Does anybody know how to share records in Freedom UI? In classic UI we have "Action" button with "Set up access right" menu item. But I can't see the similar button in Freedom UI, for example, on Contact form page. Shoud I customize the form and add it?
I tried transferring campaign flows (Type=Marketing campaign files) from dev environment to pre-prod in a package. I am able to see the updated objects; but I don't see the campaigns in the campaign section. Is there anything I am missing?
Please note that when migrating packages between environments, the version of the sites must be the same, otherwise, you may not be able to migrate functionality or the packages may not be installed successfully.
To upload new fonts and use them in emails, you need to change the values of the system settings "CKEditor fonts list" ("CKEditor fonts list") and "CKEditor default font" ("CKEditor default font").
The "CKEditor fonts list" system setting is responsible for which font you will be able to see in the font drop-down list. It should be added to the beginning of the system setting list, with ";".
Accordingly, in order to use this font, they just need to be installed on the server as a regular font.
It is also necessary to know that if the recipient does not have this font, he will not see this font.
Hoping someone can assist any way they have found to help when using O365 with Creatio email. When we send a bulk email from our generic sales@ email(which most audience members are used to) we receive a few hundred OOO or 'so and so no longer works here' responses. What are people doing to filter those to a different folder in their distribution lists so members don't get all those emails?
Such functionality is not the part of the Creatio setup. You can configure the rules in your mailbox on the email provider side to move or delete such letters from the inbox automatically each time you receive one.
I'd like to use the notes filed in event object to keep record of the participant event details information, I'd like to import data from excel, however, I can't find any import button or function inside "event" object. Is there any way to solve it?
To import data to the Event section, you can add an import button to the event page or go to System Designer, where you can import records to any object.
To add the import button, you need to open Page Designer. Then, add a button component to the page. In the action section, choose the "Data import" option, finish the setup and save the page.
To import data without adding the button, please go to System Designer and choose "Data import" section:
To import data to the Event section, you can add an import button to the event page or go to System Designer, where you can import records to any object.
To add the import button, you need to open Page Designer. Then, add a button component to the page. In the action section, choose the "Data import" option, finish the setup and save the page.
To import data without adding the button, please go to System Designer and choose "Data import" section:
We have open and click rates out of the box in Creatio for email analytics. We can also track link peroformance (click #) for multiple links sent out in the email. Is there a way to see a list of contact records (name & email address) who clicked for each of these links sent out in the email? Thanks
I am trying to set up an A/B split test in a campaign, however when I install the add on from the market place in the link below, I am not seeing this added into the campaign set up. Are there any tips/tricks on getting this to work? After installing the app I updated the DB structure, generated the source code for all schemas and compiled my environment and still not showing.
I have created Business Process 1 with three parameters. I can send the GUID from the Form Page, but I also want to pass the SchemaName as a parameter to the Business Process.
1] Business Process: ( Process with 3 Parameters: )
2] Account_FormPage:
How can I send a text value parameter from the Form Page to Process? Can I Send the Multiple Parameters to Business Process? Is there any solution for this?
Unfortunately, it is impossible to do it now, but we've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases. Thank you for helping us to improve our product.
I have a question : If I trigger the process from different pages, such as Account_FormPage, Contact_FormPage, or Order_FormPage, is it possible to capture detailed information in the business process flow indicating from which specific page the button was triggered?
I'm looking for something similar to how HTTP request header parameters work.
Unfortunately, when triggering a business process from a button, it's impossible to determine from which specific page the process was initiated using no-code tools. However, we recommend creating a separate business process for each page. This approach lets you know exactly which page the business process was launched from.
We're having some problems with contact metrics in digital ads. The submitted forms are being registered, but the contacts are not identified and are not included in the metrics. According to the documentation, the UTM Source and UTM Campaign must be correctly filled in.
However, this is a google ads campaign and there is no utm campaign, we can only identify the gclid. Is it possible to map it in creatio from the gclid?
Does anyone know how the association of contacts with campaigns works?
Regarding the problem with counting contacts in the ad campaign section, please contact technical support for a detailed analysis of this issue. As for the question about UTM Source and UTM Campaign, these values should contain the following information:
The UtmSourceStr property should have a "google" or "facebook" value. Depending on the campaign source.
The UtmCampaignStr property should contain a campaign identifier (identifier from platform, AdCampaignId property of AdCampaign object in Creatio). A campaign name could also be applied for this property, but to accurately identify the ad campaign use its ID.