Auto numbering server side Not Working


I'm trying to add an auto-numbering field in the Leads section following the instructions here:


I've made the 2 new system settings required:

I've also made a replacing Lead object in the package I'm working on and added a new event trigger before the record is added:

The process triggered by this signal on the object is set up with the expected elements:

With conditional logic:

One thing I think is missing is how to tie the new system settings into this process.  Is there a schema or input I need to update for this?

Also, do the process element parameters need to be populated on the user task?

Thank you for your help finding what needs to be fixed to get this working!

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Is your column on the Lead object really called "CreatioNumber"? (the code for the column)

You've verified that your User Task is really named "LeadNumberCreation"? (click the three-dot button on the top right and switch to advanced mode)

As for the system settings, the user task locates and uses those. 

As a side note, the new method is much easier (it works for classic as well as Freedom since it's simply added as a default value for the column). See


Is your column on the Lead object really called "CreatioNumber"? (the code for the column)

You've verified that your User Task is really named "LeadNumberCreation"? (click the three-dot button on the top right and switch to advanced mode)

As for the system settings, the user task locates and uses those. 

As a side note, the new method is much easier (it works for classic as well as Freedom since it's simply added as a default value for the column). See


I obfuscated the real code numbers for these screenshots but the ones I'm using do match the field column code and the user task code so that shouldn't be the problem.

That's great to know there is a more simple way to create an autonumber field right on the object now though!  I tried it and it worked so that solution will work fine.

Thank you so much for your help!

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