Hello Community, 

I have a business case where I wanted to load the records to the editable detail on click of a Save Button (We have a custom code written to insert the records to detail). 

I have added a page filter so that the detail should contain only the records where reference Id in detail is current page Id

Currently the records gets loaded when I refresh the entire form page. 

But I wanted to load the detail without refreshing entire page. 

I also tried to reload the detail from code, it didn't worked. 

my page filter is designed such that detail referencecoulmnId = current form page Id

When I reopen the page everything looks good.

Any suggestions is really helpful






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Please check if the logic you created works when you click the Refresh button from the addon https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/reload-data-button-creatio right after clicking the Save button.

If it does, you can analyze the logic of the Refresh button from the addon and add it to your logic.

Unfortunately, we do not have ready examples of the implementation of this logic.


Best regards,


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I need to redirect a user to an Account edit page under certain conditions, after an activity is completed via the activity mini page. For this I used the OnSaved() event as indicated in the sample code, but I get the error below. How do I resolve this?

onSaved: function() {
	this.sandbox.publish("PushHistoryState", {hash: "CardModuleV2/AccountPageV2/edit/" + "f71a7d76-8ac6-46cb-ab7a-a8dae49471b4"});

core-base.js:704 user: Supervisor/7f3b869f-34f3-4f20-ab4d-7480a5fdf647

 file: http://localhost:50081/0/core/hash/ng-core/src/polyfills-es5.js?hash=cd…

 line: 1

 column: 83823

 message: Uncaught Terrasoft.UnsupportedTypeException: Message PushHistoryState is not defined in MiniPageModule (ViewModule_MiniPageListener_MiniPage_ActivityMiniPage) module 

 date: Tue May 23 2023 18:15:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)

 stack: undefined



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Try sending a custom sandbox message to MainHeaderSchema for example and call NetworkUtilities.openEntityPage (see it's usage in the basic code) upon receiveing this custom message. This should also open the edit page of account.

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I would like to create a button in the Freedom UI to generate a word document (printable), but there is no such an action for the button.

What is the way to create a printable in the new UI?


Thank you in advance!

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Hello Kiss,


We have checked this issue with the R&D team and unfortunately, there is not printables functionality in Freedom UI yet, but it is already planned to implement it in future releases.

Hi Bogdan,

Thank you for your quick reply! Do you have any information on when this functionality is expected?

Hi Bogdan,

Is there any news on when this functionality will be available?

Wow, did not notice this missing, quite an important functionality, hope it's ready very soon !

This is so important! And also, bring back the PDF functionality!

Robert Pordes writes:

This is so important! And also, bring back the PDF functionality!

OMG , yes please !!!

Hi all,


An update: the solution to generate a document in Freedom UI is to use the Process File element in a Business Process.

Hi Comunity

Any news on this?

How to manualy triger generating a printable so that the user can see it, and not via business process?




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Hi Luis Tinoco Azevedo,


I am not sure if this is what you mean, but you can create a button that calls the business process. This way, as a result, you can have let's say a 'PRINT' button, which generates a document.


Did it help?


Best regards,


Luis Tinoco Azevedo,

I saw on the road map it is slated to come Q4 2023 - I assume that means 8.1.1?


Csilla Kiss,


can you please show me an example of such a process?


Here you can find a description about it (under 'Generate reports in a business process'):

[Process file] process element | Creatio Academy


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We are using an out-of-the-box detail created by Creatio with code "OpportunityTeam" in the Opportunity section and would like to remove a filter on it.   The Contact lookup on the detail object "Opportunity participant" is being filtered by the Account lookup on the Opportunity object.  This means that users can only add contacts to the "OpportunityTeam" detail which have the same account as the account listed on the opportunity.  We do not want this behaviour so are looking for how to remove it.


There are no business rules on the Opportunity section page or the detail causing this filter.  Does anyone know which schema or perhaps mixin is causing this filter?

Thank you for your help!

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Hi Team,

I have created a simple Dasboard Widget on AccountPageV2 (printscreen from Section Wizard) on Environement 1.

However when i deploy the package, the created dashboard widget doesnt appear in the Environment 2.

I open the section wizard from Environment 2  and the dashboard looks like this:



Form Console I get:

How can I fix this ?


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Hi community!

Any update on this issue ?


Hello Sasori,

When dashboards are added to an edit page, the corresponding records are created in SysWidgetDashboard and SysWidgetDashboardLcz tables.

If a dashboard is added not to an edit page but to the "Dashboards" tab, then records will be added in the SysDashboard and SysDashboardLcz tables, respectively.


Also, there is also a corresponding binding of these data to the package which was set as a current package when the dashboards were created.

The thing is that dashboards are localizable system objects. When a dashboard is created, records are created in two tables:

- a record about a dashboard created in the localization, which corresponds to the base culture of the system, is created in the [SysWidgetDashboard]/[SysDashboard] table;

-records about dashboards of all other localizations are created in the [SysWidgetDashboardLcz]/[SysDashboardLcz] table and are linked to a record in the [SysWidgetDashboard]/[SysDashboard] table by the [RecordId] column.

So basically, all you need to do is to prepare a package which will contain all the needed data bindings and SQL scenarios which will perform the records' entry to the tables mentioned above.

More information on data binding is on our academy.

Also, knowledge of SQL might be needed in order to find the needed dashboard in the database, although you can always create a lookup and search via UI. 

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Hello Team ,


I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to seek assistance regarding a functionality in Creatio that I'm currently exploring. I would like to generate a printable report from a specific database view, and I was hoping you could provide me with some guidance on how to achieve this.


I have already identified the database view that contains the necessary data for the report.


Could you kindly outline the general steps I should follow in order to accomplish this task?


Thank you in advance for your assistance. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Best regards,


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I understand that you have a question regarding the creation of a report in the system. Allow me to provide you with some guidance.

Please note that a report can only be created based on an object that has a created section. To begin, I recommend following the instructions outlined in the following link to ensure that you have created the object based on your view.

Instruction: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/back_end_development/localiz…

After you have created the object based on your view, you will have two options to obtain information from the view in the report:

If the view is connected to the section through one of the columns, you can utilize the view object in the report table.

If you wish to create the report based on the view itself, you need to create the section first. Once the section is created, you can proceed with generating the report based on this section.

For more detailed information on creating reports, I recommend referring to the Creatio Academy, which provides comprehensive guidance on the topic: 


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Anyone had an opportunity to work with validator on dataSource field in freedomUI? I've tried add "validators" tag to viewModelConfig on DataSource, but had an error that validator was not registred. Can someone suggest something?

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Could you please share what steps you took and what was the result?

Igor Zemlyar,


Please double-check using example in the Academy article here, validators are operational and should be properly. Maybe this is a specific behaviour of this particular field and some other logic prevents validator from working.

Oleg Drobina,

Yes, i've had this article for example, validators are working on page but not on dataSource' fields. I had even tried copy this example from article with the same signatures but using it for dataSource fields and i had troubles

Igor Zemlyar,

Could you provide some examples of a validator implementation that didn't work for a field?

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Hi Community,

I copy the business process 'Create Opportunity from Lead v7.8.0' part of the OOB package 'OpportunityManagement' to my current package because i have to add an extra logic into it.


After copying the business process to our custom pacakge, should i deactivate the OOB process, and just keep the modified one in my custom package ?

All the best 


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Best reply



After copying and making modifications to the 'Create Opportunity from Lead v7.8.0' out-of-the-box (OOB) business process, it is advisable to deactivate it. Deactivating the OOB process ensures that only your customized version in the custom package is active and utilized in your system.

By deactivating the OOB process, you prevent conflicts and confusion that may arise from having multiple active processes with the same functionality. 

Hi, any update regarding the issue ?



After copying and making modifications to the 'Create Opportunity from Lead v7.8.0' out-of-the-box (OOB) business process, it is advisable to deactivate it. Deactivating the OOB process ensures that only your customized version in the custom package is active and utilized in your system.

By deactivating the OOB process, you prevent conflicts and confusion that may arise from having multiple active processes with the same functionality. 

Thanks for the recommendation Anastasia

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Hi community,

How to hide the "Copy" and "Delete" button in the list?

Thank you

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I am working on a local instance of creatio .

When I try to create an object this error shows up :

I tried changing BaseLookup to BaseEntity or other objects  just to test if it is the problem, but I get the same problem.


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Such error may occur if any of the default localizations were deleted (any records from the dbo.SysCulture) 

Please flush Redis of your instance and try to create an object again. 

Kalymbet Anastasia,

Hi , 

How to flush redis in an on-prem instance ?

Hi ,

you can flush redis using this Add on https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/maintenance-tools-creatio


In order to fix the issue, you need to flush the Redis.

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