Hi Community,


We have enabled record permission for an object and based on some conditions we are adding role wise permissions to the record. We want to filter a contact lookup field based on the roles to whom the record has access, i.e. only those contact will show whose associated user falls under the roles to which the particular record has access.


Any suggestions or lead will help a lot.



Sourav Kumar Samal

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To read more information about the permission access and role please refer to these Academy articles: Object operation permissionsFunctional rolesRecord permissions

Kalymbet Anastasia,


Thanks for the suggestions.


But we are looking to filter a contact lookup based on the roles to which the particular record has access. If there are any suggestion specific to this business task, that will be great.




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Bernhardt is an onsite customer.

Landing done on their web site is on Word Press and the WordPress bpmonline connector is installed.

As you can see below, there is an error with a timeout.

We have increased the timeout of the connector to 30s, we have reset IIS and Firewall has been checked.


On creation site, how we can check if the request arrive to Creatio and if the issue is on Creatio side ?


Below the log error message :

    [safe_message] => error object

    [object] => WP_Error Object


            [errors] => Array


                    [http_request_failed] => Array


                            [0] => cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 30001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received



Your help is needed.

Stephane Banon



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Hi Stephane,



You can check if the request arrived in the Creatio IIS logs. You can learn more here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/iis/manage/provisioning-and-managing-…

Also, I recommend testing this add-on on a cloud trial instance in order to make sure that the issue lies within the network settings.

Thank you Yevhen for your feedback.


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Hi Community,


In Portal Case Section, how we can display the "Show closed cases" tick box?

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In system users section page how can we filter portal users? Right now if you use Type, it is a text field there is no selection whether it is a company employee or a portal user. 


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Hi Fulgen,


You can filter the Portal users by "Connection type" column. It is an integer field, you can use the value "0" for Portal users and "1" for Company employee.




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Hi Community,


How to archive the records in change log?

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Hello Fulgen, 


Currently, there is no functionality to archive records in the change log. We created an idea for our development team to implement it in further releases. 



What does "Clear log" means, does it totally deletes the record from DB or is there any backup of this?

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I have created a new section in Creatio 7.18, how can I access it via EntityDataService.svc? If so, is there anything specific that needs to be done when creating a new partition? I was advised to compile. I ran "Recompile All" but it still doesn't show up in EntityDataService.svc.

I can only access the objects that were there by default.

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EntityDataService.svc implements the OData 3 API. However, if your object exists in a package that compiles to it's own assembly (an assembly package - meaning your package containing your object has the "Compile package into it's own assembly" checked), it is not accessible via OData 3 and instead you must use OData 4 (not EntityDataService.svc). 

See info on using OData 4 here: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/integrations_and_api/data_se…

The details about OData 3 (which uses EntityDataService.svc) not being able to access objects from Assembly Packages here: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/7-18/developer/development_tools/packa…

Object access is not supported via the OData protocol version 3. Use the OData protocol version 4 to access objects in an assembly package


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Hi Community,


In Email Template, how to display record's detail/sub table?


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Hello Fulgen, 


Could you please elaborate a bit on your business task or provide us with a screenshot displaying what functionality should be achieved?

Thank you in advance!


Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,



On Case creation we are sending email to some CRM user. This  Case record has detail/sub table. We wanted to include the records on this detail/sub table to the email template, in email template we can show Case fields using Macro, how we can retrieve detail/sub table also using macro?

Hello Fulgen,


If you are doing this through a business process you can read the data from that sub table using a filtering condition that would look like:

"Select records from "Sub table" where the subTable.record.caseId equals to the Id of the current case"


Basically it's the same condition used to filter the records that will be displayed in the detail.


And once you have the information of those records you can pass it to the email macros.


If you need further assistance on how to customize your business process please send us an email to support@creatio.com and we will be able to assist you further on this matter.


Best regards,


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Hello team,


I have a multiselect detail and I have added code to mark already selected records when the lookup window is opened again. For example if A, B are already added to the multiselect, when user wants to add C,D, E, the records A & B will already be checked.


There are multiple validations done before we add a record. Unchecking of already added records will cause complication. 


We see preventing uncheck of values as a solution. Is there a way to prevent uncheck of records? 

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Hello Shivani, 


Can you please provide the code you are referring to? 


Best Regards, 



Ihor Skohariev,

Following is the code I have used, to mark the records already selected as marked. I need to prevent these marked records as unmarked. Basically, we cannot uncheck an already checked record

esq.getEntityCollection(function(result) {
                 	var existsDocumentsCollection = [];
                 	if (result.success) {
                         		result.collection.each(function(item) {
		config.selectedValues = existsDocumentsCollection;


Hello, is it correct that currently every time you open and close a lookup window there are no selected records and your code doesn't work? Or it's working but only after validation and you need to make it that the needed values are already selected before that moment?

Dmytro Vovchenko,


We have managed to figure this out using custom logic. The rows already selected are marked when we add more records. 

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Creatio Community,


Is it possible to format a custom macro field on an email template? I need to display a date with the long format date on an email (eg. August 25, 2022) 

The email definition that has the date looks like this:

The details of this fee were [#UsrPatientContactPreference.UsrEmailText#] to the patient or dispute submitter, on [#UsrRequestForAdditionalInformationSentOn#]

The  last field is the one I need to format.




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Best reply

Hi Jose,


Unfortunately, of now, there is no such functionality, but our R&D already has plans to implement it in future versions of Creatio!


As a workaround you can add a macro handler into the template:


Hi Jose,


Unfortunately, of now, there is no such functionality, but our R&D already has plans to implement it in future versions of Creatio!


As a workaround you can add a macro handler into the template:


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I am creating a report in creatio using MSWord plugin.

The report contains a main table that is connected to a detail (ParentTable).

Inside the row of ParentTable i have placed another table with specific filters (ChildTable1).




Row 1 - Text 1

      - Child Table 1 content


Row 2 - Text 2

      - Child Table 2 content


Row 3 - Text 3

      - Child Table 3 content


I have checked "Hide the table if it contains no data" for the child table.

When i try to download the report the whole table is hided because one of the ChildTables inside one row had no data.

Does Creatio Word Plugin offer this fetaure (To add report tables inside report tables)? 

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I have discussed your case with the responsible R&D team. Unfortunately, as of now, there is no possibility to implement your business task and we do have the correspondent problem registered on our side. The R&D team is currently working on implementing this new functionality in one of the future releases of the application.

Thank you for helping us to make our application better.

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