Creating a Case SLA Report



We use Creatio cases for our customer support service desk function. I am looking at having a report which will allow us to view the metrics around SLA breaches. This is a common requirement, where we can identify the cases in a given period that exceeded the SLA parameters for response time and resolution time.


This should contain the following detail:

  • Case
  • Account
  • Case Created Date/Time
  • Case Closed Date/Time
  • Case Response Time exceeded time
    • This should be in Hours/Mins
  • Case Resolution Time exceeded time
    • This should be in Days/Hours/Mins

The report will only show cases that have breached the SLA within the dynamically selected time period e.g. Last Month or This Week etc.


I am hoping that someone has already created such a report, but I have not been able to identify how to put this together within Creatio Dashboard. Note, I have just installed the PowerBI capability and have started to play with this, as an alternative reporting method.

Thanks in advance for any help



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+1 also needing this type of report




You can create a list in a dashboard that would look like this:

You can add a filter for the records in the display options tab:

And to add the calculated columns for time exceeded you can go to the Pivot table settings tab and press "Add calculated field":


And set up a formula that would look something like this(fields used need to be present as columns in the dashboard list): 


Hope it helps!


Best regards,


Thanks so much for the reply, I had created the first bit, but was not away of the calculated field option, which allowed me to display the exceeded time. It would be nice to be able to format the time in to Days/Hours rather than just hours, but still useful.


thanks again

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