Hi Community,


Any idea how we can integrate yellow messenger chatbot in Creatio CRM?

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Hello Fulgen, 


You can integrate the following chat channels with oob tools:

  • Facebook Messenger
  • WhatsApp
  • Telegram

In case you'd like to add a new provider, it will require development. Please refer to the below article for more detailed information:



Best regards,


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I want to show only the contacts that are assigned to a specific role in a contact lookup field for selection.

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Such functionality cannot be achieved with a help of basic system tools, but will require development. 

We do not have specific ready to use examples of such implementation from our side but you can refer to the below article on our academy:


Also, I would like to suggest to check similar questions on the Community, such as the below posts:




Best regards,


Hello Janhavi,

I have an article on this exact topic. See



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I modified out Lead process and we don't use "nurturing" anymore. This works well for new leads.

When I copy a lead this new document is still placed in the "nurturing" stage. Which process do I have to modify to change this behaviour?

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Best reply

Christian Waidner,


You can check here,




Hello Christian,


Could you please clarify what you mean under "new document" and what actions are you doing before the Lead came to the "nurturing" stage?


Thank you in advance!

Hello Anastasiia!



Click on an existing lead in list view

Click "copy"

A new lead document ("new document") is being creating

This new document is in stage "nurturing" and I want it to be in a different stage.

Christian Waidner,

Anastasiia Stepanova,

Do you need any more explanation? Is there anything i can do to change the starting phase of a copied document?

Anastasiia Stepanova,

Reminder - are you still on it?

Christian Waidner,


If I understand correctly, you do not want to copy the DCM stage while copying the existing record, then you can try the following with the lookup used for DCM in the Object itself,



Sourav Kumar Samal

Sourav Kumar Samal,

The checkbox is unchecked for my field and I do not think that this will fix my problem.


This is the situation, I click on "copy" on an existing lead.


The resulting lead stage looks like this:



I do not have a "nurturing" stage in my lead stage anymore.

Christian Waidner,


Could you check what is the default value of the lookup value set in the object ?




Sourav Kumar Samal,

If you can give me a hint how to find this in the system .... sure

Christian Waidner,


You can check here,




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Hi Team,


Currently in Creatio in Order to create the system user with correct roles there is two step process : 

1. Create the Contact

2. Create the System user and assign the role


Is there any possibility that we can make it a one step process because for our customers the system is new and they want it to be a one step process.


Is it possible to make it a one step process ? Any custom solution ? Does LDAP Synchronization provide any help in this matter? 


Regards !




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Due to system logic there is no tool which would allow to simplify the user creation inside of Creatio. 

However, you can import and sync your users with LDAP:


Or if you use SSO, you can set up JIT provisioning:


If none of the proposed options are suitable for you you still can import contacts with an excel and create system users after that in order to simplify task a bit. 

Kind regards,


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Hi Community,


I want to make use of and set up OAuth 2.0 Authentication in web service authentication. For that I found below the academy article :




While setting up as per the article, there is one required field in the OAuth Setting fields which is "Auth code request URL".


But the API endpoints for which, I have to make use of Web Service OAuth Authentication, is not having settings for Auth code request URL required parameter.



Please guide and help me on this point that how I can set up OAuth Authentication in web service without Auth code request URL.

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Hello Pratic,

Unfortunately, the is no way to set up OAuth Authentication in web service without Auth code request URL.

This parameter is necessary to identify users.

Best regards,



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Hi Team,


I was implementing a print report on a section. Now, I want to download the report in (ColumnName).docx in which ColumnName varies for each record based on the data stored in that column. By default, it is giving the same name as the printable name for all the records. Please help

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As for now there is no option to change the file name dynamically or assign some particular name. We have this task registered in our backlog and waiting for this option to be available in future application versions.


I will assign your case to this project in order to increase its priority.

Best regards,


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I installed the "Calculation Working Days" business process template from marketplace. It is set as having the Custom Package as its only dependent package, but we need to be able to use it as part of business processes in our current configuration package (which is not the Custom Package). When I try to add the  package from marketplace as a "dependent on" for our current package I get an error. See screenshot. Posting here as the Marketplace page says it's supported via posts in Creatio Community.   https://marketplace.creatio.com/template/calculation-working-days-busin…

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Hi Andriana!

The issue is caused by the missing data binding for the "SysWorkplace" and "SysModuleEntity" objects. To fix the issue, make sure that data with aforementioned IDs is bound to the package that is experiencing data binding issues.



We are facing a similar issue. Could you please let me know if binding solved this issue? Please confirm what are the bindings that need to be done because I see that sections are already present in the SysModuleInWorkplace_SectionInWorkplaceManager data binding. 

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I'm trying to show a pop up message on the mobile app when a certain condition is given.

Is there a way to do this?

I'm doing this right now:

Terrasoft.sdk.Model.addBusinessRule("OrderProduct", {

    name: "SaveValidationAprov",

    ruleType: Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Custom,

    events: [Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.Save],

    executeFn: function(record, rule, column, customData, callbackConfig) {


        var IsFieldValid = true;

        if ( (record.get("IcoTotalAvailableStock")) < (record.get("Quantity")) ){

            alert("There is not enough stock");

            IsFieldValid = false;



        Ext.callback(callbackConfig.success, callbackConfig.scope, [IsFieldValid]);




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Best reply

Hello Fernando,

You can display a message in mobile using the following: 

Terrasoft.MessageBox.showMessage("This is a message!");

This works from code in the mobile client - as Oscar mentioned, there's no option for sending a message from the server to the mobile client, however, from within the mobile client code, you can use the above.




As stated here there is no possibility to display such popups in the mobile app. However here is an article on how to setup push notifications in the mobile app https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/bpm_tools/bpm_process_examples/ne…


You can trigger it once the record is modified and perform the condition check there directly and send a push notification about the result.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thank you for your time and knowledge :)

Hello Fernando,

You can display a message in mobile using the following: 

Terrasoft.MessageBox.showMessage("This is a message!");

This works from code in the mobile client - as Oscar mentioned, there's no option for sending a message from the server to the mobile client, however, from within the mobile client code, you can use the above.


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Until recently we have been using the Excel Reports builder without any issue.  We have now started receiving an error (below) when we try to generate a report with calculated Net Sales Entered.  If we remove the columns or generate a different report without these columns there is no issue.  If we add the columns back we again receive the error.  This is an excel report we've had and ran for several months and just now began receiving the error.


A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded. Operation cancelled by user. Please check filter settings

Like 1



Hi Garrett!

I recommend checking your calculation. If the final calculation is more than 2,147,483,647 in a field, integer overflow error occurs. Also, you might want to try basic export with the same parameters or build a dashboard using your data. If errors occur in these cases, the problem is caused not by the add-on but by data.

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Hello Community,


I have a requirement, when a user changes the DCM status manually validation should trigger. To achieve this I am using asynValidate function and the validation is working fine.

But the issue here is status is not restoring back automatically and also both Save and Cancel button is showing as a result when I am trying to create a record in the connected detail the validation is triggering again. I have to manually click on Cancel before I can do any changes in the details. Please refer the screenshot below.

Before validation:

After validation:


Is there anyway after validation it should reset back to Close like in the 1st image?



Sourav Kumar Samal

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Best reply

Anastasiia Zhuravel,


I have resolved the issue. To acheive the desired output I have added a small line after the error message as follows:

			MandatoryValidation: function(callback, scope){
				var DCMstatus = this.get("MarketingPlansStatus").displayValue;
				if(DCMstatus === "Business Owner Review"){
					// Some query
                                        callback.call(scope || this, {
						success: false,
                                                message: "Error message"
					callback.call(scope || this, {
						success: true

Note: If the asynValidate is being used in this.NewMode(), avoid adding this.reloadEntity() as this may clear all the fields.



Sourav Kumar Samal



Could you please clarify how exactly the manually validation functionality has been achieved? Was it done by code?


Thank you in advance!

Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,


Yes it has been achieved by using 'asyncValidate' function. The validation will only trigger when DCM status changed to "Business Owner Review".




Anastasiia Zhuravel,

			asyncValidate: function(callback, scope) {
				if (this.isEditMode()){
					this.callParent([function(response) {
						if (!this.validateResponse(response)) {
							function(next) {
								this.MandatoryValidation(function(response) {
									if (this.validateResponse(response)) {
								}, this);
							function(next) {
								callback.call(scope, response);
							}, this);
					}, this]);
				}else {
			MandatoryValidation: function(callback, scope){
				var DCMstatus = this.get("MarketingPlansStatus").displayValue;
				if(DCMstatus === "Business Owner Review"){
					// Some query
                                        callback.call(scope || this, {
						success: false,
                                                message: "Error message"
					callback.call(scope || this, {
						success: true


Anastasiia Zhuravel,


I have resolved the issue. To acheive the desired output I have added a small line after the error message as follows:

			MandatoryValidation: function(callback, scope){
				var DCMstatus = this.get("MarketingPlansStatus").displayValue;
				if(DCMstatus === "Business Owner Review"){
					// Some query
                                        callback.call(scope || this, {
						success: false,
                                                message: "Error message"
					callback.call(scope || this, {
						success: true

Note: If the asynValidate is being used in this.NewMode(), avoid adding this.reloadEntity() as this may clear all the fields.



Sourav Kumar Samal

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