Dear community,


Is it possible to add more info in the approvals in the right sidebar?

In the desktop application, it is possible to click to the related record (e.g. invoice) to see the detailed info, but in the mobile app it is not possible.

Therefore, I would like to add some text containing a short description:



Kind regards,


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Hello Vincent,


Please be informed that at the moment, in the existing interface of mobile application approvals, it is not possible to implement such logic as you described.

A request for the implementation of this functionality has already been registered and I will also attach your request there to increase its priority.


Thank you for choosing Creatio!


Kind regards,


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Hello Creatio Community !

I created a portal Page which inherits from Application Form Edit Page. Cases workflow do not appear in portal page. Printscreeen below

In the original application form the cases appear. printscreen Below

How can this be corrected in Portal. Is this some permission issue ?

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Hello Petrika,

It's possible to add DCM panel for the portal user by following the instruction on our Community:

Best regards,


Bogdan i believe the article is outdated. For example the object "Case status changed actions" didnt exist at all in nowdays versions of Creatio


Unfortunately, we don't have new examples of such implementation.

So, you can refer to the post by the link in the previous comment. 

Please note, that we have already registered the idea for our R&D team to implement this functionality in further releases. I will assign your case to this project in order to increase its priority.  

Best regards,



I tried the operations described in the article and they didnt work.

I think there is some modifications that needs to be done in Operation Permissions and Object Permissions Bogdan. 

Because when i deploy the same portal page in another instance (which has an empty database) the cases appear !

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Hello everybody,

we created some import templates in our Dev Instance. Is there a way to transfer these templates from the DEV to the Productive Instance? So we can use the ready-made Excel templates there as well and would not have to rebuild the mapping.


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Best reply


You can use the functionality "Binding data to the package".

To do this, you need to create a "Data" element in the "Configuration" section and bind the necessary data to the "FileImportTemplate" object.

Please find more information on your request in these Creatio articles:


You can use the functionality "Binding data to the package".

To do this, you need to create a "Data" element in the "Configuration" section and bind the necessary data to the "FileImportTemplate" object.

Please find more information on your request in these Creatio articles:

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Hi all,

I have an issue when publishing any objects since a while. The error occured after a timeout issue when registering a new section via the assistant.

The mentionned object has never been created.

How can I solve the issue ? I have access to the database.


Best regards,


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Dear Franck,

To help you with this error we need to investigate the issue and analyze the configuration of the application.

So, please, send a letter to support and we will help you.

Best regards, Alex.

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Hi Community,


In "Case" we wanted to filter "assignee field". Currently all users are showing in the dropdown both active and inactive. Using business rule how we can filter it to show only active users? Thank you




Like 1



Hi Fulgen,

1. You have to set filter in the Case page:


"Owner": {

                "dataValueType": Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,

                "lookupListConfig": {"filters": [




2. Change define part in the Case page ("UsrBaseFiltersGenerateModule" for BaseFiltersGenerateModule):

define("CasePageV2", ["UsrBaseFiltersGenerateModule"], 


3. Add UsrBaseFiltersGenerateModule schema (you can see commented options for users with or without license as well):

define("UsrBaseFiltersGenerateModule", ["UsrBaseFiltersGenerateModuleResources", "ConfigurationConstants"], 
	function(resources, ConfigurationConstants) {
		function getIsNotNullFilterGroup(refSchema) {
			const userFilter = Terrasoft.createColumnIsNotNullFilter(refSchema + ".Id");
			const filters = Ext.create("Terrasoft.FilterGroup");
			return filters;
		function employeesFilter() {
			const sysAdminUnitRef = "[SysAdminUnit:Contact]";
			const employeesFilter = Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL,
					sysAdminUnitRef + ".ConnectionType",
			// const hasLicFilter = Terrasoft.createExistsFilter("[SysAdminUnit:Contact].[SysLicUser:SysUser].Active");
			const isActiveUserFilter = Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "[SysAdminUnit:Contact].Active", true);
			const filters = getIsNotNullFilterGroup(sysAdminUnitRef);
			// filters.addItem(hasLicFilter);
			return filters;
		function allUsersFilter() {
			return getIsNotNullFilterGroup("[VwSystemUsers:Contact]");
		function selfFilter() {
			let primaryColumnName = "Id";
			if (this.entitySchema && this.entitySchema.primaryColumnName) {
				primaryColumnName = this.entitySchema.primaryColumnName;
			const primaryColumnValue = this.get(primaryColumnName);
			return Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(
				Terrasoft.ComparisonType.NOT_EQUAL, primaryColumnName, primaryColumnValue);
		return {
			OwnerFilter: employeesFilter,
			SelfFilter: selfFilter,
			AllUsersFilter: allUsersFilter


Hello, Fulgen!

Unfortunately, Creatio can not set up additional filtering with OOB functionality for the " Responsible " field. It is possible to solve your business task by creating business rules using development tools. And we have already registered a request for the responsible R&D team to research the possibility of implementation of this solution for the future releases of Creatio application.

Thanks, Vladimir Sokolov

This is exactly what I need, but I am having some issues getting this to work.

I've done all 3 steps, but clearly have an issue with Step 1 as I am getting errors on the Case Page. When I add the Owner filter in the CasePage client module and compile, then CasePage will not load.

So, a newbie question for you, within what section of the CasePage code should the Owner element be added? I assumed businessRules, rather than attributes, modules, details, methods, dataModels, or diff.

I dropped it in as the last businessRules element (adding appropriate , and such). Things compile fine but the Case page does not load. 

"Owner": {

                "dataValueType": Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,

                "lookupListConfig": {"filters": [




The first time that I tried this I got an error on browser console that BaseFiltersGenerateModule was unknown (sorry, I did not save the exact text of the error, but can reproduce it). So I added BaseFiltersGenerateModule into the define/function statement at the start of CasePage.

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Hi Community!


I have a requirement to add fields for multiple records from the connected detail along with fields from the macro object (1:M Relation). Can anyone suggest how to achieve this task?


Thanks & Regards,

Kritika Vari

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Dear Kritika,


Thank you for your question.


Unfortunately, your business task can be achieved neither with basic nor with advanced tools. 

We have already registered the idea for our R&D team to implement this functionality in further releases. 


Best regards,


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Does anyone know how we could transfer attachments and feed history from the lead to its corresponding opportunity when transferring to the sales team ?



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Best reply

Hello Damien,


Thank you for your question. Your task may easily be solved by a Business Process:

- for files, you may use Element "Process File"

- for Feed - you will need two Elements - Reed data and Add data that will process object "Message/comment". You will need to exact the body of the feed on the lead page and create a new feed message on the opportunity page. (It will be also needed to be careful while setting the schema lookup field by choosing Schema -> Opportunity for Add data element)


I hope my recommendation was useful for you.


Best Regards,


Hello Damien,


Thank you for your question. Your task may easily be solved by a Business Process:

- for files, you may use Element "Process File"

- for Feed - you will need two Elements - Reed data and Add data that will process object "Message/comment". You will need to exact the body of the feed on the lead page and create a new feed message on the opportunity page. (It will be also needed to be careful while setting the schema lookup field by choosing Schema -> Opportunity for Add data element)


I hope my recommendation was useful for you.


Best Regards,


Denis Bidukha,

Thanks a lot, will try that out :)

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Dear community,


We have installed the 'Video player for Creatio' add-on from the marketplace.



When adding a video to the section's attachments, there is a 'Play video'-button.

However, when clicking this button, a 'Server error'-page is shown (404 - File or directory not found.)

This is the URL:…


Any idea what the problem is and how to fix?



Kind regards,



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Hi Vincent!

We reviewed the add-on and reproduced the issue on our end. That was an out-of-the-box compilation-related error. When installing the package, the system did not compile and did not generate static content. We plan to fix this problem in future versions of Creatio. For the time being, I recommend recompiling your system.

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Hi all,

I am currently in the process of setting up dashboards for a client, but wondering if some functionality that I can't see is possible.


1. Line Graph 

On the attached graph I have set 4 series all by their fiscal year (June-May). I have done this via custom start and end date, because I understand the fiscal year can't be done. However, this is still showing on the line graph grouped by calendar year. I.e it starts with January and not June - therefore, the first 5 months are actually of year 2024 and then follows on to 2023. 


Is there anyway round this so that it actually shows sequentially by date I have selected? 



2. Metric

Is it possible via custom function (or marketplace app) to add a "Same Period Last Year" to show against the metric number? So for example, if i choose total Revenue this month, it can show the same period last year? Example below.


Thanks everyone!






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Hi community,

Consider this scenario.

An Excel file with account name and account type columns.

I have to import this data into account table.

If the account type column contains  a value missing in the related table, creatio creates for me this value.

Is it possible to disable with an operation permission?

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Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent new records creation in objects during data import and we have a problem registered to our R&D team so to implement such a functionality.

This is due to the logic implemented in the import process.

The system adds missing values to its lookups in order to prevent data loss during the import process.


As an alternative solution I can recommend the following:

1. Remove the unwanted column from the file before the import, and add it after the process.

2. Match the naming of the file columns with Creatio's system naming.

3. If the problem is tied to creating a lot of duplicates in the system after imports, you can turn on Creatio's deduplication feature and merge the duplicates together.

I will let our R&D team know about your request so to raise the priority of the problem. Thank you for reporting this issue to us and helping us to make our application better!


Best regards,


Kate Karpik,

Thank you Kate


Is removing the add permission for a specific lookup a viable work-around?



Unfortunately, the offered solution will not solve this issue.

During the import process, the system checks for the correct access rights for the modification of the object (lookup in this case) of the user that initiated the process.

Hence why the users that lack needed rights will not be able to import the data.


If you were to restrict the access to the lookup, the data will not be added during the import, regardless if needed columns exist in the lookup or not.


Thank you.


Best regards,


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