

I have created several pages in the case section. Each page corresponds to a different value of the service column.


My question is how can I do the same on the mobile app side? like the user gets to choose which service he wishes to request and the corresponding case page is displayed.


Thank you,

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Hello Mariam,


Thank you for your question!

Unfortunately, such functionality is not available in the mobile app.

We have already registered a request for our development team so they will bring this feature in future releases.


Best regards,


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Hi community


I tried to customize the edit page actions following this article Add an action to the record page | Creatio Academy.

t the bindTo for caption, enable and tag property doesn't work

What Am I doing wrong ?


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Hi Stefano,


Most probably, the issue happens because you d didn’t add the code to this schema that checks if these actions are enabled. 


There are actually two places you need to add this. Once to the section page and once to the edit page for the section. An edit page can be seen in two different modes, (1) edit mode (where you're only displaying the edit page, this is what you're getting when you refresh the page while in edit mode) and (2) combined mode, this is actually the section page, where it displays the context of the section list you were on with the edit page on the side. 

With this in mind, you need to add the action menu in both the edit page and the section page for it to appear in both modes.

Best regards,


Thank you Bogdan,

I solved with your help.

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Hi Community,


We have integrated our facebook page in Creatio as per this guide (https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/setup_and_administration/base_int…). But we are not receiving the messages in CRM. Any idea whats missing?



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Sorry to ask the obvious. Have you added users to the All agents queue? Also, are the users "active" in the chat panel? (green circle, not red, around the chat icon)

Ryan Farley,


Hi Ryan,


Thank you for your reply, yes we have added our user to the all agents queue

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Hi Community,

I have a requirement that when I change the case manually from New to PO Issued, it need to check whether the amount in Include Tax from Amount details and the sum of all the Amount from RR Allocation Table is Equal or not. If not equal then a Pop-up will come and the stage change back to previous one.

Can anyone help me how to configure the requirement in the backend ?





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Hello Jagan,


I am afraid there is no ready OOTB logic to perform checks when changing the stage, as well as there, are no OOTB pop-up windows, but there is a work-around:


To have a pop-up windows element in business processes you will need the following marketplace solution: 



You will need to create a Business Process that will be triggered as the stage is changed and check whether the values are equal. In case they are not - show the pop-up window and return the case to the previous stage. Should the values be fine - the Business Process won't change anything.


I hope our recommendation helps you to solve this task.


Best Regards,


Denis Bidukha,

Hello Dan,

I have created a business process for the requirement but sometimes the pop-up window is coming and sometimes it is not coming. So I want to achieve it through code in the backend.




Jagan Nayak,


Alternatively, you can add an asyncValidate method to your page and it will be called on the save of the page. 

Basically, you need to create a validation method, that returns 

result = {
success : true

if the validation was successful, otherwise it should return 

result = { 
success : false 

Inside the validation method, if the validation is not passed, you can call 


for example: 

Terrasoft.showInformation('Amount A is not equal to Amount B '); 

and then call your validation method  inside asyncValidate method. 


You can read more about the validation here : 


and more on asyncValidate here :


Best regards,


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Hi Community,


We are currently integrating our contact page via landing page functionality in Creatio, however we are getting below error. Any idea how we can fix this?


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Hello Fulgen, 


Could you please provide us with a bit more information regarding the issue? On which step exactly the issue occurs or how it can be reproduced?

Thank you in advance!


Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,


On submit



Hello Fulgen,


This is a known problem for the version of the site 8.0, our developer team is currently working to fix it in further releases. 


In order for us to assist you further we would need to have more information, please  send an email to support@creatio.com explaining this issue.


Best regards,


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Hi All,

I want to get value from a column "X" present in Parent Section "A" into the edit page of Child Section "B" which is present as detail in Section "A". Can anyone guide me how i can achieve it without using ESQ.

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You can do it by setting the "defaultValues" of the detail. I have an article on this here: https://customerfx.com/article/passing-values-from-a-page-to-a-new-reco…


Hi Ryan,

I need to get the values dynamically i.e. if the value of field changes in parent section, i need to get the updated value.is there a way in which i can use this.get() for it?

rajat patidar,

You'd either need to do ESQ from the detail page to read the parent record, or you could do it as a process that fires when the parent is updated to update the detail row(s).


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Hello Community,


I want to add an static page showing a custom message or an image on the section dashboard using Dashboard widget. Is this task achievable? For image, I do not want to use the web page element.




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Hi all, would appreciate any opinions on how you would set up the architecture based on the scenario below.  


I've got 'Agents' and 'Suppliers'. They are very different, but Agents can be a Supplier and a Supplier could be an Agent. From a user point of view, it would make sense to manage these as separate sections. 


I see my options as the following and would value anyones input. 


1. Use Accounts Section for both and create columns for both scenarios. 

The only disadvantage of this is that the user wouldn't have clear different sections to find each one. 


2. Create two new sections which are for 'Agents' and 'Suppliers' and do not use the 'Accounts' section. 


3. Use two sub-sections from Accounts for "Agents" and "Suppliers" - effectively creating separate profiles, but connected the overarching Account. I think this is built upon the "Partnerships" Section that is already there, which could be used for "Agents".


Thanks all!




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Hi Mark!

Use Accounts Section for both definitely (1st option).

sers can work with filters or you can add some 'Quick filters' for switching between Agents and Suppliers to make it more comfortable.

Vladimir Sokolov,

Thanks Vladimir.


I also read that you can create a section based upon the object of another section? I.E A Section called 'Agents' which would be Accounts with the type "Agents". Does this sound logical option? 

Would you also use the Invoice section for both "Agent" (revenue) invoices and "supplier" (Cost of sale) invoices? 


Thanks for your help!







we would not recommend you to create a sub-object as a separate section as it can only be done through configuration and database changes, which can harm the system.


As a solution we can offer you a couple of options:


1. You can create a folder in the section, which contains all necessary data and will be available for you as a separate list.


2. If you need to transfer some data to a different section so it will only be visible for a number of users, this should be done via roles and permissions.


3. Finally, if a part of data in the object is really important and needs to be in a separate section, we would strongly recommend creating a new object and using it for a new section.




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We have a use case where we send information from a website to creatio via custom code. Landing page was not suited for our usecase.


We successfully implemented this using Anonymous Service which has code to manage CORS. We need to make the service work for .net core now. How do we transfer below code to .net core setup since the name 'WebOperationContext' does not exist in .net Core? What is the best practice to overcome CORS error in .net core setup?


// Preflight
        [WebInvoke(Method = "OPTIONS", UriTemplate = "*")]
        public void GetCaptchaPreflight() {
            var outgoingResponseHeaders = WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.Headers;
            outgoingResponseHeaders.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
            outgoingResponseHeaders.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, OPTIONS");
            outgoingResponseHeaders.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*");
            outgoingResponseHeaders.Add("Access-Control-Request-Headers", "X-Requested-With, x-request-source, accept, content-type");
// Request endpoint
        [WebInvoke(Method = "POST", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped,
        ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
        public void ConfirmCaptcha(Stream responseDetails)
		 var logger = global::Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger("CaptchaService");
		 logger.Info("Captcha services entered :");
			var currentWebOperationContext = WebOperationContext.Current;
			var outgoingResponseHeaders = currentWebOperationContext.OutgoingResponse.Headers;
            outgoingResponseHeaders.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
			outgoingResponseHeaders.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST");
			outgoingResponseHeaders.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, Content-Type, Accept");
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseDetails);
            string responseJson = reader.ReadToEnd();
            logger.Info("Captcha services :" + responseJson);
              ResponseDetails rd = new ResponseDetails();
                rd = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ResponseDetails>(responseJson);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rd.GToken))
                    if (IsCaptchaVerified(rd.GToken))
                        logger.Info("Captcha is valid");
                    logger.Info("Captcha is invalid");
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As for now we don't have best practices for CORS management for .NET Core however you need to try testing all the recommendations described here (they are for .NET Core).


Best regards,


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define("ContactPageV2", [], function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "Contact",
		attributes: {
		modules: /**SCHEMA_MODULES*/{}/**SCHEMA_MODULES*/,
		details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
		methods: {
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "hasForeignTrade",
				"values": {
					"click": "getLookupConfig",
					"layout": {
						"colSpan": 12,
						"rowSpan": 1,
						"column": 0,
						"row": 2,
						"layoutName": "ContactGeneralInfoBlock"
					"bindTo": "UsrHasForeignTrade",
					"labelConfig": {
						"caption": {
							"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.hasForeignTrade"
					"enabled": true,
					"contentType": "Terrasoft.core.enums.ContentType.LOOKUP"
				"parentName": "ContactGeneralInfoBlock",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 4



How can i make this lookup multiselect?

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