Hello, I'm trying to control the columns that are displayed in the 'Merge Duplicates' window at the Lead Object level.

For Example, in the attached screenshot, the lead score is calculated automatically in run time based on column values and it doesn't matter what the user chooses on the UI ('55' or '63' see: below screenshot). With that said, How do I remove the 'Lead Score' column from the 'merge duplicates' window and for future reference how can I control what columns are being displayed here?

Thank you!




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Hello Vishal, 


The column will be displayed in the "Merge duplicates" window,  as soon as there is a conflict between values of this column in the records you are about to merge.

More detailed information can be found in the corresponding article:



However, there are a few exceptions:

- column is included in the list of ignored columns - Creatio will not duplicate identical communication options, addresses, and noteworthy events. It's a base logic of a system which is specified in system's code;

- it's empty;

- it's a system column. 


Columns from your screenshot is not included in the exceptions list, there is a conflict between them, the system doesn't know which value to choose for the resulting records: 55 or 63, therefore the user action is needed and this column cannot be skipped from the Merge duplicates window. 

Should you have additional questions, please let us know.

Best regards,


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Hi community


Does anyone have experience with the Matomo connector?


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If you require additional information on the Matomo connector, you may get acquainted with the Guide by the link:  https://marketplace.creatio.com/sites/en/files/app-guide/Matomo%20connector%20Guide.pdf


Hope you find the information to be useful!

Hi Alla!

I have installed the connector

I connected to a matomo instance, but nothing happens.

I tried to run manually the business processo  for Sync data from Matomo, but It seems the touchpointsscheduler does not run.

Can you help me?







Stefano Bassoli,


Please contact us via support@creatio.com and describe the issue you are facing with this connector in more details so we could assist you on it. 

Best regards,


Roman Brown,

Hi Roman 

I found the issue.

It's not related to the connector, but it's related to the data.

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Hi community,

I'd like to set up a custom view that displays the timestamp of a bulk email open for each recipient... do you have any idea if there's an existing view or table to retrieve the data I need? 

Thank you in advance! 

Have a good one :)

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Best reply



Please be informed that it is not possible to implement this kind of logic even with the help of development. However, we have registered this idea for our R&D team and they will review the possibility of implementing of this functionality in the future.


Best regards,




Please be informed that it is not possible to implement this kind of logic even with the help of development. However, we have registered this idea for our R&D team and they will review the possibility of implementing of this functionality in the future.


Best regards,


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Is there a way to integrate Google Forms with Creatio's Lead Object. Can the OOTB Landing Page Integration capabilities help here?

Thank you!

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Hello Vishal,

Currently, there are no such connectors.

However, you can also try to set up integration through the Zapier connector directly. It allows you to transfer data between applications.


You can connect it to Creatio, and it, in turn, can transfer data from Google forms and tables.

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Hello I got that error after configurated Zapier and Creatio (1.0.1) with Leadfeeder.


Error Message

Creatio (1.0.1)

Unexpected token < in JSON at position 4


What does it mean? 

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Hi Lebouteiller,
We recommend using the "Run business process" event. In that case, Creatio's internal logic will handle creating a record rather than DataService.

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When we attempt to install a package from our dev environment to our production environment, we get a package installation error. And in the install log the error reads:


" Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: =. Path '', line 0, position 0."


I have searched the community here, and found several posts related to this error. But I cannot find any missing lookup fields nor any missing objects. Could someone tell me a way that I can find the source of the error? 

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Hi Josh,

Please make sure that your exported package doesn't have additional strings appended to it like a date.

Whenever we export a package, the package is downloaded into a ZIP file with the current date appended to the filename followed by an underscore (_). After exporting the package, please remove the newly appended date and make sure the downloaded package name is exactly the same as the package in the configuration section. 

This is one of the reasons that cause an error while installation (parsing of package). Please post your install_log.txt to understand this more better.


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

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Can't see Already Existing Campaign Details When opening Campaign Page or Campaign Design and the below page remains forever.

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Please contact our support team (support@creatio.com) for further investigation. 

Best regards,


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Creatio calculates the number of opened emails using the “pixel” tracking method. Is Creatio is doing something regarding privacy changes that block the pixel that allow Creatio to know if the email was opened or not? Is there a roadmap for this?

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Best reply

Khalil Guliwala,


Please be informed that the articles you shared above are still relevant, however, there will be some changes in the Creatio version 8.0.5, so stay tuned and wait for the release notes to get more information on the topic. 


Also, I'd like to bring your attention to the fact that the tracking method you mentioned is the mailbox provider's functionality and not Creatio's, therefore we have no impact on the way their system works.


Best regards,




Please specify what provider you use. Also, can you elaborate on the matter and explain in detail if you have any specific concerns, and what possible vulnerabilities exactly you have in mind? 


Best regards,


Mira Dmitruk, the client is asking about cookies/pixels and the cookie apocalypse (a very complex topic). Essentially, they wanted to know if  Creatio had any best practices or information on how the Creatio platform is going to handle lead tracking and email opens/clicks in this new digital world. Is the information in these Creatio academy articles still valid? https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/marketing_tools/website_tracking/…




Khalil Guliwala,


Please be informed that the articles you shared above are still relevant, however, there will be some changes in the Creatio version 8.0.5, so stay tuned and wait for the release notes to get more information on the topic. 


Also, I'd like to bring your attention to the fact that the tracking method you mentioned is the mailbox provider's functionality and not Creatio's, therefore we have no impact on the way their system works.


Best regards,


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For Lead Scoring, is Creatio able to track if/how a client interacts with their website? e.g. how many times they visited or what they clicked on? This would be used for lead scoring.



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Hello Khalil, 


Please check the following guides -




The information here describes the OOTB possibilities for lead tracking and setup.  


Best Regards, 


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In a Campaign, the steps/actions are related to email. Is there a way to add a Task to a campaign? E.g. if a recipient opens an email, the next step in the campaign is to call them? 





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