Override standard "Job Title" & "Full Job Title" behavior

Hi all !

how can we override the OOTB "Full Job Title" = "Job Title " if "Full Job Title" is empty  (https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/crm_tools/accounts_and_contacts/m…) behavior on a contact.

We're looking for two options:

  1. Either: Simply stop that behavior
  2. Or: That it does not fill "Full Job Title" when certain specific field in "Job Title" is selected (Example, if chosen "Other" then we do not want "Other" in "Full Job Title")

Thank you !


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Best reply

Hello Damien,


The following logic is located in the ContactPageV2 schema of the UIv2 package :


You can create a replacing module that would disable the following logic if you need that.


Best regards,


Hello Damien,


The following logic is located in the ContactPageV2 schema of the UIv2 package :


You can create a replacing module that would disable the following logic if you need that.


Best regards,


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