Hello all,


I am working on modifying the Search contact and accounts page to add a cancel button to the top of the page so that the user can exit the page and properly terminate the business process that opens it.

However, I've added the script for inserting a button but it won't show up on the page. Here is my script below. Is there something I could be doing wrong?

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Dear Kevin,


Could you please provide us with the information about how this page was created and how this page is called in a business process?


If this page is a pre-configured page, so you can easily add a button using page wizard and bind the “click” attribute to the appropriate method through a development.


 Best regards,


Norton Lingard,

It is the "Search page - Contacts and Accoutns" page that is used in the Identify contact by incoming call process. 


It is called like a pre-configured page in the process but when I try to modify it, it only opens right to the schema code instead of opening the page wizard. 

Dear Kevin,


I created the replacing client module for the “SearchAccountAndContactPage” schema and added the following code:


define("SearchAccountAndContactPage", [], function(){

    return {

        entitySchemaName: "Case",

        methods: {

            onCloseContactButton: function() {

                // business logic;




        diff: [


                        "operation": "insert",

                        "parentName": "LeftContainer",

                        "propertyName": "items",

                        "name": "ClosePageButton",

                        "values": {

                            "itemType": this.Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,

                            "caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.ClosePageButtonCaption"},

                            "click": {"bindTo": "onCloseContactButton"},

                            "style": "red"








As a result, the button has successfully appeared in the page. Please see the screenshot below:



Please check you entered the correct value for the “caption” property. Since if this property has the wrong value, the button won’t be visible in the page.


Best regards,


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Hello all,


I have been working on setting up Agent Desktop to be used for processing queues of incoming emails. Though it lists each email in queue as separate entities even if they are part of an email thread. Is there a way that I could filter the queue to show only the most recent email in a thread?



I know that Creatio is able to recognize threads through the related emails detail but I'm not sure how to adapt it for use with the queue.

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Dear Kevin,


Creatio can sort emails by threads via Cases section - each email will create new case unless this email is somehow connected to already an existing chain of emails (by case number or thread). You can use cases instead of emails for your queues. 


Best regards,


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Hello all,


I am configuring an Agent Desktop that allows me to process emails and sort them into different queues based on what the email is in regards to. 

The process that runs for the queue opens an edit page and allows the user to view the email. I have added a business process to the page that users can launch to open another edit page but when I activate it, the page doesn't open. I can only see the process start in the business process tasks panel in the communications panel on the right side of the screen.

Is there a way I could start a business from the queue page and have the open edit page replace the email screen?



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Dear Kevin,


Processes can start in the background and if they are they could behave like this. Please check that "Run following elements in the background" checkbox is unchecked for start element and the element that should open the page. You can read more about this checkbox here: https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-bpms/7-15/simple-start-event


Best regards,


Angela Reyes,

Thanks! that did the trick.

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Hello all,


I have several business processes that my users start from the contact record. Each opens a pre-configured page that allows my users to record information and make connections to other objects. 

However, some of them take longer to start that I'd like. Is there any methods that I should investigate to try and improve performance? There aren't any steps before the preconfigured page so I'm not sure what more I could do.

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Dear Kevin, 


Unfortunately, only from this screenshot, it is hard to tell what could be the issue. Please check that there are no web socket issues in your browser. Also, if your application is deployed on-site, please check that web sockets are set up correctly. If it is not the issue please contact support team at support@creatio.com


Best regards, 


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Hello all,


I am trying to cancel some business processes that are currently running in my system. However, when I click cancel, the process reverts back to running when I refresh the page. Why does this happen?

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Dear Kevin, 


The issue may occur because processes are getting canceled asynchronously. Usually, the cancellation happens momentarily, but sometimes the cancellation may wait for other background tasks to finish, which leads to the delay between pressing "cancel process" and actual process cancelation. If the process doesn't get canceled after a major amount of time please contact the support team at support@creatio.com

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Hello all,


Is there a way that I can have the communication options sorted alphabetically for users?

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Dear Kevin,


Here is the example:


You can add the "order" attribute for every field that you need to sort to the edit page schema where the field is located.

In the following example we created the integer "UsrSorting" field in the lookup UsrTestLookup1 and copied the values from the "Name" field there. 


attributes: {

            "UsrTestLookup1": {

                lookupListConfig: {

                    orders: [


                            columnPath: "UsrSorting",

                            direction: Terrasoft.OrderDirection.ASC






The result - https://prnt.sc/kg62ci


You can try to implement the same logic to the 'Communication option types by communication type' lookup.





That is great and I've seen that use before. However, I cannot find the correct name in order to reference the communication type lookup.

Dear Kevin,


In order to sort the communications options please do the following:

1. Create a replacing client module for the “ContactCommunicationDetail” schema.

2. Add the following code to the schema:


define("ContactCommunicationDetail", [], function(){


        methods: {

            initCommunicationTypes: function(callback){

                var esq = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {

                        rootSchemaName: "CommunicationType",

                        isDistinct: true


                esq.addMacrosColumn(this.Terrasoft.QueryMacrosType.PRIMARY_COLUMN, "Id");

                var nameColumn = esq.addMacrosColumn(this.Terrasoft.QueryMacrosType.PRIMARY_DISPLAY_COLUMN, "Name");

                nameColumn.orderDirection = Terrasoft.OrderDirection.ASC;

                esq.addColumn("[ComTypebyCommunication:CommunicationType:Id].Communication", "CommunicationId");


                esq.getEntityCollection(function(response) {

                    if (response.success) {

                        var entityCollection = response.collection;

                        this.set("CommunicationTypes", entityCollection);



                }, this);






Best regards,


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Hello all,


I've been adding communication types and I can see that phone and social options are grouped in a cascading option but emails are not.

Is there a way that I can group the email types too?

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Dear Kevin,


In order to group emails please open the “Communication option types” lookup https://prnt.sc/rha66n , click on the record and choose the following option https://prnt.sc/rha708 . In the opened page, please add records to the “Communication types” detail https://prnt.sc/rha8s0 . As a result, the option will be grouped https://prnt.sc/rha9p6  


Best regards,


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Hi all,


I am working on deploying Creatio on-site in order to check heavy sql queries to add some indexes. I have been following the steps on the documentation page for on site installation, however I am having trouble finding the ConnectionsStrings.Config file and any help figuring out where I should look would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi Kevin,

You can find it in the root folder of your site as it is shown on the screenshot.

Bohdan Zdor,


I am confused on file path to get there. I received a database backup from support and then deployed the backup by restoring the database in MS SQL Server Manager. Is there someplace else I should be looking?


Kevin Brady,

To create an on-site install, you need the database, which it sounds like you already have, but you also need the actual application files that you setup under IIS. You can get this from support (it needs to match the version of the database backup you've been given)


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