It looks like there are some duplication in localization, but it is hard to define the source of error.

2024-04-02 09:47:54,132 [278] ERROR INFRADIM\bpm_db_admin ConfigurationBuild LogErrors - System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.

   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)

   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaResourceManager.PrepareLoadedResources(IEnumerable`1 resources, IEnumerable`1 schemaHierarhy, IEnumerable`1 cultures)

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaResourceManager.LoadRuntimeResourcesForSchema(Dictionary`2 localResourceSets, IEnumerable`1 schemaHierarchyIds)

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaResourceManager.LoadRuntimeResourcesForSchema(Dictionary`2 localResourceSets)

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaResourceManager.InternalGetResourceSet(CultureInfo cultureInfo, Boolean createIfNotExists, Boolean tryParents)

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaResourceManager.GetString(String name, CultureInfo culture)

   at Terrasoft.Common.LocalizableValue`1.GetCultureValue(CultureInfo culture, Boolean throwIfNoManager, Boolean useCultureFallback)

   at Terrasoft.Common.LocalizableValue`1.LoadCultureValues(IEnumerable`1 culturesInfo)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Schema.LoadLocalizableValues(IEnumerable`1 culturesInfo)

   at Terrasoft.Core.ClientUnitSchema.LoadLocalizableValues(IEnumerable`1 culturesInfo)

   at Terrasoft.Core.ClientUnitSchema.LoadLocalizableValues()

   at Terrasoft.Core.ClientUnitSchema.InitializePrimaryInfo()

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaManager`1.get_DefSchema()

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaManager`1.InternalCreateSchema(String name, TSchemaManagerSchema baseSchema, UserConnection userConnection, Guid uid, Boolean fromMetaData)

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaManager`1.InternalCreateSchema(String name, ISchemaManagerItem baseSchema, UserConnection userConnection, Boolean fromMetaData)

   at Terrasoft.Core.MetaDataSerializer.d__7.MoveNext()

   at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaManager`1.DeserializeSchemaManagerItem(Stream metaData, UserConnection userConnection)

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaManager`1.DeriveSchemaManagerItem(UserConnection userConnection, EntityCollection orderedSchemas)

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaManager`1.CreateRuntimeSchemaFromMetaData(Guid schemaUId, UserConnection userConnection)

   at Terrasoft.Core.ClientUnitSchemaManager.FindInstanceByName(String name)

   at Terrasoft.Core.ClientUnitSchemaManager.GetInstanceByName(String name)

   at Terrasoft.Core.ClientContentGeneration.ConfigurationClientContentFileGenerator.GetClientUnitSchema(ClientUnitSchemaManager manager, String schemaName)

   at Terrasoft.Core.ClientContentGeneration.ConfigurationClientContentFileGenerator.d__27.MoveNext()

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Thank you for your question. According to the error code, you can see that the error occurs when preparing loaded resources (PrepareLoadedResources).

However, this error can occur in many different cases. Most likely, there are duplicate values in the DB tables.

The best solution would be to open a ticket with the Creatio support team so that we can analyze the issue in detail based on reproducing the error and analyzing the application logs.


Thank you.

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Is it possible to change the name of a Freedom UI section?

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Best reply


To change the section name, you need to go to Application Hub. Then select the section you want to change.

Go to Navigation and sections and select the required section, for example, Account. And you will see a field where you can change the name.


To change the section name, you need to go to Application Hub. Then select the section you want to change.

Go to Navigation and sections and select the required section, for example, Account. And you will see a field where you can change the name.


Thank you.

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Hi community,


I want to merge duplicated records under the section Cases. I have a ton of cases that have common information and in my situation, there is a key field created by me which stores an external identifier of the record, which is different from the default Case autogenerated number field. If I filter cases by the value of that field I find more than one record, which means that there is redundancy that I need to


I can't do a excel file upload trying to overwrite the information as it will fail when it encounters duplicates. I think the only way to approach this is with a business process, but in the available operations there is one called Find and merge duplicates

But it only lets me search for records from the sections Contacts and Accounts, so I can't access Cases as I want.


Could you please help me implement this or suggest a possible solution?


Thanks in advance for your help.

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Please check the article below. There you will find detailed instructions regarding your question.…


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I am trying to submit a request for canes and that keeps popping up I need help Urgently please. I just put random versions and product because I don't know that area. But I am on the Canes/Creatio website trying to submit a request and it isn't working.

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Please contact support team at and provide more details of the issue along with an access to the site where it occurs to proceed with the investigation. 


Best regards,



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We are trying to deploy Global Search service in kubernetes environment but globalsearch-web-indexing-service is failing in CrashLoopBackOff. Do we need repository access to set up the current version of the global search service?

If yes, how can we achieve that. Do we need separate license for it?

We are following the documentation



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I asked Creatio's support and they provided access to their repository.




Hi Sabin,


as for now, you need to contact the Creatio Support team in order to get access to the files for the services such as Global search.

Please, don't hesitate to send an email to




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We appear to have issues with creating Recurring Events in Calendar.

I have tried creating a basic (4 occurrences) of an Event yesterday, and while Creatio created all 4 occurrences, the Notification Center reports this:

"Create recurring activities action failed. Contact your system administrator for details"

In addition, when creating recurring events, we often get:

  • Creatio becomes very slow or unresponsive -- sometimes possible to connect with an Incognito window
  • Clicking on Save, the popup screen does not go away (need to X out of it)
  • Browser developer tools shows errors with MakeRecurring (error while sending request application server request time-out, POST, {parentId: xxx, frequency: W, interval: 1, until: 04/15/2023, startDate 02/20/2023, byDay: 2})
  • If Events are created, then Creatio becomes very slow and you need to logout and log back in again
  • Deleting the recurring event causes things to hang

*Sometimes* things work OK and the only issue is the Notification Center report that it failed, but most often it just does not work properly. 

I am trying to book meetings that occur on a weekly basis, and have tried both booking them at an interval of 7 days and using the weekly choice and choosing only one (or two) day(s) of the week, as choosing all appropriate days seems to really kill things.

Here is a video with voice over with examples of the problems:…


Any suggestions of how we might do things so that the Calendar and recurring events are more responsive?

Like 1



Hi Jeffrey,


I reviewed this app and was unable to reproduce the issue on our end. However, this could be a result of conflicts between your custom logic in the Activity section and the add-on logic. This solution works using stored procedure functionality, which can affect Creatio negatively. 


We decided to remove this add-on from the Marketplace to avoid similar problems in the future.

We do not recommend using it.

Also, have sent feedback to our R&D team about including such functionality in Creatio out of the box.


Thank you for your request, we appreciate it!

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I recently set up a new Freedom UI page which is no longer loading.


I am seeing the following error in console:


scripts.js?hash=ca02198d1fea4be091f9d9f8d644f662:1 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')
    at 355.js:1:40066
    at 388.js:16:4661
    at r._next (388.js:16:3329)
    at (388.js:14:14878)
    at scripts.js?hash=ca02198d1fea4be091f9d9f8d644f662:1:353804
    at N.Te._next (scripts.js?hash=ca02198d1fea4be091f9d9f8d644f662:1:353224)
    at (scripts.js?hash=ca02198d1fea4be091f9d9f8d644f662:1:351743)
    at scripts.js?hash=ca02198d1fea4be091f9d9f8d644f662:1:369134
    at N.Te._next (scripts.js?hash=ca02198d1fea4be091f9d9f8d644f662:1:353224)
    at (scripts.js?hash=ca02198d1fea4be091f9d9f8d644f662:1:351743)
    at scripts.js?hash=ca02198d1fea4be091f9d9f8d644f662:1:359003
    at N.Te._next (scripts.js?hash=ca02198d1fea4be091f9d9f8d644f662:1:353224)
    at (scripts.js?hash=ca02198d1fea4be091f9d9f8d644f662:1:351743)
    at r._next (388.js:14:15147)
    at (388.js:14:14878)

Any advice would be appreciated.

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Hi Lewis, 

Please contact our support team since this question has to be checked more detailed. 

Kind regards,



How was this issue solved?

Hello Sasori,


The issue was related to the "Schema_name" schema, which had a reference to the "Column_name" column that didn't exist in the object. This led to the assumption that it might have been renamed or deleted

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Hi team


is it possible to show dashboard on section case for a portal user?

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I solved configuring the portal home page.

Is it possible to have dashboard on the section case page ?

Hello Stefano, 


Unfortunately, it is not possible to add a dashboard even for a custom section. We created a task for our R&D department to implement in the future. 


Best Regards, 


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I have created custom sections on the dev environment, and installed the package to the production environment.

When i try to apply object permissions in production, only the existing sections appear and not my custom sections.

Noting that i can see my sections in the workplace management interface.


Has anyone encountered this problem before ?


Thank you


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You need to check several options:

- Сheck that the object has no publishing errors, and compile the application. 

- Check the rights to the section/workspace and that the user has the right license.

- Check the mapping in the SysModul table. It is possible that the section was added to the same workplace twice and there are some duplicates at the database level, in this case, the section will simply not show up. You need to delete the entries at the database level and add the section again.


If the above tips do not help, it is better to contact technical support.

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Good day.

After authorization I get 401 error with loading https://[url]/0/conf/content/_FileContentBootstraps.js

There is file in the same folder _FileContentDescriptors.js which is loading also with problem.

Do you have any ideas what problem it is?

File attachments
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Just a guess, maybe the AppPool identity user does not have permissions for the folder?



Try to remove the static content and generate it again.

To do this, delete the \Terrasoft.WebApp\conf\content folder and start compilation.

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