Hi Community,


We're having some problems with contact metrics in digital ads. The submitted forms are being registered, but the contacts are not identified and are not included in the metrics. According to the documentation, the UTM Source and UTM Campaign must be correctly filled in.


However, this is a google ads campaign and there is no utm campaign, we can only identify the gclid. Is it possible to map it in creatio from the gclid? 


Does anyone know how the association of contacts with campaigns works?

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Regarding the problem with counting contacts in the ad campaign section, please contact technical support for a detailed analysis of this issue. As for the question about UTM Source and UTM Campaign, these values should contain the following information: 


The UtmSourceStr property should have a "google" or "facebook" value. Depending on the campaign source.

The UtmCampaignStr property should contain a campaign identifier (identifier from platform, AdCampaignId property of AdCampaign object in Creatio). A campaign name could also be applied for this property, but to accurately identify the ad campaign use its ID.

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