Hi Team. Im try to add the excel report to the workplace sales (or any other) and getting this error:






Some idea?


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I get that often with that Addon for some reason, not sure why. It will usually work after a log out and back in again (or sometimes after a few). 

Sometimes I just add it directly to the SysModuleInWorkplace table.

Either way, it must be some sort of caching issue, since eventually it will work and all you to add it to the workplace.


Yes, I just add it with SQLquery 

INSERT INTO "SysModuleInWorkplace" ("Position", "SysWorkplaceId", "SysModuleId") VALUES ('99', (select "Id" from "SysWorkplace" where "Name" = '<Name of workplace>'), (select "Id" from "SysModule" where "Caption" = 'Excel reports'))

Thanks Rayan.



Federico Buffa ?,


Hi, Federico!

Thank you for the query.

We are aware of this issue. It can occur after the installation of any package, not just this add-on.

Our R&D department is reviewing it, but we don't have a solution currently.

As workaround, you can make any changes in workplaces. For example, delete a section and add it again. You should not have problems with adding a new section after this.

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Hello community,


I am trying to connect a full organizational role with an organization. To implement this solution I want to update the Account column of SysAdminUnit table which is impossible from the client side. Is there a way I can update the Account column of SysAdminUnit?


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Could you please specify what is the purpose of connecting an organizational role with an Account? Organizational roles are used to distribute access rights between the users in the system, however, organizations and accounts do not have access to the system.


You can update the table with a SQL query like

UPDATE SysAdminUnit 

SET AccountId = value

WHERE condition;

Where the condition can be something like

Id = '9dc7626c-e03a-4978-b5c2-cdcf99de7801'


Name like '%Accounting Department%'


Best regards,


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Hi team,

is it supported the multi edit page feature on portal case page?

I created two different edit page for case for portal section but it doesn't work.

What Am I doing wrong?

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Hello Stefano, 


Yes, such feature is available for the portal case pages. 

Edit pages can be added and configured directly from the Section Wizard:


If the issue occurs for the specific portal user or role, I would suggest to double-check the access rights for such users.

Should you have any additional questions, please let us know. 


Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

Hi Anastasiia

I created 2 edit pages based on the category field.

The weird thing is that if I remove the block element "Response container" and "Solution container" from edit page 1, the same changes appear on edit page 2

Stefano Bassoli,


The issue may occur if the edit pages were created incorrectly, for example directly from the configuration and have incorrect dependencies.  I would suggest to re-create anew the edit pages directly from the Section wizard.

If the issue persists, please contact us at support@creatio.com so we could investigate the issue from our side. 


Best regards,


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Hi team,

in portal section page is missing the switch advanced mode feature,

how can I enable it ?


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Hello Stefano,


Basic functionality doesn't include the ability to apply filter conditions based on the connected objects  for the portal user directly in the section, therefore the advanced filter option is not available for such user there.

As a workaround you may use a dynamic folder and set the needed filter conditions for it. 

Also, we already have a query registered for our responsible R&D team to implement this functionality for portal users in the upcoming versions of the application. I will assign your case to this project in order to increase its priority.

Thank you!

Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

thank you Anastasiia

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Hello Creatio Community !

Is it possible to reload the contents of an active TAB from Front-End ?


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There is a way to refresh the active page from UI with this marketplace plugin -  https://marketplace.creatio.com/template/refresh-active-page-process-el…. This can be implemented with the new process action.


Best Regards, 


No, I don't believe there's any way to reload only a specific tab and the contents of the tab. If the tab contains field groups, you'll need to use


If the tab contains only details, you can reload the specific details using: 

this.updateDetail({detail: "TheDetailIdOnThePage"});

Note, if the tab contains both details and field groups, there's no need to refresh the details independently since using this.reloadEntity() will reload both the field groups and the details on the page.

See https://customerfx.com/article/refreshing-a-page-or-detail-sections-on-…


Thanks Ryan

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Dear Community,


Does any1 know how to remove some of the sections under 'Connected To' field group in 'Activity' section? Please see attached picture

And at later stage, if I want to add them back how can I do


Please kindly advise


Many thanks



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Hello Mihn,


Unfortunately, your task cannot be achieved by using OOTB tools.

Business rules functionality can be used for "Connected to" detail only for filtration. But sadly, other rules will not be applied to this detail.


We have already registered the corresponding query for our R&D team and will be waiting for the implementation of this functionality in future releases.


Thank you,


Hello Mihn,

you can hide using css rule

hi Stefano,


Can you show me a bit in details about CSS rule please


Thanks in advance 



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Hello Community,


I wanted to change the default field on the filters in the section page to other field, but right now it shows only the display value field. How can we achieve it?

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Thank you for your question!


The field displayed as first in the filter is the object displayed value. You can change it in the object itself via configuration in object properties.


Best regards,


Anastasiia Lazurenko, 


Have a functional conflict with this implementation. Lets say, I have an object called Application with 2 columns - Application Number and Application Name.


What it is noticed is, if we set the filter default to Application Number, then the Title in the edit page of Application is also set to Application Number but as per the requirement, we want the title in edit page to display Application Name. How can we achieve it?


Inshort, how can we separate out the functionality - ie., 

1. To have the filter default to Application Number

2. To have the Title in Application Edit page set to Application Name



Your business task can be achieved via development. 


You can find an example of its implementation in the corresponding Creatio Academy article by the link below: 



Best regards,


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Unexpected issue in MSWord prugin for printables. Happens when I try to Select report. I assume this happens when printables/reports are trying to be loaded

Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path "", line 0, position 0.


The plugin is used here on a brand new out of the box demo environment.

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Hello Julius, 


This error indicates that one of the reports has the lookup column which has no parent object specified. In order to clarify which report exactly has such column you may delete the reports one by one, each time checking whether the issue is reproducible after deleting the specific report (I'm afraid it's the easiest way).

Once you have clarified which report gives an error and which lookup column doesn't have the parent object, there is a need to run the following query for the object of this lookup column:

update [SysSchema] set [ParentId] = (select [Id] from [SysSchema] where [Name] = 'BaseLookup') where [Name] = 'The name of the object with an error (not its Caption, but Name)'


After that the issue should not persist for this report. 

Best regards,


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I have scenario where I want to update a particular detail table to the user once the background process finish to show newly added entries in that detail.

How to achieve this scenario?

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Best reply

This article shows how to refresh a page from a process once complete: https://customerfx.com/article/how-to-refresh-a-page-from-a-process-in-…

To refresh a specific detail, see https://customerfx.com/article/refreshing-a-page-or-detail-sections-on-…

Basically, the process needs to send a message back to the client. The client listens for this message on the page, then when received, refreshes the detail.


This article shows how to refresh a page from a process once complete: https://customerfx.com/article/how-to-refresh-a-page-from-a-process-in-…

To refresh a specific detail, see https://customerfx.com/article/refreshing-a-page-or-detail-sections-on-…

Basically, the process needs to send a message back to the client. The client listens for this message on the page, then when received, refreshes the detail.


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We are looking for a for a way to impose a character limitation on a string value that is different than the standard settings. 


For example, the user enters a job number as a string and we want to restrict entry to only 10 characters. Is there a way to do this? Obviously not OOTB but with some customization?

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There is a possibility to setup a field validation and this approach is described in this Academy article.


Best regards,


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