How to identify the database type for my Creatio cloud instance:

I need to determine which database my cloud Creatio instance is using (MSSQL, PostgreSQL, etc.). What's the simplest way to check this information?


Best practices for migrating large datasets from Pre-Production to Production:

I'm familiar with the Data Binding tool and standard migration procedures, but I'm working with extremely large datasets that make the standard approach challenging.

What's the recommended method for migrating substantial amounts of data between Pre-Production and Production cloud environments? Are there optimization techniques, alternative tools, or best practices specifically for handling large-volume migrations?

Any insights from those who've successfully managed large-scale data migrations would be appreciated!

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Please contact the Creatio Customer Support directly to provide you with the information regarding your cloud-based site. Here is the support email address:

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I have an API where I receive some data that I want to insert in a table. The problem is that the table is not in the default schema 'dbo'. The API fails because it says that it cannot find the object 'dbo.LIBRA.MBK_TABLE'. It should read only 'LIBRA.MBK_TABLE'.

       private int ExecuteInsert(string customerId, DateTime lastConnectionDate)
            var select = new Select(SystemUserConnection)
                               .Where("RecId").IsEqual(Column.Parameter(customerId)) as Select;
           int recordExists = select.ExecuteScalar();
            if (recordExists == 0)
                var insertAccount = new Insert(SystemUserConnection)
                                        .Set("RecId", Column.Parameter(customerId))
                                        .Set("LastConnectionDate", Column.Parameter(lastConnectionDate));
                int rowsAffected = insertAccount.Execute();
                if (rowsAffected == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Insert failed: no rows affected.");
                return rowsAffected;
            return 0;

I tried to put .From("LIBRA", "MBK_TABLE") and to put .SchemaName("LIBRA"), but the same error appears.


Is there another way of doing this?

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Perhaps you'll need to use direct SQL statements for this? You can see how to do that here:


An additional option to what Ryan proposed - create a table to which you can add data with an API and on the DB level create a trigger that will automatically insert record into the table from the needed namespace in the database.

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Have created stored proc through sql script but it was failed when trying to install. Considering SQL script execution is passed, will those SQL scripts be created in database, shall we assume that  each business will have separate database in Creatio?

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With which error, the installation of the script failed?

Hi, I am using SQL script in MSSQL. Please find my script below for creating Proc. 'UsrMemberData' is the object which i created in my app.


   DROP Procedure UsrMemberData;

CREATE Procedure UsrMemberData 
    SELECT * FROM UsrMemberData


It shows below error

Is SQL Script is working ony for any specific DBMS type? Can you please let me know how to work out this .







The issue is likely due to the case sensitivity of SQL Server keywords and the positioning of the GO statement. Here’s the corrected script with proper syntax:

IF OBJECT_ID('UsrMemberData', 'P') IS NOT NULL 
   DROP PROCEDURE UsrMemberData;

   SELECT * FROM UsrMemberData; -- Assuming UsrMemberData is a table


Have tried with above code but still got the issue


Please find the script below,


IF OBJECT_ID('UsrMemberDataRetrieve', 'P') IS NOT NULL 
  DROP PROCEDURE UsrMemberDataRetrieve;

CREATE PROCEDURE UsrMemberDataRetrieve 
  SELECT * FROM UsrMemberDetailsData; 


Can you please let me know sql script is compatible with any specific DBMS type. Thanks!







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Hi Community,

Have used the objects inside the SQL scripts for creating views and try to install it,but the installation failing in creatio with the error "No such object found" . Is there any specific way to define objects inside the SQL scripts ? Is SQL script execution process is missing in CRM ? 


Thanks in advance!


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Hi, that's the correct way to do it. Are you using SQL or Postgres?  Do you want to share the create view script you are using? 

Best regards!

Hi, I am using SQL script. Please find my script below for creating view.

'UsrShow' is the object which i created in my app.


    DROP VIEW UsrShow;

    ) AS
    NEWID() [Id],
FROM UsrShow


It shows below error


I donno what i am missing here.  Is there anything to set to the object when calling it in view ? Can you please let me know how to work out this.



Paviyathachayini Mahendran,




You receive a PostgreSQL exception upon executing a query written for MS SQL. You need to rewrite your query to be used in PostgreSQL.


Thank You for the quick response. When i tried a script in PostgreSql it gets installed successfully. But could you please let me how to use this script or stored procedure inside the creatio application  ? like pulling data in a report based on the Stored procedure execution results ..

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I changed the SQL Server Authentication settings to Windows Authentication Mode. But when I login to Creatio I get a Login Failed error.

What do I need to set in the Connection String?


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I want to update MaxFileSize and ActiveFileContentStorage using a query to save time. But whenever I tried to run the query from SQL Console it successfully update the values in the database but they are not reflected in the Creatio Portal.


When I add the query in the SQL file in advanced settings and run it, it updates the data in the database and in the portal as well. The problem is that it's not dynamic which will kill the purpose of using the query.


In other words, if I have to go and change the value in that file and run it again then we can do the same for the system settings as well.


Can anyone help me with that?


Thanks in advance.

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Hello Syed,


The issue here is that these values are also storred in cache and direct updating of these values are not reflected in the cache. That's why you have old values after updating values from the database directly.


What should be done after updating values in the database is Redis flush. But this will lead to all users to be logged out from the system and obviously cannot be performed during business hours for the application (or users should be notified that the Redis will be flushed soon). After Redis flush new system settings values will be used when working in the application.

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Hi all, 

I am trying to figure out, how do we connect Creatio directly to another (webapp's/app) SQL database which is not the Creatio one, without needing to pass through an API.


If we keep it simple, Pipedrive, they are able to provide SQL connections through Zapier, with triggers on both sides (if a change in Pipedrive --> add a column in the other SQL db OR if column added in SQL DB, do x action in Pipedrive). 

How do we replicate such direct (bi-directional) integration with Creatio and another sql db without the need for the other web app to expose or call an API ?



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Hi Damien,

If I understood your question correctly, I recommend you look at this discussion.

As described there, the most suitable solution, in this case, is a business process.

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Hello Creatio Community,

This happens in the Application Section. When i fill in the product terms and try to save the Application this pop up is shown. Meanwhile the object SysFinApplicationSpecRight doesnt exist at all in the database. How can I fix this problem ?


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Printscreen of Error Logs


Managed to solve the problem by re-compiling FinApplicationSpec

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Hi community,


I'm working on a new view object to create custom dasboards for my customer based on Bulk Email stats. I noticed that Creatio has an OOTB View object called "VwBulkEmailAudience" which is based on "BulkEmailTarget", "BETArchiveFirstGeneration" and "BETArchiveSecondGeneration".

Does anybody knows what the least two tables are used for? I have checked both the local-dev and the production site, and those tables are empty.

I enclose the script for the OOTB View in case you'd like to gain a better understanding of what I'm talking about.


Thank you in advance guys and girls! Have a nice day :)

-- View: public."VwBulkEmailAudience"
-- DROP VIEW public."VwBulkEmailAudience";
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public."VwBulkEmailAudience" AS
 SELECT "BET"."MandrillId" AS "Id",
    "BERR"."DCReplicaId" AS "ReplicaId",
    NULL::text AS "SessionId",
    0 AS "IsSent"
   FROM "BulkEmailTarget" "BET"
     LEFT JOIN "BulkEmailRecipientReplica" "BERR" ON "BERR"."RecipientId" = "BET"."MandrillId"
 SELECT "FG"."MandrillId" AS "Id",
    "BERR"."DCReplicaId" AS "ReplicaId",
    NULL::text AS "SessionId",
    0 AS "IsSent"
   FROM "BETArchiveFirstGeneration" "FG"
     LEFT JOIN "BulkEmailRecipientReplica" "BERR" ON "BERR"."RecipientId" = "FG"."MandrillId"
 SELECT "SG"."MandrillId" AS "Id",
    "BERR"."DCReplicaId" AS "ReplicaId",
    NULL::text AS "SessionId",
    0 AS "IsSent"
   FROM "BETArchiveSecondGeneration" "SG"
     LEFT JOIN "BulkEmailRecipientReplica" "BERR" ON "BERR"."RecipientId" = "SG"."MandrillId";
ALTER TABLE public."VwBulkEmailAudience"
    OWNER TO puser;


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Best reply

Hi Federica,

The "BETArchiveFirstGeneration" and "BETArchiveSecondGeneration" tables have been added in the 7.17.1 version of Creatio. They are used as a way to archive old records from the BulkEmailTarget table. Records older than 1 year go into those tables.

To get information about the OLD licenses usage you would need to use the VwBulkEmailTarget view as it looks into both the BulkEmailTarget and BETArchive tables. 


Best regards,


Hi Federica,

The "BETArchiveFirstGeneration" and "BETArchiveSecondGeneration" tables have been added in the 7.17.1 version of Creatio. They are used as a way to archive old records from the BulkEmailTarget table. Records older than 1 year go into those tables.

To get information about the OLD licenses usage you would need to use the VwBulkEmailTarget view as it looks into both the BulkEmailTarget and BETArchive tables. 


Best regards,


Thank you very much Max for clarifying! :)

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hi all,


I need the to enable the SQL query console but I can't find the SQL executer and can't find the option "SQL query console" in operation permissions 


any sol?



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Hi Ibrahim,


Unfortunately, the SQL query console plugin is not supported anymore. As of now there are no alternatives but we are working on creating one. You can send the scripts you need to execute to our support address and we will run them for you!


Best regards,


I am currently working on a new marketplace add-on for this as well.

For now, if you have the previous SQL Executor add-on in another system, you can export the package from the configuration to install into another system.


Ryan Farley,

wondering if you have already created something useable, because the old SQL console is not really working anymore in the latest releases.


I'd be happy to contribute either with testing or development!


Thanks for your effort!

Ryan Farley,

Ditto, I'd be happy to contribute either with testing or development!

Gareth Osler,

We have built an new query tool for FreedomUI that provides the same ability as the legacy SQL Executor app. Would you be interested in trying it out during our beta test phase?

Allen Dsouza,


Hi, I'm interested

Is there anything released for this yet? Ideally something first party to simplify things licencing and security-wise. We are having some troubles trying to have support run some of our scripts, as they need to be run in a certain way due to Postgres' transaction rules.

Harvey Adcock,

I started something for this as well, but stopped working on it since I now use Clio Explorer for executing SQL for Creatio. It's a great route IMO - i just wish it handled SQL errors better. As of now it tells you there was an error but does not provide any details of what the error was (I created an issue for Clio for this, but haven't seen any responses). Still a great way to use SQL queries for Creatio since you can save the query files for later reuse.

Allen Dsouza,


We would be interested in Beta testing this as well


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