
It seems that Creatio Marketing email size is limited to 5mb.

Is there a way to change the acceptable limit size in the system parameters, or is this limit set by the ESPs (ElasticEmail or Sendgrid) ?



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Unfortunately, there is no workaround with the 5MB limit, since it is a restriction from the ESPs side.

It is a general recommendation to optimize size of your bulk email attachments.



we asked the ESP ElasticEmail, according to them, our limit is at 10mb.

Is there a technical reason why in Creatio it is 5mb ?



Damien Collot,


Thank you for the information. We will pass it on to our R&D team.


has the limit been increased with the new email marketing app & designer ?




Hi Bogdan, do you know if the 5mb limit has been increased with the release of Creatio 8.2.1 new email marketing app ? 

In theory, Elastic Email authorizes up to 10mb and Sendgrid up to 30 mb, but Creatio was limiting the mail at 5mb ....



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I am currently working on a functionality that overrides and defines what needs to happen when clicking a button on a detail.


This means I am working on a "Source Code" type of file within the configuration, so only C# code involved.


I have some trouble debugging the code to see what's wrong besides this message that pops up:


I haven't found any debugging tips specifically for this type of "file"/task and I would like to display message boxes with values of variables and so on, just like the one above.


I know there is a way to achieve this using business processes and JS code inside the client module, but I haven't found any solution to programatically display this using C# code.


Can someone refer me to the class/library where this is located exactly?




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Hello Laurentiu,


C# cannot be used to display the popup directly. What can be done is send a websocket message to the client side and display the popup when a websocket message is received. Like described here, but in the onNewMessage method you need to call this.showInformationDialog method (just check how it's called out-of-the-box) and pass the message to it.

If this is a local system you can use debugging with your C# code, see https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platfor…

If this is a cloud system, sending messages to the UI to display a message box isn't the best route since the message boxes aren't blocking, meaning if your code sends 3 messages, only the last one will show in the message box, plus it means you have to add client-side code to receive the message and display it. 

It would be far better to just create a lookup object to write your debug messages to, then you just check the lookup to see the messages. 


Ryan Farley,

Do you have an example how to write into a lookup  object please ?

You can write to any object using the following: 

var schema = UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("AccountType");
var entity = schema.CreateEntity(UserConnection)
entity.SetColumnValue("Name", "Some new type");


However, for debugging, even better than writing to an object would be to use logging, see https://customerfx.com/article/logging-information-and-errors-in-creatio-c-code-and-viewing-from-cloud-hosted-systems/


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Greetings, I was wondering if there was a way to apply a filter to an audience in a bulk email that only applies those who didn't click a link in a particular email. For example, we have Bulk Email A that launched last quarter. We want to send Bulk Email B, but only to those who did not click on a link within Bulk Email A. I know campaigns have this logic, but does it exist in bulk email launches? Thanks in advance.


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Here's an example of such a filter:

Best regards,



Here's an example of such a filter:

Best regards,


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If you save message template blocks in either user templates and/or bulk messages, and you need to change a saved block, the changes do not automatically cascade down the templates that use that block. You have to manually open each item and drag and drop the new block into place and delete the old one. This can get extensive when you have 100s of templated messages in use. There should be a save and save as option, where save overwrites the existing block and cascades the changes to any template that currently uses it. 


That would save soooo much time ! (= massive added value)

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Is it possible to add an attachment to an email within a campaign?

I know it's possible to do it within a business process, but I want to utilize the marketing campaign features.

Have any of you accomplished this in Creatio?


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Bulk/trigger emails are not supposed to have files attached to them since the email provider can reject sending this email. The only way to have a file (for example pdf file) being attached to an email if it is a trigger/bulk email - is to put this file as a link to the body of an email. Your file should be stored in some public storage that can be accessed by anyone and the link to it will be like this https://test_storage_system/$File/TestSheet.pdf.


But if you put this link to the body of an email - recipients will get an error when opening it. So you need to use the OpenElement parameter at the end and make the link look like this

https://test_storage_system/$File/TestSheet.pdf?OpenElement. As a result, users will see opened pdf documents (which they can download after that) that can be accessed from your bulk/trigger email.



Bulk/trigger emails are not supposed to have files attached to them since the email provider can reject sending this email. The only way to have a file (for example pdf file) being attached to an email if it is a trigger/bulk email - is to put this file as a link to the body of an email. Your file should be stored in some public storage that can be accessed by anyone and the link to it will be like this https://test_storage_system/$File/TestSheet.pdf.


But if you put this link to the body of an email - recipients will get an error when opening it. So you need to use the OpenElement parameter at the end and make the link look like this

https://test_storage_system/$File/TestSheet.pdf?OpenElement. As a result, users will see opened pdf documents (which they can download after that) that can be accessed from your bulk/trigger email.


Hello thank you for your reply. I'll find a way to generate a link of my file and use it within a bulk email

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Can I get Marketing Creatio training videos in Russian? 


Thanks in advance. 

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We currently do not have Russian video materials ready. Thank you for bringing up the idea!


We will take it into consideration.

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Hi, I have a doubt.

Could someone tell me how to delete and edit a template once placing it in a campaign?

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Please be informed that it is not possible to edit templates that are used in running campaigns. You can edit email templates in Content Designer. I am sending you an instruction that describes how to do it in detail: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/creatio-apps/products/marketing-to…

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Hi Creatio community,

I'm unable to set up responses based on emails that are delivered/ not delivered and as a result I'm unable to transfer participants based on their email interaction conditionally. Is there something that I'm doing incorrectly? it seems to work on the trial versions of Creatio (The production site I've got is 8.0.10).

Thank you!

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I have made a custom detail using existing object Click through links with email in the BulkEmail section in order to see what Contacts clicked on what links of this Bulk email.

To achieve that in BulkEmailPageV2 code i changed detailColumn default value to BulkEmailHyperlink.BulkEmail as here is no direct refference to Bulk email in object Click through links with email.

        details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{
            "UsrSchema4edcd088Detail90da8858": {
                "schemaName": "UsrSchema4edcd088Detail",
                "entitySchemaName": "VwBulkEmailClickedLink",
                "filter": {
                    "detailColumn": "BulkEmailHyperlink.BulkEmail",
                    "masterColumn": "Id"

At first sight everything looks good, though i noticed that I cannot get extended list of records by pressing Show More button in that new detail. As result of Show More i receive only additional 2-5 records (depending on which column records are sorted by) and Show more option after second or third click dissapears.

What i missed here? any ideas?

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Hello Viesturs,

I implemented the same code as yours and it works correctly. According to Creatio’s logic after “Show more” the system outputs next 10 records from DB by each click if they’re available. Here is my code:

define("BulkEmailPageV2", [], function() {
			return {
				entitySchemaName: "BulkEmail",
				    details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{
						"UsrSchema4edcd088Detail90da8858": {
							"schemaName": "Schemad7cb2755Detail",
							"entitySchemaName": "VwBulkEmailClickedLink",
							"filter": {
								"detailColumn": "BulkEmailHyperlink.BulkEmail",
								"masterColumn": "Id"
				messages: {},
				attributes: {},
				methods: {},
				modules: /**SCHEMA_MODULES*/{}/**SCHEMA_MODULES*/,
				diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
            /* Add a new element. */
            "operation": "insert",
            /* The element name. */
            "name": "UsrSchema4edcd088Detail90da8858",
            /* The configuration object of values. */
            "values": {
                /* The element type. */
                "itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.DETAIL
            /* The container element name. */
           	"parentName": "SettingsTabContainer",
            /* The property name of the container element for the nested element collection. */
            "propertyName": "items",
            /* The index of the element to add to the collection. */
            "index": 0
				rules: {}

Could you check how many records are in your DB by this query, please:

select * from VwBulkEmailClickedLink
where ContactId in (select ContactId from BulkEmailTarget
where BulkEmailId = 'Your process id. For example: a0ae3a33-5863-4e7a-993e-5ecee7de7c79')

My detail view:

Best regards, Anhelina!

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We just started using Creatio and are trying to get set up without using too many billable hours. What is creatio onboarding and how do I use it?

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You can upgrade your skills in development on Creatio platform, system administration, and configuration with Academy training courses.






You can upgrade your skills in development on Creatio platform, system administration, and configuration with Academy training courses.




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