Hello community,

I am trying to apply a default filter to a detail from the client side. The filter works fine using a function declared in the filterMethod property of the detail. The problem with this approach is that the filter that I applied is not visible.

The task implementation must have the following display.

Is there a way to show the filter that I applied from the client side (js) like the example above.

Thank you!

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Thanks for reaching out.


We double-checked your request and found that such functionality cannot be implemented neither by basic nor by development tools.


Best regards,


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Hi Devlabs Team,

We have a requirement to add attachments in mail by reading the attachment from a custom attachment detail. To achieve this, we are using a Send email with attachments Marketplace application. 

The issue with the above application is, it is getting installed successfully. But when accessing the element in business process its settings is not opening also getting some error in the console. (refer the screenshot attached)



Sourav Kumar Samal

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Hi Team,


Could you please help on this?



Sourav Kumar Samal,


Hi Sourav!

We are aware of this issue. R&D department fixed this bug in version 7.18.4. If you have an earlier version of the application, we recommend updating it to the current version.

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We have a case where we import bulk data into many sections. Is there a way to prevent records from being imported if a given lookup is not present in the master lookup table?


Example : Salutation (Title) has the following values : Mr. Dr. Ms Mrs. 

During excel import, if column has Miss, we don't want that record to be added. Can we restrict this through object permissions or any other way?


I understand as per the documentation (pasted below), new values will be added. Is there a work around to prevent this, given that the data import is quiet big?


  • Be aware that lookup values not found in Creatio will be created automatically. When checking the values, the opening and closing spaces and letter case are not taken into account, while special characters are important. For example, if the imported file has the "customer" value and the [ Contact types ] lookup contains the "Customer" value, new values will not be added to the lookup and the record will be linked to the existing lookup value. However, if the “Client” contact type is specified in the import file, a new “Client” value will be added to the [ Contact types ] lookup. To avoid duplicates in the Creatio lookups, check the lookup values in the imported file.




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Hello Shivani,


Unfortunately, are no such basic tools for imported records.


1) You can create a business process that will modify\remove data that was created on the exact date (since after data import is finished all imported records receive a similar "Created On" value). You can use this value when finding needed records.


2) Records that are imported are tagged using the "Data import" tag and you can use this tag when building a process to find imported records. With the required condition.


You can use one of those ways to find imported records and after that apply changes to those records using the business process that is needed for your business task.


Best regards,


This really needs to be an option in the data import, and lookup value automatic creation should be off by default, potentially with the option to blank the lookup if no match found or fail the import (which I think should also be the default). It's quite a dangerous thing to have an OOTB import feature that defaults to creating potentially bad data in the system.

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In Service Creatio I configured multiple section pages depending on Case Category:I want to create two custom buttons to add new "IT" case and new "NPD" case but I don't know the URL I should navigate to the proper "add page".

I think the standard add case url is something like /0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx#CardModuleV2/CasePage/add

What URL should I use to open the "add page" for my two categories ("IT" and "NPD"), where I'll find the Category field already set, replicating the same behaviour of the "New" button (see picture below)?


Best regards


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The logic of adding a record is behind the addRecord method from the BaseDataView module. The page opening is performed in the openCardInChain method that is called in the else condition of the addRecord method. The method is called when clicking the CombinedModeAddRecordButton or SeparateModeAddRecordButton. You need to call the same in your buttons and modify the logic of the addRecord method if needed.


Best regards,


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We are running out of space for buttons in the usual places.  We have removed the icons in the communications panel at the top of the Actions Dashboard (see this article).  Is there any way to add buttons back in?

I have tried adding a button setting 'parentName' to "CaseSectionActionsDashboardMainContainerContainer" without success.


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Please clarify your task: do you need to return the buttons that were removed from the Actions Dashboard or do you need to add some new buttons there? Maybe you could share some image of what it should look like?

Oscar Dylan,

We need to add some new buttons.  We have removed the facebook, telegram, message and other buttons (which are actually tabs I think) from the Actions Dashboard, is it at all possible though to put a 'Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON' in their place?

Gareth Osler,


It's not possible exactly in the tabs (you are right, Email, Call, Activity etc. on the actions dashobard are tabs), but there are elements like ActualDcmSchemaInformationButton button and PlaybookButton button that are inserted to the RightHeaderActionContainer element of the SectionActionsDashboard and you can use those as an example. Additionally to it, if you ran out of space on the page you can always add additional buttons to the "Actions" button (override the getActions method on the edit page schema) and call the logic needed from these buttons.

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Hi community,


Hope all are keeping well!


Does anyone know if we can remove some of the sections from Mail panel as in the attached picture if we're not using


Please kindly advise what can be done

Many thanks

File attachments
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Best reply

Dear Minh, 

If you don't use some of these connections at all you can delete connection between activity and connected object in EntityConnection table. 

In case if you still want to use some of the connections from the list for other Activity Types you can try to override method responsible for forming this dropdown. 

In OOB it's defined in EntityConnectionLinksUtilities mixin. And loadEntityConnectionColumns is the method that loads these column.

The list is being formed with an ESQ and you can try to change the filter condition for it in overriden mixin.

Kind regards,


Dear Minh, 

If you don't use some of these connections at all you can delete connection between activity and connected object in EntityConnection table. 

In case if you still want to use some of the connections from the list for other Activity Types you can try to override method responsible for forming this dropdown. 

In OOB it's defined in EntityConnectionLinksUtilities mixin. And loadEntityConnectionColumns is the method that loads these column.

The list is being formed with an ESQ and you can try to change the filter condition for it in overriden mixin.

Kind regards,


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Hello Creatio Community !

In want to bind a specific product , and its product features (ex Term,months , amount, Currency etc).Which are the objects involved in this process for successful binding ?

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Hi Perrika,

You can find all the necessary information in the corresponding article here and here.

Best regards,



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Hello Creatio Community !

When recieving emails, I have to constantly click the "Synchronise Email", in order to keep recieving the emails. Is this some kind of bug, or update issue ? Because emails in the system should arrive constantly without  clicking the "Synchronise Email".

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Hello Petrika,


In order to resolve the said issue, could you please contact our support team?

Please send us an email at support@creatio.com.


Thank you,


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Hi Community,


We have this requirement from our client to redirect the Account Page to Account Section after 2 minutes. So basically on load on Account Page I will trigger a timer then after 2 minutes I will redirect it to Account Section. Any idea please? Thank

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Something like this could work:

onEntityInitialized: function() {
    var self = this;
    setTimeout(function() {
        self.sandbox.publish("PushHistoryState", { hash: "SectionModuleV2/AccountSectionV2" });
    }, 120000);

However, if the user is in the middle of changing the record it could leave things unsaved. Might be a good idea to check and save record before navigating away. 


Ryan Farley,

Thank you Ryan. Maybe I need to check only the idle time. Do you have any idea how can I detect idle time in Edit page?


Fulgen Ninofranco,

You'd basically need to detect mouse or keyboard activity and reset your timer. Something like this (keep in mind none of this is tested, just ideas)

properties: {
    idleTime: 0,
    idleIntervalId: null
methods: {
    onEntityInitialized: function() {
        if (this.idleIntervalId) {
        var self = this;
        this.idleTime = 0;
        this.idleIntervalId = setInterval(self.trackIdleTime, 60000);
        $(document).mousemove(function (e) {
            self.idleTime = 0;
        $(document).keypress(function (e) {
            self.idleTime = 0;
    trackIdleTime: function() {
        if (this.idleTime >= 2) {
            // 2 mins idle, nav back to section
            this.sandbox.publish("PushHistoryState", { hash: "SectionModuleV2/AccountSectionV2" });

Again, none of that is tested, but that's the general idea - or something like that.

You'd probably need to call this at some point, maybe in the page's destroy method to stop the interval from checking:

// and maybe these?

Anyway, hope this gets you closer to implementing the task.


Ryan Farley,


Thank you so much Ryan. This is working fine.

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Hello community,


I need to filter a detail grid in order to show only a specific type of object.

To be more precise: the detail CI Users displays Contacts and Accounts...

Has anybody done anything similar and could you provide me with a code sample?


Thank you in advance, have a nice day

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Best reply

If you'd like to filter out the record, rather than just hide them, you can filter the detail using a filter method. I have outlined how to do that here: https://customerfx.com/article/filtering-a-detail-list-in-creatio-forme…


Solved like this: 

methods: {
			prepareResponseCollectionItem: function(item) {
				var account = item.$Account && item.$Account.value; 
					item.customStyle = {


If you'd like to filter out the record, rather than just hide them, you can filter the detail using a filter method. I have outlined how to do that here: https://customerfx.com/article/filtering-a-detail-list-in-creatio-forme…


Thank you Ryan!

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