Hello community!

Is there any way to assign multiple departments (in different accounts) to a single contact?


For example, I have a contact who works in several accounts and in each account he is in a specific department. Some contacts are in multiple departments in the same account. For rights, it's easy, we can use functional/organizational roles but I need my contact to be in multiple accounts. How can I do this? With Creatio, I can only assign one account to a contact. If I assign another account, the previous account will appear in the job experience and it will not be his primary job..


About the accounts it's something like that :


Main Entity


   └───sub unit 1

       ├───sub sub unit 1

       │   └───sub sub sub unit 1

       └───sub sub unit 2

           └───sub sub sub unit 2


I have up to 5 levels of depth (main -> unit -> sub unit -> sub sub unit -> sub sub sub unit).

And I need my contact to be in 2 different units (sub sub unit 1 and sub sub unit 2 for example).

Each (sub) unit is an account because I had too many problems with departments (departments don't appear for some reason but I am able to assign a department to a contact.


I need to see the same contact working in two different accounts. So, in the page of the first account, I need to see the contact. For the second account as well.

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Dear Julien,

In Creatio a contact can only have one primary job. However, you can add new jobs or mark the existing ones in "Job history" as "current". This way if you go to any of the accounts marked as "current job" of the contact you will see the contact in the "Contacts" detail of "Contacts and Structure" tab.

You can find more information about managing job experience here: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/crm_tools/accounts_and_contacts/manage_job_experience


Hello Julien, 

Can you please clarify your request a bit? 

Thank you in advance.

Hi Roman,


I've updated my post !

Dear Julien,

In Creatio a contact can only have one primary job. However, you can add new jobs or mark the existing ones in "Job history" as "current". This way if you go to any of the accounts marked as "current job" of the contact you will see the contact in the "Contacts" detail of "Contacts and Structure" tab.

You can find more information about managing job experience here: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/crm_tools/accounts_and_contacts/manage_job_experience


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Hey Community !


I tried to install GDPR on a demo instance of Creatio 7.18 and got this error:


2021-07-01 16:34:19,827 Compiling configuration dll

2021-07-01 16:35:48,843 Errors and (or) warnings occurred while compiling configuration dll

2021-07-01 16:35:48,859 Autogenerated\Src\SysSchema.BackReferences.Base.cs(45,22) error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'NavGMarker' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

2021-07-01 16:36:09,187 When application installed, an error(s) occured


I tried to install GDPR on a 7.17 environment and it installed successfully.


Is this because of the demo version or is it just that the namespace has been renamed or removed in Creatio 7.18?


Best regards,


Julien Gunther



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Best reply

Hi Julien Gunther,


There is no need to restart from a fresh installation. Perform a full compilation of your Creatio instance.

Hi Julien,


I had no issues with installing GDPR on a demo instance of Creatio 7.18. Please let us know what other applications you have installed before GDPR.

Ivan Leontiev,


I didn't think about this before, I installed and deleted this application before trying to install GDPR :



this application may have removed NavGMarker...

Ivan Leontiev,


I tried to reinstall google-maps-detail-creatio but the installation failed... Do you think there is any other solution to solve this problem than restarting from a fresh install ?

Hi Julien Gunther,


There is no need to restart from a fresh installation. Perform a full compilation of your Creatio instance.

I'm also cannot install GDPR for Creatio (https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/gdpr-creatio) on a 7.18 instance, getting errors, I attach an extract of the installation log 

2022-02-23 21:31:44,461 Se ha producido un error al realizar la operación en el elemento "BpmGDPR", UId = 58ab9e05-4af8-49c4-bb50-bc6728ae4d74.
2022-02-23 21:31:44,470 System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.Exception: Error occured while saving resources for schema 'BpmSchema1Detail' in 'BpmGDPR' package for 'en-US' culture ---> Terrasoft.Common.MismatchItemsCountException: Hay más de un esquema con el nombre 'BpmSchema1Detail' y el nombre del gestor 'ClientUnitSchemaManager'
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageDBResourcesStorage.GetSchemaId(String schemaName, String managerName)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageDBResourcesStorage.SavePackageSchemaResourceWithChecksum(SchemaResourceDescriptor descriptor)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageDBResourcesStorage.SavePackageSchemaResourcesWithChecksum()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageDBResourcesStorage.SavePackageSchemaResourcesWithChecksum()
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageDBResourcesStorage.Save()
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageDBStorage.<>c__DisplayClass351_1.<SaveSchemaResources>b__0()
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageStorage.SafeItemOperation(Descriptor descriptor, Action action)
---> (Inner Exception #0) System.Exception: Error occured while saving resources for schema 'BpmSchema1Detail' in 'BpmGDPR' package for 'en-US' culture ---> Terrasoft.Common.MismatchItemsCountException: Hay más de un esquema con el nombre 'BpmSchema1Detail' y el nombre del gestor 'ClientUnitSchemaManager'
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageDBResourcesStorage.GetSchemaId(String schemaName, String managerName)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageDBResourcesStorage.SavePackageSchemaResourceWithChecksum(SchemaResourceDescriptor descriptor)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageDBResourcesStorage.SavePackageSchemaResourcesWithChecksum()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---<---
---> (Inner Exception #1) System.Exception: Error occured while saving resources for schema 'BpmSchema1Detail' in 'BpmGDPR' package for 'ru-RU' culture ---> Terrasoft.Common.MismatchItemsCountException: Hay más de un esquema con el nombre 'BpmSchema1Detail' y el nombre del gestor 'ClientUnitSchemaManager'
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageDBResourcesStorage.GetSchemaId(String schemaName, String managerName)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageDBResourcesStorage.SavePackageSchemaResourceWithChecksum(SchemaResourceDescriptor descriptor)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageDBResourcesStorage.SavePackageSchemaResourcesWithChecksum()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---<---




Hi! We reviewed this add-on. The issue is with the detail name. BpmSchema1Detail is a standard schema name for an earlier Creatio version. If you have the same schema name in your configuration, it conflicts with the add-on. We changed the schema name in the new version of add-on.

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I am trying to update a lookup field linked to Employee section for multiple records using an input box. But, the list of records are not displaying either by typing in the field or clicking on magnifying glass icon. 

I have tried using every property for binding this to the object. But none of them works. I have attached the code snippet of this custom action for reference.


So please suggest a way to bind it to the correct schema and display its correct records.




File attachments
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Hi Malay, 


Lookups are usually looking like that.


You can add "isSimpleLookup" to the virtual lookup attribute to make it a drop-down ,  so it might be much convenient for you.




"YourLookup": {
    dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
    isSimpleLookup: true,
    referenceSchemaName: "Employee"


Best Regards, 


Bogdan L

Hi Bogdan Lesyk,


Thank you for your response.


I was asking about the binding of object with this virtual lookup. As, this is not properly bind with any object, it is not showing any values.

I have also inserted the property referenceSchemaName: "Employee" but it still does not show any values.






If you don't see any values of your Lookup, you've probably added wrong name of the object your Lookup should referring to.


Please check out the example of how it should looks like:




Also check out the code my test implementation:


 attributes: {

                "UsrTestLookup": {

                    "dataValueType": Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,

                    "type": Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN,

                    isLookup: true,

                    caption: "virtual street",

                    referenceSchemaName: "Employee",

          isSimpleLookup: true




diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[


                    "operation": "insert",

                    "parentName": "ProfileContainer",

                    "propertyName": "items",

                    "name": "UsrTestLookup",

                    "values": {

                        bindTo: "UsrTestLookup",

                        "caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.UsrTestLookupCaption"},

                        layout: {column: 0, row: 8, colSpan: 12}




As far as I choose

 "parentName": "ProfileContainer"


isSimpleLookup: true,

please check out the result of such implementation.



So on Contact page I've got my "some lookup test" which has it's values from "Employee" object which it refers to.


Also please note,  that Virtual Lookup columns most often exist to store intermediate values, that can be further used for data processing.


Best Regards, 


Bogdan L.



Hi Bogdan,

How to add filter to the virtual Lookups, I had followed the above method to add virtual lookup. And when I tried to add filter to that, its not filtering out the data.

I have attached my code for the reference,

After adding the filter I am able to see all the values in the Lookup.

Is there a way, to Filter the Lookup values in Virtual lookup column ?


Adharsh S

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Hey community !


I'm using Creatio v7.17.3.1377.


I wanted to create a custom CSS for my contact page and I ran into an issue. On the french version on Creatio (fr-FR). So I went to advanced settings -> custom -> add -> module -> LESS and my LESS code isn't recognized :


Although on the English translation everything works fine :


Here are the steps to reproduce the bug :

1. Install the French translation in the system settings -> languages

2. Change your language to French in your profile (You will have to log out and log in for the language to be applied)

3. Click on "Paramètres avancés" (advanced settings) after clicking on the wheel under your profile.

4. Click on "Custom" -> "Ajouter" -> Module


5. Click on "MOINS" (French translation for LESS) and try typing some LESS code (the code shown here is just an example)


That's it !


Best regards,


Julien Gunther




This is out of the box bug that was fixed. Feel free to approach the support team via support@creatio.com for the details on how to resolve it.




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Hey guys !


Is there a way (via dynamic folders or advanced filters) to get all accounts where the account's name is in lowercase ?

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Unfortunately, there is no such option. We will register this idea for our developers to consider this feature implementation in the future application versions.






Unfortunately, there is no such option. We will register this idea for our developers to consider this feature implementation in the future application versions.




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Hello Community,


We are trying to add a new language (Turkish) to our implementation. Following the documentation, I added a new language, made it default and active.

I then went to a custom section and added captions for this language. The highlighted fields in the image below are the ones for which translation has been added for Turkish language. When I change Language in User profile the following is what I see :

I then translated the contact info tab and noticed that the earlier translations are lost as seen below !!

I also observe this similar loss of translated captions when I publish the section object after translating fields. 

PS : Here is the copy of the data in SysTranslation Table. I see the translated values are present, but it is not visible in the UI.


Could you please help here and let us know if we are missing something? 

Like 1



Dear Shivani Lakshman,


Thank you for your question!

Would you please let us know how exactly did you add the translations?

Through Localizable Strings or by importing to Translations?


Thank you!



Danyil Onoprienko,

I translated using the section wizard, where I added the captions for Turkey language 

Shivani Lakshman,


Have you tried navigating to the 'Transations' page in the [System Designer] and trying to apply and actualize the translations there?


Please let us know the results,


Thank you!


Danyil Onoprienko,

As seen in my initial comment, the section names have been translated in the translation section. The translation section contains the field names that are filtered always by 'untranslated by language'. I believe this section is not the place where we need to translate for section edit page captions.

Also I noticed that when I translated the captions, the resource file for that language gets modified and clears old value.


Eg : if I change Email first, the resource file has the following

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Resources Culture="tr-TR">

    <Group Type="String">


            <Item Name="Columns.Email.Caption" Value="E-posta" />




After this if I change country the resource file eliminates email translations and gets modified as below

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Resources Culture="tr-TR">

    <Group Type="String">


            <Item Name="Columns.Country.Caption" Value="Durum" />





Shivani Lakshman,


Please email us at support@creatio.com for us to help you further.


Thank you!



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During package installation,  message...


"Unable to install Schema "Tgnxxxxxxx" into package "Tgn0001", because the element has been modified locally. Resolve the conflict and mark the element as unchanged."


... shows when the element has been modified locally. How can I mark the element as unchanged , in order to allow its replacement ?

Like 1



Hello Ricardo, 


Please be advised that this error is indicating that the Package you are trying to use has been locally changed and was blocked by the system in order to prevent overwriting information.

If after Package importing you receive this error then it means that there was a conflict between the Package and the System.

In this case, we would recommend:

1. Resolving the Package conflict by:

    1.1 Determining if it is safe to overwrite the information.

    1.2 If the information cannot be overwritten, execute a "merge" (for example exporting the scheme to the dev-site and forming a new supply).

    1.3 If overwriting is permitted then you should unlock the Package in its context menu by pressing "Remove "Is modified" from Package elements".


2. Restoring the configuration from the automatic backup.


Hope this helps!


Best regards, 


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

Thanks for your reply.

Where is the button "Remove "Is modified" from Package elements" located ?

Dear Ricardo,


The mentioned value can be found in the properties of the package elements. Open the needed package in the configuration, select the element of the package and open it's properties. 


Attaching the corresponding screenshot as well:



Best regards, 


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

The package is unlocked, and I am using the right Current package / Prefix / Maintainer, but the "Modified" checkbox is not enabled. Why is that? Could it be because my sites are cloud-based ? 

Anastasiia Zhuravel,

Any clue on this case ?


Hi, I am also having the same issue. I'm unable to uncheck the box. Can someone advise?

Lewis Pull,

Did you find a solution? having the same issue now


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Hi Community,


We have this situation where we need to send a specific attachment to our client's API. This API only accepts "multipart/form-data" contents, so we need to send the byte[] of our attachment.


Is it possible to send the byte[] from our attachments to the API using the "Web Service Integration Setup" tool? If yes, how can we achieve that?


Thanks in Advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

Like 2



Hi Pedro,


You need to use a stream to pass a byte array in a body of a request. It's possible to create a business process that uses WebService call process element and you can also use a script-task element. Here we can find examples of locating an attachment in the system and reading it in a stream. Once it's read completely you can pass the read byte[] to the request body and perform an API call to the endpoint where the file should be passed. Feel free to develop your logic using the article provided.


Best regards,


hi oleg,


please share the link again, because it is no longer valid. Thanks in advance.


Best Regards,

Abderrahman TIGAMI

Hi Pedro,


Here is a new link for you: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/back_end_development/api_for…


We will be glad to help with any other questions.

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Hello all,


I created a report with FastReport, everything is good and functional, and my data is correctly printed.

My report is accessible at the opportunity edition level, it is called "Opportunity Quote", the output therefore generates a file named "OpportunityQuote.pdf".

I would like to customize the name of the generated file with for example the name of the customer and the date of issue, or ideally with a custom field that contains a unique opportunity number.

Is it possible? How to proceed?


Thank you in advance.



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As for now there is no option to change the file name dynamically or assign some particular name at least Opportunity Quote. We have this task registered in our backlog so this option will be available in future application versions.




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Hi Community,


I have some problems in Portal Users.

These users create several activities and put attachments in the same activities, but the problem is, the portal users cannot access these attachments and the rest of the users can.


Can you help me understand why the portal users are unable to see attachments?



Tiago Sousa

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Dear Tiago, 

Can you please contact us via an email and provide us with a detailed information on this issue?

Cause it's hard to provide you with valuable recommendations without the details.

Kind regards,


Hi Team,  Wanted to check if there was a solution provided to the above query. As we are too facing the same issue as we are not able to view the attachments tab along with attachment detail and notes for the portal user [portal license]? where as for the normal user we have the attachment tab in the case section







It is necessary to add portal users' role to the activity file object and add it to the 'List of objects available for portal users' lookup.




Kyrylo Iudin,

Thanks Kirill, have added the notes and "attachments and notes in case section" to the "List of objects available for portal users" but not sure what is portal users' role to the activity file object? can you please explain how to/where to add role to activity file object?


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