
I have a process that sends feed notification when application registers email sent from particular domain. This email automatically creates a case.

How can I configure Add data action to pass to it Id of a case I want to be opened when user clicks on the notification?

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We have a scenario where there are nearly 12 fields in an object.


When a field is getting modified in a record, an email should be sent capturing the old value and new value of the field. For capturing the old and new values, we use the change log plugin at https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/change-log-creatio

When more than one field is getting modified, only one email containing all the modified fields should be sent.

Kindly suggest how we can implement the same.

We tried using a business process but facing challenges around capturing changes in field-level.


product - service creatio

version - 7.16


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You can read the column names, old value & new value of field from the log table used in above plugin, in a loop to read all the fields changed. Each time in loop, put the data as one line in a string field parameter like 

"Field Name : <field> Old value: <value>  New Value: <value> " and when loop exists send the email, add this parameter field which you developed in the email body.

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If we have configured Resolution and Response time to be calculated by Service. On change of Service , Response and Resolution Time should be updated dynamically . How can this be achieved ?

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I am exploring ways by which we can add a message to a custom channel within Feed Section via Business Process. Please help me with information.


Product - Creatio customer center

version - 7.16

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The main objects in Feed functionality are SocialChannel, SocialMessage and SocialMention. 

There is also an OOB process called ESN notification but it can only be found via the Configuration section. You can use it as an example to build your own business logic.

Please let us know if more information is required.


Best regards,

Bogdan S.

Bogdan Spasibov,

Thanks much for the information provided. I could see the BP related to ESN Notification and it really helped.

I require implementation clarity (especially related to objects) on the following scenario,


I have created a custom channel named "Psiog". Now, I would like to add a message, via a business process, in the channel "Psiog" saying that an "employee" (data from contacts section) is "available"/"not available" (chosen from a lookup in a preconfigured page) along with respective comments. 

Could you please help me with the above one? As far as I tried implementation, I could add a message to the Feed in general and was unable to post in a particular channel.



Adding relevant screenshots



SocialMessage object has a column named EntityId. Please, populate it with SocialChanel.Id value. This should help.


Best regards,

Bogdan S.

Bogdan Spasibov,

Thank you! Tried giving the custom channel name in the "object instance" parameter of the social message and it worked!

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Do we have the possibility of locking fields for editing, in the Auto generate page? PFA screenshot.


Product is Service Creatio - Customer Center edition

version 7.16

File attachments
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For these purposes, it is recommended to use [Pre-configured page] process element instead of Auto-generated page as pre-configured page is much more easier to set up.


Best regards,

Bogdan S.

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I want to color the alternate records in detail grid in tile view. Can any one provide the solution for this?




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Hello Faustina,


Unfortunately, there is no ready-to-use functionality, it should be developed.  But tere is a marketplace add-on the has very similar functionality that you described. Please check it using this link.

This functionality helps to color section grid records but you can use the schemas of the installed package as an example to develop the same logic for the detail.


Best regards,

Bogdan S

Hi Faustina,

Are you referring to the alternating light gray background, like what you get on a detail when in list mode? (and not a background color based on some value in the row)

If so, you can add the following CSS to the page:

.grid-detail .grid-tiled .grid-row.grid-active-selectable:nth-child(odd) {
    background-color: #f7f7f7;

That will look like this: 


You can see how to add CSS here: https://customerfx.com/article/adding-custom-css-style-sheets-in-bpmonl…

Note, the CSS above will add this for all details, so if you want this through the entire system, all you need to do is add this to BootstrapModulesV2 and it will add the alternating gray on rows in all details in card mode.

Also, if you remove the .grid-detail from the front, it will add the alternating gray background on odd rows in section lists in card mode as well.


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Hi Team,

I am getting the error "Error occurred when saving: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: input" while trying to save the business process by adding AND/OR gates in the process in version Please help me resolve the issue.

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Maybe the gate isn't properly connected on both the input and output sides? Just guessing here. It looks connected from your screenshot but maybe click each flow in and out to make sure. Additionally, I would try deleting the gate, saving the process, then re-adding. Otherwise, maybe try contacting support. I've not had that error before when using a gate, so maybe something else is wrong - after trying the above, of course.


Hi Dharini,


This error can occur in case the process was configured to use the "Send email" process element (and it is present in your process) and this element had one template it in, but then the template was changed and this change cannot be properly saved. To fix this issue please remove the "Send email" from the process completely, save the process and then add the element back with the template that you need to use in the process logic.


Best regards,


Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan for the suggestions! I have tried them already and brought it up here as those things did'nt really work out.

Oscar Dylan,

Will try it out! Thank you for the suggestion.

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Hello Community,

I notice that the default timezone lookup has only 'standard' time zones and nothing for daylight saving time zones like 'EDT – Eastern Daylight Time'. 

1. Does Creatio by default handle daylight saving? If Yes, How?

2. Any inputs on how we can manually handle daylight savings will help.


Our application supports global users and displaying accurate time/calendar is of importance to us. Could we have a custom timezone lookup and programmatically modify the timezone of specific users so as to reflect daylight savings??


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Best reply



Yes, Creatio moves to daylight saving time automatically. There is no need to perform any specific adjustments. It is enough for a user to have the non-daylight time zone selected, like EDT, and the time will changed to daylight saving when necessary.

As for changing the time zones lookup, it is not possible. It contains standard Windows time zones lookup that also have connection to the web server time.






Yes, Creatio moves to daylight saving time automatically. There is no need to perform any specific adjustments. It is enough for a user to have the non-daylight time zone selected, like EDT, and the time will changed to daylight saving when necessary.

As for changing the time zones lookup, it is not possible. It contains standard Windows time zones lookup that also have connection to the web server time.




dean parrett,

Hi Dean Parrett. You mean that if a user chooses EST, It will automatically account for daylight saving?


There is no EDT timezone available in the default lookup.

dean parrett,

Also, can this be added to the Creatio documentation? Neither is it indicated anywhere in the documentation nor is it available in the community. Thanks in advance! 

dean parrett,

Hi Dean. A follow up question - 

Lets say that day light saving kicks in and GMT-4.00 changes to GMT-5.00. It was mentioned in the community link that Creatio handles this automatically.

  1. Does Creatio store GMT-4.00 or GMT-5.00 in the DB? What will be shown to the user inside user profile on the GUI as the time zone offset? 
  2. From where can I get the value of GMT-5.00? Will it change in the 'Offset' column in the Time zone table??

Appreciate your response.

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Hello all,


I am trying to create a process that can add a selection of contacts to a participants detail by picking select all and then clicking on the action in the actions drop down. I've gotten the process to start but it only grabs 30 records at once. 


I know that this is due to Creatio only loading so many records at once as a way to not stress the system too much. However, I need a way to collect more than 30 records. I'm trying to figure out a way to get Creatio to load the records once I've triggered the process.


It's fine if there's a delay while Creatio loads the records, I can always put up a message about how it may take some time. I just need to get the records.

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I am building a scenario for CTI integration using Avaya. I need to extend the functionality of the Terrasoft Messaging Service, for example, redirect phone calls based on organisational role, etc. Is there a way of doing it on Creatio? I believe the TMS is a windows service that is provided as a connector by  Creatio. Is there a way to extend the functionality of this connector by customer/partner? If not, is the TMS source code open sourced for extension? If yes, please do share the link of the source code.


Thanks in advance...

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Hello Amanthena,


Unfortunately, there is no such possibility to configure calls redirection based on organizational roles or functional roles via standard tools for the Creatio application in the Terrasoft Messaging Service (TMS). You can set redirect on the ATS side (based on phone numbers which are assigned to specific contacts/users). Another way is to involve the project development team and to create specific extensions for TMS, but for that we suggest you to contact your manager and discuss the possibility of the implementation of the additional functionality.


On the Creatio application side, you can configure which users will be able to use the telephony functionality and which not. Also by enabling the Avaya connector you will have more convenient way to analyze calls.


Best regards,




Thanks for the reply, Roman! Below are the use cases that I am looking at.


1) Redirection based on organisational roles.

2) Redirection based on user status like "on vacation", etc to a user substitute configured on Creatio

3) Notification to customer service agent on voicemail and the ability to access, read and listen to them.

4) Support for the "Busy" agent status on Creatio-Avaya.


Please let me know if this is something that in your view can be entirely handled through configurations and customizations on the Avaya Server, as I believe this is not currently supported via extensions on Creatio/TMS.


Also when you say "project development team" and "manager", are you referring to the Creatio Professional Services/Product team and partner account manager?


Thanks again for all the help...


Hello Amanthena,


  1. About the call redirection based on different roles: this functionality can not be set by using the available system configuration. This question is better to clarify with the Creatio Professional Services/Product team or/and Partner Account manager, as far as it will require further development.
  2. Redirection based on the user status like "on vacation" or other custom statuses is possible to configurate on the ATS side (depending on which statuses are available for the specific ATS). Also, ATS configurations allow you to set automatic change of the operator's status accordingly to the operator availability and a lot of other kinds of functionality (like IVR, etc.).
  3. After the phone integration has been set up, you will be able to manage calls in Creatio: make and receive calls, put calls on hold, transfer calls, make video calls and record conversations. Anyway, the range of available features directly connected to the phone system which you will use for integration with Creatio application. In case of using Avaya telephony you can't replay the recorded call. Here you can find more information about feature comparison for different phone systems. When your busniess tasks require to use few different phone integrations with Creatio it's also possible to do: https://community.creatio.com/articles/multiple-call-center-integration
  4.  The Avaya connector supports "ready", "not available" or "busy" statuses. For more details about the add-on you can request live demonstration on the Marketplace site.

Best regards,




Roman Rak,

Thanks for all the help!

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