Hi Community, 


We are looking to insert non-contact macros in email template. We have an object with two fields - rate and duration. These fields are not connected to any object and have only one record. We want to insert these two values in an email template. How can we go about it?



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In the current version of the system, macros cannot be added from objects that are not linked to a contact or to bulk emails in the template. The object must be connected to a contact for the macros to be available. 


We created a request to our development department for further implementation in the next versions of the system. 

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Hello Community,


                  I’ve built a custom page in Freedom UI to display my data in both List View and Calendar View. I implemented the logic in `SCHEMA_HANDLERS` and used `crt.LoadDataRequest` to toggle between the views. The logic works fine when switching to Calendar View for the first time.




1] When switching from Calendar View to List View and then back to Calendar View, the data disappears.

I have to refresh the page to make the data reappear in the Calendar.



Ajay Kuthe



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Please describe in detail how exactly this was implemented and provide screenshots of this button's settings.

Mira Dmitruk,


I used the 'Refresh data' action to trigger the 'crt.LoadDataRequest' and control the visibility of elements to switch between views (Calender and List).

Button Config

#Code Logic in Handler

handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/[{
    request: "crt.LoadDataRequest",
    handler: async (request, next) => {


// Check if the data source name is "ListOrCalenderView"
if (request.dataSourceName === "ListOrCalenderView") {

   // Retrieve the current view mode (Calendar or List)
   const IsCalenderView = await request.$context.IsCalenderView;

   // If the current view is not Calendar (i.e., it's List View)
   if (IsCalenderView === false) {
       // Set the Button caption to "List View"
       request.$context.ListOrCalenderView_caption = "List View";
       request.$context.IsCalenderView = true;
 // Set the ListView flag to false since we are now in Calendar view
       request.$context.IsListView = false;

   } else {
  // If the current view is Calendar, switch to List View
  request.$context.ListOrCalenderView_caption = "Calender View";   request.$context.IsCalenderView = false;
  request.$context.IsListView = true;





Ajay K

Mira Dmitruk,

Do you have any alternative solutions besides switching between List and Calendar views?

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How do i calculate email marketing limit of my creatio account? Currently I have 3347 active licenses . I would like to know how many emails i can send from my account.

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Hi Team,


I want to format KPIs  in sending progress and email totals by changing type from white to fully colored. How to go about it? Thanks

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Hi Puneet!

Unfortunately, currently, there is no option to modify these dashboards. 

We have created an idea for our R&D team to implement this functionality in future releases.

Have a great day!

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I’m currently working with email campaigns in Creatio and facing a challenge. I need to generate more granular reports on email interactions for my client. Specifically, I’m looking for a way to track the number of clicks and email opens on a daily basis or within a specific time frame during the campaign. For example, if a campaign runs for several months, we need to see how many emails were opened and how many clicks occurred on specific days or within a given month.


I’ve been using the [AdCampaign] object that integrates with Google Ads and Meta Ads. It provides a granular view of daily data, such as clicks and impressions, through the [Ad campaign Daily Insights] child object. My client would like a similar capability for email data—being able to filter by specific date ranges to view detailed interaction data (opens, clicks, etc.).


Is there an existing table or method in Creatio that allows me to capture and report email interactions in such a granular format? Additionally, would it be possible to combine this email interaction data with the social media data (from Google Ads and Meta Ads) into a unified report that shows all interactions (clicks, opens, etc.) within the same time period?


I would appreciate any guidance or suggestions on how to achieve this, ideally within the marketing module of Creatio.

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Best reply



Unfortunately, at the time, such filtration is not possible through out-of-the-box means.

We will inform our development team about such an idea so that it might be developed in the future.


Thank you for being an active part of the Creatio community! 



Unfortunately, at the time, such filtration is not possible through out-of-the-box means.

We will inform our development team about such an idea so that it might be developed in the future.


Thank you for being an active part of the Creatio community! 

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Does anybody know how to share records in Freedom UI? In classic UI we have "Action" button with "Set up access right" menu item. But I can't see the similar button in Freedom UI, for example, on Contact form page. Shoud I customize the form and add it?

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I found: lock sign at the right top corner.  

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Hi Team,


I tried transferring campaign flows (Type=Marketing campaign files) from dev environment to pre-prod in a package. I am able to see the updated objects; but I don't see the campaigns in the campaign section. Is there anything I am missing?



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Please note that when migrating packages between environments, the version of the sites must be the same, otherwise, you may not be able to migrate functionality or the packages may not be installed successfully.

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Hi Community,


I need to import two non-google fonts in Creatio to create emails: Avenir & Awesome. How can we do this in Creatio?



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To upload new fonts and use them in emails, you need to change the values of the system settings "CKEditor fonts list" ("CKEditor fonts list") and "CKEditor default font" ("CKEditor default font"). 

The "CKEditor fonts list" system setting is responsible for which font you will be able to see in the font drop-down list. It should be added to the beginning of the system setting list, with ";".

Accordingly, in order to use this font, they just need to be installed on the server as a regular font.

It is also necessary to know that if the recipient does not have this font, he will not see this font.


Best regards,


Yuliya Gritsenko,

Thanks Yuliya; how do I install these fonts on the Creatio environment?

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Hoping someone can assist any way they have found to help when using O365 with Creatio email. When we send a bulk email from our generic sales@ email(which most audience members are used to) we receive a few hundred OOO or 'so and so no longer works here' responses. What are people doing to filter those to a different folder in their distribution lists so members don't get all those emails?

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Such functionality is not the part of the Creatio setup. You can configure the rules in your mailbox on the email provider side to move or delete such letters from the inbox automatically each time you receive one. 

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Hi, all mentors, 


    I'd like to use the notes filed in event object to keep record of the participant event details information, I'd like to import data from excel, however, I can't find any import button or function inside "event" object. Is there any way to solve it?

Thank in advance.


File attachments
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Best reply

Hi Jeffrey,

To import data to the Event section, you can add an import button to the event page or go to System Designer, where you can import records to any object.

To add the import button, you need to open Page Designer. Then, add a button component to the page. In the action section, choose the "Data import" option, finish the setup and save the page.

To import data without adding the button, please go to System Designer and choose "Data import" section:


Have a great day!

Hi Jeffrey,

To import data to the Event section, you can add an import button to the event page or go to System Designer, where you can import records to any object.

To add the import button, you need to open Page Designer. Then, add a button component to the page. In the action section, choose the "Data import" option, finish the setup and save the page.

To import data without adding the button, please go to System Designer and choose "Data import" section:


Have a great day!

Alina Yakovlieva,

Thanks a lot for your help. 

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