Hi Community,


I’ve this requirement where a specific user must run a specific Process. In this process, there should be a set of tasks that must gather all the attachments of the current record and generate a ZIP file with these attachments. Furthermore, this process should also download the ZIP file to the user’s computer.


Any idea on how can I achieve this requirement?


Thanks in advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

Like 1



Hello Pedro,

Unfortunately, your task can not be achieved using the basic logic of Creatio. There is no possibility to generate ZIP files from attachments.

Also, you can not download some files to the user's computer automatically until he does not download them manually.

Best regards, Alex.

Hi there! We recently uploaded an application to the marketplace 
that allows you to download all the files of a section, example of an 
account, in a ZIP file. Possibly it is useful for your use case or 
to check how it was done. 
Check it here https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/download-zip-button-creatio

Thank you




Thank you for the response. We manage to find a solution for our requirement. However, If we get another use case like this one, we will have your application in mind.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro


Hi Pedro Pinheiro,


I am trying to achieve the same requirement . Would you be able to provide me the logic you used to create the zip and download it?. 


Best regards,

Pavan Manne

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on an opportunity or lead, when selecting the "client" as an account, "primary phone" is not translated in French on the client card - still shows "Primary phone", although lookup is already set as "Téléphone principal", and shows as such on main account page.



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Best reply

Hi Damien,


The value for this column is received from the "Phone" column of the "Account" object, so you need to go to the object itself and check which value is stored for French localization there and also save and publish the object after the changes.


Best regards,


Hi Damien,


The value for this column is received from the "Phone" column of the "Account" object, so you need to go to the object itself and check which value is stored for French localization there and also save and publish the object after the changes.


Best regards,


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Oscar Dylan,



Thanks it worked like a charm :)


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Hi all !

how can we override the OOTB "Full Job Title" = "Job Title " if "Full Job Title" is empty  (https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/crm_tools/accounts_and_contacts/m…) behavior on a contact.

We're looking for two options:

  1. Either: Simply stop that behavior
  2. Or: That it does not fill "Full Job Title" when certain specific field in "Job Title" is selected (Example, if chosen "Other" then we do not want "Other" in "Full Job Title")

Thank you !


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Best reply

Hello Damien,


The following logic is located in the ContactPageV2 schema of the UIv2 package :


You can create a replacing module that would disable the following logic if you need that.


Best regards,


Hello Damien,


The following logic is located in the ContactPageV2 schema of the UIv2 package :


You can create a replacing module that would disable the following logic if you need that.


Best regards,


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Hi Community,


I've this situation where I've developed a new page for the Creatio Mobile Application. This new page has a detail and a set of columns, as you can see on the following image.

My goal is to apply a "Required Field" business rule to this detail (marked as red) based on the values of a specific column inside this page.


How can I achieve this requirement?


Thanks in Advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

Like 2



Hello, Pedro!


In the actual version of the system business rules from the desktop, the platform is not transferred to the page in the mobile application. At the moment, business rules can be set with the help of development only.

 We have the enhancement request registered by our R&D. It means the functionality will be implemented in future releases, although there is no ETA yet.


Hope for your understanding.

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We use Creatio cases for our customer support service desk function. I am looking at having a report which will allow us to view the metrics around SLA breaches. This is a common requirement, where we can identify the cases in a given period that exceeded the SLA parameters for response time and resolution time.


This should contain the following detail:

  • Case
  • Account
  • Case Created Date/Time
  • Case Closed Date/Time
  • Case Response Time exceeded time
    • This should be in Hours/Mins
  • Case Resolution Time exceeded time
    • This should be in Days/Hours/Mins

The report will only show cases that have breached the SLA within the dynamically selected time period e.g. Last Month or This Week etc.


I am hoping that someone has already created such a report, but I have not been able to identify how to put this together within Creatio Dashboard. Note, I have just installed the PowerBI capability and have started to play with this, as an alternative reporting method.

Thanks in advance for any help



Like 1



+1 also needing this type of report




You can create a list in a dashboard that would look like this:

You can add a filter for the records in the display options tab:

And to add the calculated columns for time exceeded you can go to the Pivot table settings tab and press "Add calculated field":


And set up a formula that would look something like this(fields used need to be present as columns in the dashboard list): 


Hope it helps!


Best regards,


Thanks so much for the reply, I had created the first bit, but was not away of the calculated field option, which allowed me to display the exceeded time. It would be nice to be able to format the time in to Days/Hours rather than just hours, but still useful.


thanks again

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Hi All,


I get the following error when I want to run the application locally in mac os operating system. How can i solve this error?

I use this command:

dotnet Terrasoft.WebHost.dll

I get this error : 

Unhandled exception. Interop+AppleCrypto+AppleCommonCryptoCryptographicException: MAC verification failed during PKCS12 import (wrong password?)


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This error seems not to be related to Creatio, but rather to the logic of how applications ran on Mac. 

It looks like you are using an incorrect certificate password or you are using a certificate not protected with a password at all.

Please find more information on this error here:


Please also note that Creatio doesn't officially support macOS as for now.

System requirements for Creatio can be found here:


Kind regards, 


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Hi All,


How can malicious code be detected in Creatio On Cloud Instance? Is there any plugin in marketplace in support of this feature. 


File system development mode is not enabled so what everchanges are done are directly contributed by multiple developers to the instance. 

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Could you please elaborate on your question and give us more details on what functionality you need and what business logic exactly you want to implement?


Kind regards,


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Hello ,


I am willing to configure queues and was wondering what is the best practice? Do I configure them on the dev environment and bind them to my working package or shall I create them in prd environment directly?



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Hello Mariam,


Please find the all necessary information on how to work with the Queues section here

Best regards,


Hello Bogdan,


Thank you for your response ;

I am able to create and configure queues, my question is regarding transporting queues between instances.



mariam moufaddal,


You can transfer configurations by package. 

We recommend transferring packages between environments deployed on the same version of Creatio in order to avoid unexpected issues after or during the process. 

Best regards,


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Is there a table I could query that would show me all the email templates that have been used?

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Hello Mitch,


Could you please elaborate on the task you are trying to do?


Thank you,


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Hi Team,


I need a solution where all the validations applied on the edit page code of the section are checked while data is imported into the system so as to restrict the invalid data in fields to  create new record in the section.


Kindly help me achieve this.


Best Regards,


Like 0



Hello Sarika,


Could you please re-phrase your request and give me a bit more details on what business logic you are trying to achieve?


Kind regards,


Hello Mira,


The requirement is as follows: 


We have a validation check code for not allowing the user to enter a value greater than 5 in the DAC benefit term field on the edit page of a section with the code:




                var invalidMessage="";

            var term=this.get("UsrDACBenefitTerm");



                        invalidMessage =                     this.get("Resources.Strings.TermExceeds");




                return {


                    invalidMessage: invalidMessage



    setValidationConfig :function(){


                this.addColumnValidator("UsrDACBenefitTerm", this.TermValidation);    



But this check is only administered while user is manually creating the record in that section. and during import, if the value is greater than 5 then also it is getting imported and the record with invalid value is getting generated. I want to make sure that this validation check is also performed while data is imported and created by the system and should not import the rows from the excel sheet with invalid values with greater than 5.


How can this be achieved?

Sarika Sharma,

This can be done pretty easily with an entity event listener class. See 


Basically, something like this: 

using Terrasoft.Core.Entities;
using Terrasoft.Core.Entities.Events;
namespace FX.EntityEventListeners
    [EntityEventListener(SchemaName = "UsrMyEntity")]
    public class UsrMyEntityEventListener : BaseEntityEventListener
        public override void OnSaved(object sender, EntityAfterEventArgs e)
            base.OnSaved(sender, e);
            var entity = (Entity)sender;
            if (entity.GetChangedColumnValues().Any(x => x.Name == "UsrDACBenefitTerm"))
                if (entity.GetTypedColumnValue<int>("UsrDACBenefitTerm") > 5)
                    throw new Exception ("The value of UsrDACBenefitTerm cannot be greater than 5");

With something like this in place, it would throw an error (and not save the record) anytime a record was attempted to be saved with a value more than 5, whether it's happening via the UI, an Excel import, or even via the OData or DataService APIs.


Hi Ryan,


Thank you so much for the solution. I would definitely try this out.


Best regards,


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