
I need to hide/remove the New button and the "Data Import" option available under Actions in a lookup object.

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Hello Janhav,


The best way to achieve your business task is disallow the import and export operation permission for users.


Best regards,


Hi Bogdan,

I need to restrict import for only few specific lookup objects and not for all objects.

I see the operation permission restricts for all objects.

Janhavi Tanna,


Please feel free to check the similar Creatio Community post, where discussed your question:


Best regards,



I'm unable to find the page for lookup objects in which the above mentioned code can be executed.

Janhavi Tanna,

Please check methods in the BaseLookupConfigurationSection schema.


In order to hide the specific action, you will need to change a Visible property:
getSectionActions: function() {
                var actionMenuItems = this.callParent(arguments);
                actionMenuItems.each(function(item) {
                    if(item.values.Caption.bindTo === "Resources.Strings.ExportListToExcelFileButtonCaption"){
                        item.values.Visible = false;
                return actionMenuItems;
In order to remove the specific action from the collection:
getSectionActions: function() {
                var actionMenuItems = this.callParent(arguments);
                var itemToRemove;
                actionMenuItems.each(function(item) {
                    if(item.values.Caption.bindTo === "Resources.Strings.ExportListToExcelFileButtonCaption"){
                        itemToRemove = item;
                return actionMenuItems;


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

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How can we create new package with Clio for .Net Core 3.1?

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Hello Ensar, 

To create new package project, use the next command:


 clio new-pkg <PACKAGE_NAME>

Best regards,


This command creates .NET Framework solution, not .NET Standard or Core. Is there any way to select this?



This article applies to NET Core 3.1 SDK and later versions. 

Please feel free to check the required information. 

Best regards,


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Hi Community,


In business process, how can we send email to group, For example, to a particular functional role, then all the members under that functional role will receive the email?


Thank you

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Unfortunately, you wouldn't be able to put "Functional role" as a value of "To" field of the "Send Email" process element using user tools. Our R&D team already working on adding this functionality, there is no ETA yet, however. You may build your process analogically to the "Send email to case group" base process that sends email to a group of people using script task.

Here is also another solution that can fit your needs: you can specify one recipient in "To" field in the business process "Send email" element and on mail-server side you can setup filters which will transfer notification emails to some specific folder and then mail-server can transfer all emails sent to this folder to other mailboxes. And it will fit your business target. But I will notify our R&D team about your request and ask them to raise the priority of the problem.


Best regards,


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Is it possible to save Dashboard screenshot in the Process? We would like to make scheduled process that saves Dashboard daily

Thank you!

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Hi, Vladimir!


We registered this idea for the responsible R&D team.

As for now, this functionality is not planned to be implemented in the upcoming Creatio versions.


Best regards,




Kalymbet Anastasia,


+ 1 for saving/extracting full dashboards (not just extracting only one table in a dashboard)

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Hi Community,


I have setup a DCM on a section. But when I login from a portal user, I can see the DCM area/container but can not see the DCM bar. Is there any setting or permission that needs to be added?


I am using 7.18.3 Studio version. Any help would be appreciated.



Sourav Kumar Samal

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Hello Sourav, 


Please check the following post regarding DCM in the portal section - https://community.creatio.com/articles/enable-dcm-portal-users


Let me know if it answers your question,


Ihor Skohariev,


I have seen that article, that seems pretty old one. Does that still applicable for the Creatio version 7.18.3?





Sourav Kumar Samal,


Please create a new request for support@creatio.com, as we will need more details to investigate your case. 

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Hello community,


I'm trying to add a user in an organizational role called "Branch x".  This organizational role has 2 parent roles. Is it necessary to specify this organizational roles (the 2 parent roles of "Branch x") when I try to create a new user in Branch x?

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Please make sure to go through this article from Creatio Academy as it will explain better how the Organizational roles work. To answer your question, I will refer to a part of this article: Organizational roles automatically inherit access permissions from their parent organizational roles. So no, you don't need to specify the parent roles of the "Branch x" role.


Best regards,


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When I send email from Creatio, it appears in Gmail 'Sent' folder.

But when I send email from Gmail, it doesn't appear in Creatio.


Is it possible to configure (or develop) synchronization to see in Creatio emails send from Gmail (or another mail client)?

Thank you!

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Have you looked in here?


keith schmitt,

Yes, in both - Incoming and Outgoing 



Please note that it should synchronize the emails sent from Gmail and something must just not work right. It's better if you register a case for our support team and describe the problem there, as we will need to check the issue more closely and it can't be resolved here on Community.


Best regards,




How is your mailbox configured ?

Did you synchronize the whole email box or only a specific folder ?


Furthermore, is the Exchange Listener micro-service running ?

Are you on a Creatio cloud instance or On-Premise instance ?


Thanks for the clarifications.



Hello! Thank you for your questions

Probably, I've described my case not so precisely.

Our managers sometimes send emails from Creatio. In this case everything works fine - they see these emails in both places - in Creatio and Gmail (as sent items)

But sometimes they send emails to Customer directly from their Gmail (not from Creatio). So, our task is to get these emails as Outgoing to Creatio as well.  

We have configured as standard Gmail mailbox.

We synchornize the whole email box. Also tested to work with specific folder - have the same result.

This is in both - Creatio cloud and On-premise.


I am afraid, this is standard functionality, so I am looking for option to improve it.


Thank you!

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Hi Community,


We need to hide the notifications for Activities (Created in process or DCM). Is there a way to hide or don't show those notifications for activities only?



Sourav Kumar Samal

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Please provide us with more details on the business logic you want to implement and specify which notifications exactly this is about (in DCM or communication panel?)


Kind regards,


Mira Dmitruk,


To elaborate more,

While adding an activity element in business process or in DCM, the activity notification shows under "Business Process Tasks" in communication panel (refer screenshot). Under the same "Auto generated page" or "Pre configured pages" are also shown.



Our requirement here is to hide those activity notifications from "Business Process Tasks", but keep the "Auto generated page" or "Pre configured pages" notifications.




Hi Sourav,


If you do not need these tasks to be shown and completed for the process to continue, you can create activities with a simple "Add data" element in the business process instead of "Perform task".


Would this solve your task?


Best regards,




We need some of the tasks to be completed by the user to proceed, but we don't want to show those tasks in the notification panel.


Is there a way to hide those?




This would be very useful to me too, did you find a solution/is there any way to do this?

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Hi Community,


In Mobile, we can create visibility conditions based on the supplied array of conditional columns. What I wanted to achieve is to make conditional columns as "OR" condition not "AND". Any idea please, I couldn't find anything from documentation.  


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Hello Fulgen,


Unfortunately this business rule only works with the AND operator. You would need to create a custom business rule in order to implement this. At the moment we do not have a ready example of this functionality, but you are welcome to try to your own implementation and share with us the results.


Best regards,


Hello Fulgen,

Can you please share with us the solution ?


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I have some Case Stages grouped and in some scenarios of all the stages only one is available. Is there a way to default to that one instead of the user click on the drop down and select the only stage available?


In the attached example, I'd would like the 'Validate Provider File' stage on the bar so the user does not have to click the drop down and select it.




File attachments
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You can automatically fill in the required fields using business rules.

More about business rules on the academy website:


Thanks Cherednichenko, but that is not what I need. I don't need to default a field on the actual page. I need to make visible the only stage available on a case where stages are grouped. What stage is enabled depends on a previous stage. In the screenshot attached to the question, If the previous stage was Confirm Provider File Received', then the only option available for the user is Validate Provider File. But because that stage is grouped with 'Validate Patient File', that is what is shown in the bar and the user has to make an extra click to select 'Validate Provider File' even though that is the only option available.

Hello Jose,


Thank you for the explanation.

Unfortunately, such functionality can be only achieved by the means of development.

We will create a request for our R&D team in order to bring this functionality in future releases.


Best regards,


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