BETArchiveFirstGeneration & BETArchiveSecondGeneration

Hi community,


I'm working on a new view object to create custom dasboards for my customer based on Bulk Email stats. I noticed that Creatio has an OOTB View object called "VwBulkEmailAudience" which is based on "BulkEmailTarget", "BETArchiveFirstGeneration" and "BETArchiveSecondGeneration".

Does anybody knows what the least two tables are used for? I have checked both the local-dev and the production site, and those tables are empty.

I enclose the script for the OOTB View in case you'd like to gain a better understanding of what I'm talking about.


Thank you in advance guys and girls! Have a nice day :)

-- View: public."VwBulkEmailAudience"
-- DROP VIEW public."VwBulkEmailAudience";
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public."VwBulkEmailAudience" AS
 SELECT "BET"."MandrillId" AS "Id",
    "BERR"."DCReplicaId" AS "ReplicaId",
    NULL::text AS "SessionId",
    0 AS "IsSent"
   FROM "BulkEmailTarget" "BET"
     LEFT JOIN "BulkEmailRecipientReplica" "BERR" ON "BERR"."RecipientId" = "BET"."MandrillId"
 SELECT "FG"."MandrillId" AS "Id",
    "BERR"."DCReplicaId" AS "ReplicaId",
    NULL::text AS "SessionId",
    0 AS "IsSent"
   FROM "BETArchiveFirstGeneration" "FG"
     LEFT JOIN "BulkEmailRecipientReplica" "BERR" ON "BERR"."RecipientId" = "FG"."MandrillId"
 SELECT "SG"."MandrillId" AS "Id",
    "BERR"."DCReplicaId" AS "ReplicaId",
    NULL::text AS "SessionId",
    0 AS "IsSent"
   FROM "BETArchiveSecondGeneration" "SG"
     LEFT JOIN "BulkEmailRecipientReplica" "BERR" ON "BERR"."RecipientId" = "SG"."MandrillId";
ALTER TABLE public."VwBulkEmailAudience"
    OWNER TO puser;


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Hi Federica,

The "BETArchiveFirstGeneration" and "BETArchiveSecondGeneration" tables have been added in the 7.17.1 version of Creatio. They are used as a way to archive old records from the BulkEmailTarget table. Records older than 1 year go into those tables.

To get information about the OLD licenses usage you would need to use the VwBulkEmailTarget view as it looks into both the BulkEmailTarget and BETArchive tables. 


Best regards,


Hi Federica,

The "BETArchiveFirstGeneration" and "BETArchiveSecondGeneration" tables have been added in the 7.17.1 version of Creatio. They are used as a way to archive old records from the BulkEmailTarget table. Records older than 1 year go into those tables.

To get information about the OLD licenses usage you would need to use the VwBulkEmailTarget view as it looks into both the BulkEmailTarget and BETArchive tables. 


Best regards,


Thank you very much Max for clarifying! :)

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