Enable Dcm for portal users

Steps to enable Dcm for portal users:

  1. Create replacing objects "SysDcmSettings", "Dcm library (view)", "Section object", "Case status changed actions" and enable access rights by Operations

  2. Add roles "All employees" and "All portal users" to object permissions for the replacing objects from item 1

  3. Add objects from item 1 into lookup "List of objects available for portal users"

  4. Execute sql-script on your environmemnt

    MERGE INTO SysDcmSettings t1 USING (SELECT 1 id) t2 ON (t1.SysModuleEntityId = '355ec546-d278-4d4b-8bf5-a346b4ca3579')
    WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (SysModuleEntityId, StageColumnUId, Filters, DefaultSchemaUId)
    VALUES ('355ec546-d278-4d4b-8bf5-a346b4ca3579', 'a71adaea-3464-4dee-bb4f-c7a535450ad7', N'[{"columnUId":null}]', '3c7d3f4f-a553-4717-909e-6ca5dd6a042f');


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