I have a question regarding customization file storage in Creatio. Is it possible to save files directly in the file system instead of the database (default)?
I came across documentation on "Implementing a custom file storage," but I'm unsure whether these customizations affect...MoreLess
I am trying to upload files as you would do manually in the browser, but using an API. When dragging and dropping a file into the attachments tabs of any section, I see in the browser that Creatio performs a POST request to its FileApiService with a format like the following example:
We have a requirement where client would send data as csv file. This file will be later processed via BPM process and record will be loaded into the creatio object. How and where this file can be stored within Creatio Cloud ?
Please note the file is not an attachment to any record but rather records which is to be loaded in Creatio Database.
Hello, colleagues. After generating a report, it is necessary to attach it as a file to the record, in the Files and links detail. The application from "customerfx" is not suitable. Here, it is necessary to automatically select the report form by pressing one button, etc.
Not sure if I completely understand, however, if you're wanting to generate a printable and attach to a record, you can do this with a process...MoreLess
Not sure if I completely understand, however, if you're wanting to generate a printable and attach to a record, you can do this with a process...MoreLess
I added an object based on the File object, but I can't see the newly created object in the list of file storage locations. What could I be doing wrong?
I need to add new columns that are specific to my section. Therefore, I have to create a new object. Is there a way to upload files into the newly created object?
We have an implementation of saving data in the "History" of Contacts, and we use the HttpWebRequest method like this POST. However, now every time we try to upload a file into the History email it returns this Error: 'The remote server returned an error: (400) Incorrect Request.'.
I am working on uploading a large amount of xlsx files into my system using Creatio's Data Import wizard. I am currently uploading them one at a time but I'm wondering if there would be any negative effect to uploading more than one file at a time.
The wizard is creating Contact records and there isn't any overlap between the different xlsx files so I was wondering if I could run two imports at the same time.
It is highly not recommended to do more than one import at once. It may vastly slow down the system to the point that the system may even become inaccessible.
Unfortunately, landing pages don't allow uploading attachments. Please find more information about uploading attachments in the answer by the...MoreLess