edit approvals, while the other users will be able only to read those records.

Best regards, Alex.


Such setup can be achieved by creating a functional role for the desired actions in your system.

You can find more on our Academy page here:


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Hi Community,


I have to use Excel Export Creatio Functionality but instead of downloading the .xlsx file in the system, I have to attach that .xlsx file to the Attachments of a Custom Section.

This task should be performed by the business process after giving filtration criteria as input.


Please suggest me a solution to achieve the above task.

Like 1



Dear Pratik, 


Unfortunately requested functionality is not presented as OOB solution in Creatio at this moment. 

We will register this as an idea for the responsible R&D team to extend the basic functionality in future Creatio releases. 


Kind regards,


Hi Roman Brown,

Thanks for providing the information regarding to this.


But, for workaround is there any Creatio Service avaible that can be utilized In some custom script configuration with Script Task element of business process.?

And if yes, Is there any example available on how to make use of such Services in development. 

Hi Roman,


Could you please provide steps or source code for a sample excel sheet creation and saving data, that supports creatio platform (ex. using openXml, IronXL or Interop etc.) and later that can be extended with creatio's future release?




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Hello Creatio-Community,

I wanted to ask if it is possible to manually select the fields in activity that I want to have populated from its original section (case, project etc.). Ideally without any business process. 

Some fields like contact, account are already pre-populated, but I can't find any way to select them manually. 

Thanks in advance,



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You can configure the basic business logic of the record pages by adding or modifying business rules. Business rules affect the behavior of fields of the page, maybe it will help.

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Has anyone been successful using the CreatioSDK in sending date updates via either InsertQuery or UpdateQuery?


I've tried sending dates in all the following formats but all result in an error:










The dates I'm trying to send are defined as DataValueType.Date and I've tried specifying that in the Update/InsertQuery and in desperation also tried specifying as DataValueType.DateTime. 


If I omit dates from the Insert/Update queries the updates are successful. 


I can successfully enter dates in the records I'm trying to update via the Creatio UI.


Here's an example of a stripped down InsertQuery request, including the DueDate column causes an error 500, if excluded the insert is successful:



  "QueryId": null,

  "QueryKind": 0,

  "ColumnValues": {

    "Items": {

      "Title": {

        "ExpressionType": 2,

        "IsBlock": false,

        "ColumnPath": null,

        "Parameter": {

          "DataValueType": 1,

          "Value": "Test SDK Three",

          "ArrayValue": null,

          "ShouldSkipConvertion": false


        "FunctionType": 0,

        "MacrosType": 0,

        "FunctionArgument": null,

        "FunctionArguments": null,

        "DateDiffInterval": 0,

        "DatePartType": 0,

        "AggregationType": 0,

        "AggregationEvalType": 0,

        "SubFilters": null,

        "ArithmeticOperation": 0,

        "LeftArithmeticOperand": null,

        "RightArithmeticOperand": null


      "Contact": {

        "ExpressionType": 2,

        "IsBlock": false,

        "ColumnPath": null,

        "Parameter": {

          "DataValueType": 0,

          "Value": "fede06a3-1270-4464-8049-c7afb144a018",

          "ArrayValue": null,

          "ShouldSkipConvertion": false


        "FunctionType": 0,

        "MacrosType": 0,

        "FunctionArgument": null,

        "FunctionArguments": null,

        "DateDiffInterval": 0,

        "DatePartType": 0,

        "AggregationType": 0,

        "AggregationEvalType": 0,

        "SubFilters": null,

        "ArithmeticOperation": 0,

        "LeftArithmeticOperand": null,

        "RightArithmeticOperand": null


      "DueDate": {

        "ExpressionType": 2,

        "IsBlock": false,

        "ColumnPath": null,

        "Parameter": {

          "DataValueType": 8,

          "Value": "2022-05-28",

          "ArrayValue": null,

          "ShouldSkipConvertion": false


        "FunctionType": 0,

        "MacrosType": 0,

        "FunctionArgument": null,

        "FunctionArguments": null,

        "DateDiffInterval": 0,

        "DatePartType": 0,

        "AggregationType": 0,

        "AggregationEvalType": 0,

        "SubFilters": null,

        "ArithmeticOperation": 0,

        "LeftArithmeticOperand": null,

        "RightArithmeticOperand": null


      "Amount": {

        "ExpressionType": 2,

        "IsBlock": false,

        "ColumnPath": null,

        "Parameter": {

          "DataValueType": 5,

          "Value": 6718.35,

          "ArrayValue": null,

          "ShouldSkipConvertion": false


        "FunctionType": 0,

        "MacrosType": 0,

        "FunctionArgument": null,

        "FunctionArguments": null,

        "DateDiffInterval": 0,

        "DatePartType": 0,

        "AggregationType": 0,

        "AggregationEvalType": 0,

        "SubFilters": null,

        "ArithmeticOperation": 0,

        "LeftArithmeticOperand": null,

        "RightArithmeticOperand": null


      "Budget": {

        "ExpressionType": 2,

        "IsBlock": false,

        "ColumnPath": null,

        "Parameter": {

          "DataValueType": 5,

          "Value": 0.0,

          "ArrayValue": null,

          "ShouldSkipConvertion": false


        "FunctionType": 0,

        "MacrosType": 0,

        "FunctionArgument": null,

        "FunctionArguments": null,

        "DateDiffInterval": 0,

        "DatePartType": 0,

        "AggregationType": 0,

        "AggregationEvalType": 0,

        "SubFilters": null,

        "ArithmeticOperation": 0,

        "LeftArithmeticOperand": null,

        "RightArithmeticOperand": null




  "RootSchemaName": "Opportunity",

  "IncludeProcessExecutionData": false




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Best reply

Hello Jerry, 

Please try to pass Date into Creatio with the following format in UTC time:



Kind regards,

Hello Jerry, 

Please try to pass Date into Creatio with the following format in UTC time:



Kind regards,
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I designed a business process that sends an email and creates a task.

Many outgoing emails appear on the communication panel to be processed.

Is it possible to mark all these emails as processed automatically ?

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Hello Stefano,


Thank you for your question!


The process on the screenshot will mark all emails in your system as processed once it is started:


You can add more filter conditions in order to mark only specific emails as processed.

Else, you can achieve the same result with the SQL query if you have access to the SQL console or the database.

You will need to change the value of the IsNeedProcess column of the EmailMessage table:


update "EmailMessageData" set "IsNeedProcess" = false 

update "Activity" set "IsNeedProcess" = false where "TypeId" = 'e2831dec-cfc0-df11-b00f-001d60e938c6' --Type Id stands for Email


Best regards,


Hi Anastasiia

thank you for your response.

I can see the screenshot you have attached

Stefano Bassoli,


Just in case - attaching the screenshot once again.


Stefano Bassoli,

Ah, ok

thank you very much

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Good day community,


I'm having trouble with adding the correct JSON path for my request body.


I have to send a POST request with the following JSON below:

  "members": [
      "@odata.type": "--TYPE HERE--",
      "user@odata.bind": "--USER 1 HERE--"
      "@odata.type": "--TYPE HERE--",
      "user@odata.bind": "--USER 2 HERE--"

This is how my parameter structure looks:

Generated JSON here:

	"chatType": "oneOnOne",
	"members": [
			"@odata": {
				"type": "--TYPE HERE--"
			"user@odata": {
				"bind": "--USER 1 HERE--"

The problem with this structure is that it generates a nested key for type under @odata, and for bind as well. I don't wan't this to happen if possible.


Is there any way to get this to work using parameters in web service? Or would my only resort be to generate the request body via script?

Like 0





The body of the webservice seems to be generated properly since "members" is the array of objects "@odata" and "user@odata". The request was properly parsed and that's why you saw the result as on the screenshot. If this structure won't work in your business case then a separate script task should be created to sent the request.


Best regards,


Hi Oscar,


Thank you for you response.


In forming the json path, I would have made it as $.[members]["@odata.dataType"] or $.[members]["user@odata.bind"], but I'm guessing that this is not possible using the built-in function (nesting parameters) in Creatio?


I think I'll instead be resorting to creating a script task for this.


Thank you!



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Hi Community,


Suppose we have two lookup fields in WEB edit page, Opportunity and Account. Once user will select opportunity we can auto populate Account field through client side coding using esq then after getting the result we will set the value of Account. Now on Mobile how we achieve the same functionality? Any idea please?

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Hi Fulgen,


Have you tried the approach with a custom business rule on the mobile record page that will be triggered upon changing the column value? Something similar to the logic described here. And the data should be retrieved using, for example, the Terrasoft.store.BaseStore (as was discussed here).


Best regards,


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Hi Creatio Community

I am trying to access a detail inside of a detail on Customer Portal, but I am getting the attached errors in Console. I am neither able to create a new record nor open an existing record.


I have added the detail object in the "List of objects available for portal users" lookup but still unable to get inside that detail on Customer Portal.



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Hello Nisarg,


Thank you for your question. I am afraid it is not possible to investigate this issue without direct access. Please create a request by writing to support@creatio.com and provide us with external access. We will be glad to help you as soon as we are able to inspect the issue within the recreation and check the whole system, as there might be several breakpoints that might be the reason for this behaviour. 

Will be looking forward to your soonest request! 


Best Regards,


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Dear mates,

i 'd like to modifiy a process named "ChangeOrder Société émettrice" in order to launch the process only if the order's company is changed.

In the process designer the custom column "Société émettrice" (UsrSocieteEmettrice) does not appear in the system designer:


Is it because the process is in another package which has not access to this column (the order objet is in the custom package).

Thank you !


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Hello Nicolas!

We have already registered the issue for our R&D team to fix this functionality in further releases. I will assign your case to this project in order to increase its priority. 


To solve this issue we recommend you generate the source code and compile the system.


Best regards, 


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