Hi, all mentors, 


    how to delete a campaign includes the audience contacts? I accidently create a wrong campaign with audience. Is It possilbe to delete it?




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I am afraid the deletion of already sent emails is not possible. 

Only "draft" and "planned" ones may be deleted.
Deletion of sent is against our company policies, as they are connected to Active contacts in the licensed amounts.

Thank you for understanding.

Best regards,

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Hi, all!

Is there any known way how to block update of main phone/email fields while adding new phone/email in Contact's communication options? 


I mean these fields are updated when one adds new record to comm options with types "phone" or "email" for Contact records and I would like to prevent such behaviour.


Is it possible to do that without writing a code?

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We recommend you to try out this marketplace addon that allows you to manually mark any communication option as primary, which is not overridden by adding new options to the list:


Mira Dmitruk,

Hello, could you please, clarify, if one installed that add-on, whether that option is available in import also? Or only for Contact form?

Artem Evdokimenko,


Yes, it is possible to mark the emails as primary with this addon when importing from excel, the column is "IsPrimary" and has values "yes" or "no". 

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Hi Creatio Community,


I hope you're all doing well. I have question with managing app updates and would appreciate your insights.


Scenario: I have developed an app and released version 1.0 on the Creatio Marketplace. Some clients have installed this version and made custom changes to the app. 

Now, I am preparing to release version 1.1 with new features and bug fixes. My concern is that when clients update to version 1.1, their custom changes overwritten or not?


1] What are the best practices to ensure client-specific changes are not lost during the update?


2] Are there any tools or features within Creatio that can help manage and merge client customizations with new updates?


Thank you in advance for your assistance and suggestions.


Best Regards,

Ajay Kuthe

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Best reply

Hi Ajay,


Let's look at how the customization process works in general. 


When a customer makes any changes to the installed application, your core logic remains unchanged. Instead, the app is extended with a new package where replaced schemas are created, inheriting your core schemas. When you make new changes to the app and customize these core schemas, after delivering a new version to the client, only those core schemas will be updated. The customer's inherited schemas will remain unchanged.


Therefore, custom changes will not be overwritten. However, we recommend supporting backward compatibility to avoid breaking custom changes after delivery.

If you are going through the update process together with the client, we suggest using the delivery process article to build a safe delivery process.

Hi Ajay,


Let's look at how the customization process works in general. 


When a customer makes any changes to the installed application, your core logic remains unchanged. Instead, the app is extended with a new package where replaced schemas are created, inheriting your core schemas. When you make new changes to the app and customize these core schemas, after delivering a new version to the client, only those core schemas will be updated. The customer's inherited schemas will remain unchanged.


Therefore, custom changes will not be overwritten. However, we recommend supporting backward compatibility to avoid breaking custom changes after delivery.

If you are going through the update process together with the client, we suggest using the delivery process article to build a safe delivery process.

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Hi, all mentors, 


   I'd like to filter out the contact that has been issued an unsubscribe request in the previous marketing bulk email. Howerver, I've no idea how to use the existing objects to filter in the folder setup page. Please kindly help.




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Best reply


You can filter for contacts that clicked a specific link in a bulk email using the related object "Click through links with email". See details here: https://customerfx.com/article/creating-a-filter-of-contacts-that-clicked-a-specific-link-in-a-creatio-bulk-email/




Please find the example of such a filter on the screenshot below:


Hi, Thanks for your help, anyway to know which click part in the email content the audience click in the result? Say, if there are two click parts in the edm, One is interested in "A" product, the other is "B" product, how to use filter to know who is the contact interested in "A" product" ?





Thank you for your question!


Unfortunately, there is no way to filter and group contacts by clicking on a specific link. However, we have registered a request for the responsible R&D team to implement this feature in future versions of our app.


You can filter for contacts that clicked a specific link in a bulk email using the related object "Click through links with email". See details here: https://customerfx.com/article/creating-a-filter-of-contacts-that-clicked-a-specific-link-in-a-creatio-bulk-email/


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I have a web form created in wordpress using elementor plugin. I would like to upload a file to the via this wordpress form but I can't find documentation for this. Any help would be much appreciated.

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We do not currently support file transfers, but we will register a request for a description of the documentation if possible.

If you have any further questions, please send them in response. We will be happy to help.

Thank you for contacting Creatio Support!

It's not very straight forward, but it is possible. Basically, you'd need to encode the file as a Base64 string, then transfer it as a string value to the webhook. Once received decode the Base64 string back to a file byte array to save as an attachment somewhere. 

If this is coming from a web form, you can use Javascript's FileReader to convert the file to a base64 string. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36280818/how-to-convert-file-to-base64-in-javascript

Then send the value as a string to the webhook. You could add a process to trigger on record added of your entity. Then decode the string to a byte array. See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.convert.frombase64string

Then save the byte array as an attachment on the record. See https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platform/back-end-development/api-for-file-management/examples/file-management-examples


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We have the Opportunities functionality with custom stages . We tested the transition between the stages and is not recording Stage History in Opportunities, is there somewhere to enable this for the new stages?


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Hi, Victoria!

Please turn to us via Creatio Support so we can examine the system behavior in further detail.

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Hi All,
I am trying to apply quick filter in the contact section under "All Email" Tab such that is should show all the mails related to the current user 
Below is the handler code:
	handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/[
		request: "crt.LoadDataRequest",
		handler: async (request, next) => {
	/*if (request.dataSourceName === "ByOwnerQuickFilterInTimeline_ComboBox_List_DS") 
		  const userId = Terrasoft.SysValue.CURRENT_USER.value;
		  //Create a filter to match the owner field with the current user's ID
			const filter = new sdk.FilterGroup();
			await filter.addExistsFilter("[SysAdminUnit:Contact:Id].Id");
		   //workaround for filters
			const newFilter = Object.assign({}, filter);
			newFilter.items = filter.items;
						type: "filter",
						value: newFilter
			request.$context.attributes.ByOwnerQuickFilterInTimeline_Value[0] = [
    				checkedState: true,
    				displayValue: "Lori Espinoza",
    				value: "ccb53f93-d5ab-4121-8598-63a8a694eeb"
				return await next?.handle(request);
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Currently there is no tool to set the default filter in the Freedom UI Timeline component, but our R&D team has a task for implementing this functionality in one of the future application releases. Thank you for reporting this to us and helping us in making the app better!

Oleg Drobina,


I know this is only a couple of months on, but is there any expectation of this being possible in the near future? A couple of our clients have asked after this, and I was quite surprised it wasn't possible.

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Hi, is there a way to set a "Reply To' parameter for an Email?

"Senders Email" is configurable via macros in the Header of the Email template.  

Need the same capability for "Reply To", so when the Client responds to the Email, it is directed to the person specified in the Reply To parameter (not to the senders email address).

Thanks, Raoul.

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Dear Raoul,


Unfortunately, there is no option to configure the "Reply To" parameter with macros. 


I will create an idea for future implementation of this functionality.


Have a nice day!


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All the information you need is stored in the Activity object, Body column. From there you can retrieve the information you require.

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Hi community,

has anyone had the experience of connecting Creatio with a QR code tool to handle events, for use cases such as:

  • add QR code to email confirmation that can be used for different purposes:
    • Use QR code at the day of the event to register attendance at the event, but also subtrack at the event
    • Use QR code for cross promotions post event

The idea is to enrich the event management part of Creatio to be more complete, useful and interactive with more potential. There's a lot that can be done already with marketing automation, forms and facebookleads/linkedleads, but our clients want to bring the experience to the next level on the day of the event, to be even more digital.

Thanks for anyone pitching in.


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Thank you for your Idea, we have registered it for our R&D team and such functionality may appear in future releases.

Hi Damien

I think you can do event tracking using a combination of Creatio anonymous web service and QR Code generation.

You can generate a QR Code image for each attendee using our QR Code Addon (https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/experceo-qr-code-generator-creatio) to create a link with the attendee ID to a Creatio web service to track the attendance.

If you're open to using a third-party tool, you can use a Jotform Event Management Application (https://www.jotform.com/app-templates/event-management-app) to manage the registrations and integrate it with Creatio using our Jotform Connector (https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/experceo-jotform-connector-creatio).

Hope this helps!

Thank you


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