Hello Creatio Community !

I have configured a Product, with some conditions. Printscreen below

After I click, Fill in Product Terms (printscreen below)

the Product Conditions that i specified (Disbursment fee) do not appear in the Product terms.

How can this be solved ?


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Hello Petrika,

We already have a corresponding case from you. 

So we will update you accordingly.

Best regards,


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Hi Community,


In Web we are able to show confirmation dialog using this "this.showConfirmationDialog". Is there any counterpart in mobile? We need to show some confirmation dialog in "Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.Save" event.



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Hello Fulgen,


Try using Terrasoft.MessageBox.showMessage(message) to display the message.


Best regards,


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Hello Creatio Community !

I want to resctrict the file formats uploaded to creatio. For example I want to allow uploading only pdf,word, excel, jpeg files and restrict Json files.

How is this configuration done ?

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Best reply

Hello Petrika,


You can refer the Secure file upload academy article to achieve your needs.



Sourav Kumar samal

Hello Petrika,


You can refer the Secure file upload academy article to achieve your needs.



Sourav Kumar samal

Sourav Kumar Samal,

Thank you . It solved my issue.

Best Regards

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Hi Community,


In Creatio column stacked chart, how can we show the percentage along with the count.Any idea?

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Hello Fulgen,


 We have already registered the idea for our R&D team to implement this functionality in further releases. I will assign your case to this project in order to increase its priority.  

Best regards,


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Hi Community,


We are trying to execute sql in mobile using Terrasoft.Sql.DBExecutor.executeSql

But it is not working for Custom objects in only works for OOB objects. We also tried "store.loadPage" and it is only working for OOB objects. Any idea how we can use this of Custom objects in Mobile


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Hi Fulgen,


I've added a custom section to the RequiredModels array for the model where the rule is located and I was able to get the result. The code was:

Terrasoft.sdk.Model.addBusinessRule('Contact', {
    ruleType: Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Custom,
    triggeredByColumns: ['Age'],
    events: [Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.ValueChanged, Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.Save],
    executeFn: function(record, rule, column, customData, callbackConfig) {
		var isValid = true;
        var store = Ext.create('Terrasoft.store.BaseStore', {
			model: 'UsrCustomSection'
		var queryConfig = Ext.create('Terrasoft.QueryConfig', {
			columns: ['UsrIntegerTest', 'Id'],
			modelName: 'UsrCustomSection'
		store.loadPage(1, {
			queryConfig: queryConfig,
			callback: function(records, operation, success) {
				var loadedRecordTest = records[0];
				if (loadedRecordTest) {
					var integerTest = loadedRecordTest.get('UsrIntegerTest');
					if (integerTest) {
						record.set("Age", integerTest);
			scope: this
        Ext.callback(callbackConfig.success, callbackConfig.scope, [isValid]);

So once the age for a contact is modified it get's the value from the UsrIntegerTest column of the UsrCustomSection model and it worked correctly. Try the same approach on your end.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,


Hi Oscar, did you add your custom object in your mobile manifest? It is not working using "store.loadPage" do I need to add my custom object in mobile manifest?

Fulgen Ninofranco,




Yes, I've added it as the required model for the "Contact" model in the manifest and also added it as a section to the mobile app:

"Models": {
		"Contact": {
			"RequiredModels": ["Order", "UsrCustomSection"],
			"ModelExtensions": ["UsrContactAgeRule"]

Best regards,


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how to select any contact as owner when creating a new activity, I tried to change "ShowAllContactsAsOwner" feature to true but still, I can't select only system user contacts

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Hello Moheman,


usually, all the users under the All employees role can be set as owners.

Please note, that custom filters can also cover up users from being added to the owner field.

You can find more information about creating activities here:






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Hi Community,


We have this scenario below


In mobile during "Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.Save" event we need to do some complex validation. We need to execute esq to check whether the record is linked to sub tables or not, if it is linked then Saving will not be allowed.


Any idea how we can achieve this? In web this is possible however I couldn't find  any example doing esq on "Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.Save" in mobile.


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Hi Fulgen,


There is no example of using ESQ inside the business rule that is triggered upon a record save. But you can try creating a server-side logic that will be triggered upon the record save (either a process in the object or using the EventListener) that will then send a push notification and stop record saving in case some conditions are not met. To send a push notification you can use the following construction:

var userConnection = this.Get<UserConnection>("UserConnection");
var pushNotification = new PushNotification(userConnection);
var sysAdminUnitId= new Guid("85AEEF58-0827-41E0-BFC8-1C1DC7D97B6C");
var title = "Validation error";
var message = "Message text";
pushNotification.Send(sysAdminUnitId, title, message);
return true;







assemblies should be added to the code (or the process using). The sysAdminUnitId parameter is an Id of a user that should receive this message, can be dynamically received using the

(Guid)UserConnection.SystemValueManager.GetValue(UserConnection, "CurrentUserContact");

construction and SelectQuery class request to the database to get the SysAdminUnit Id value by ContactId.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,




How about using "store.loadPage". I think it is possible to use this, however it is not working for custom objects, it is only working for OOB objatcts like Contacts and Accounts. Any idea about  "store.loadPage"?

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Hello community,


I'm trying to display the detail DocListInFinApp in Applicaton section. I added access for portal users but I get the following error:


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Please note that you should register such questions as Cases for our Support team, as we will need to check your instance to see what the problem is. So please, register a new case and provide us with all the details there.


Kind regards,


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I can see so many process since long which are stuck in running status.

Can someone explain why this happens.

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Could you please elaborate on your issue?


Thank you,


for example -> some processes are scheduled in creatio scheduler to execute at some point of time. But at that time process start but never finish and still in running state after long long time. 


Why process stuck in running status? anyone can help!


The reason might be in the application restart.

If RabbitMQ is not configured to your instance - all data about the running processes will be lost when the application is down or restarted.

To fix the issue, please use RabbitMQ. It will save the data about the running processes in RabbitMQ memory.


Best regards, Alex.

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Hello community,


Is there a way to display the print button and allow portal user to download reports including fastreports. I tried giving access to specific objects and adding them in "List of objects available for portal users" lookup. After adding this configuration the print button is shown but I cannot download fast reports due to access rights and the following message is shown "Failed-Forbidden". 

This message is only shown for fast reports printables. Word printables are downloaded successfully. Is there something that I'm missing in the configuration?


Thank you,


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Hello, Lirzae!


Please try to upload the report again but with an open browser console (press F12 to open it) and provide us with a screenshot of that. 

There might be errors that could help us find the cause of the issue.


Best regards,


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