Is it possible to disable or remove the comment button/icon on Agent Desktop feed posts or prevent comments using permissions or a system setting?

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Hello Gareth,


Could you please elaborate on the task you are trying to achieve?

Additionally, could you please provide screenshots of the section you want to change?


Thank you,




The task I have been asked to do is to prevent users from adding comments to posts on the feed of the Agent Desktop.  Is it possible to remove or disable the comment button (see image)?  Thanks,


Gareth Osler,

One quick and easy way is to just hide the comments button with CSS. Add css to the agent desktop page - See…

Then add this CSS to hide the comments button:

#OperatorSingleWindowPageContainer [data-item-marker="SocialFeedContainer"] [data-item-marker="Comments"] {
    display: none;


OperatorSingleWindowPage Agent desktop page already has CSS defined, namely OperatorSingleWindowCSS Agent desktop: CSS styles, which cannot be edited.


So I created another CSS file UsrOperatorSingleWindowCSS2 and put the CSS to hide comments in it.


The Agent desktop page isn't a normal section, it's not possible to open the section wizard, so I created a Replacing view model as follows:

Unsurprisingly the above did not work!  


Any suggestions would be appreciated.



Gareth Osler,

It does not appear as though you've created the replacing client view correctly. The code you shared shows "UsrClientUnit_fdb86f8", not "OperatorSingleWindowPage". This needs to change to match the view model being replaced. 


Thanks for pointing out the mistake (you shouldn't have had to!).


For reference of anyone travelling down this road in the future the CSS/LESS to remove both comments and likes:

#OperatorSingleWindowPageContainer [data-item-marker="SocialFeedContainer"] [data-item-marker="Comments"] {
    display: none;
#OperatorSingleWindowPageContainer [data-item-marker="SocialFeedContainer"] [data-item-marker="UsersWhoLikeItButton"] {
    display: none;
#OperatorSingleWindowPageContainer [data-item-marker="SocialFeedContainer"] [data-item-marker="Like"] {
    display: none;


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We are running out of space for buttons in the usual places.  We have removed the icons in the communications panel at the top of the Actions Dashboard (see this article).  Is there any way to add buttons back in?

I have tried adding a button setting 'parentName' to "CaseSectionActionsDashboardMainContainerContainer" without success.


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Please clarify your task: do you need to return the buttons that were removed from the Actions Dashboard or do you need to add some new buttons there? Maybe you could share some image of what it should look like?

Oscar Dylan,

We need to add some new buttons.  We have removed the facebook, telegram, message and other buttons (which are actually tabs I think) from the Actions Dashboard, is it at all possible though to put a 'Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON' in their place?

Gareth Osler,


It's not possible exactly in the tabs (you are right, Email, Call, Activity etc. on the actions dashobard are tabs), but there are elements like ActualDcmSchemaInformationButton button and PlaybookButton button that are inserted to the RightHeaderActionContainer element of the SectionActionsDashboard and you can use those as an example. Additionally to it, if you ran out of space on the page you can always add additional buttons to the "Actions" button (override the getActions method on the edit page schema) and call the logic needed from these buttons.

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I tried to override the CaseInserting Event subprocess on a custom package.

I created a replacement object for the case entity and created a new subprocess for the "before inserting" event.

The new subprocess is not called the old one is called.

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Hi Stefano,


We would need to conduct a deeper analysis of the issue to provide you with a solution. Please write to us at so we could help you.


Best regards,



Hi Max, I will write to support on monday

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Is there a system table that can be queried to find out which section and/or detail run process menu(s) a process is found in?  Or any other way of doing this?


*Edit*  A query to find out what section(s) an object is a detail in would be quite helpful.



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Hi Gareth,


Thank you for reaching out!


This is the ProcessInModules table.


Also, there is no differentiation in Creatio between section and detail objects. So basically, an object is the same for a detail and a section. You could use the following script:


WHEN EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM  SysModule WHERE SysModuleEntityId IN (SELECT Id FROM SysModuleEntity WHERE SysEntitySchemaUId = ss.Uid)) THEN 'Section' 
WHEN EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM  SysDetail WHERE EntitySchemaUId = ss.Uid) THEN 'Detail' 
else '' 
END AS "Section/Detail"
FROM SysSchema ss 
WHERE EXISTS SELECT 1 FROM  SysModule WHERE SysModuleEntityId IN (SELECT Id FROM SysModuleEntity WHERE SysEntitySchemaUId = ss.Uid) 
 (SELECT 1 FROM  SysDetail WHERE EntitySchemaUId = ss.Uid)
 ss.ManagerName = 'EntitySchemaManager'


Best regards,


*Edit* The below queries return both active and inactive processes., at a glance I am not able see how to select active only.


The query we arrived at to list the processes in the run process menu of sections:

SELECT SM.Caption AS [Section Name], SS.Caption AS [Process Name] 
FROM ProcessInModules AS PIM 
JOIN SysModule AS SM ON PIM.SysModuleId = SM.Id 
JOIN SysSchema AS SS ON PIM.SysSchemaUId = SS.UId; 

And the query to list the processes in the run process menu of individual details:

SELECT SD.Caption AS [Detail Name], SS.Caption AS [Process Name] 
FROM ProcessInDetails AS PID 
JOIN SysDetail AS SD ON PID.SysDetailId = SD.Id 
JOIN SysSchema AS SS ON PID.SysSchemaUId = SS.UId; 

I would like to be able to say what sections a detail appears in, but would imagine this information to be buried deep in Creatio system tables.


If anyone can check the above queries I would be grateful!

Hi Gareth,


The queries you have written are correct. However, it's hard to check which details belong to which sections by a DB query as details are connected to a page in the page's schema. So you need to decode the schema's content and filter in it. Such a query is hard to build and it will take a long time for it to get executed.


Best regards,


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I created a custom section and I use it for filtering on a contact lookup in case portal page.

The search returns an empty result because the query use the SysEmpty table, not my custom section table.

I give all permission on the custom sectio for the portal users, but nothing change.

What am I doing wrong?

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Hi Stefano,


There might be multiple causes of this behavior.

First of all please keep in mind that access rights might be inherited and since your custom section is based on Contact lookup - permissions are checked for Contacts as well as for your Custom section. 


We also recommend looking at the SysSSPEntitySchemaAccessList table. There should be a record of the schema with which you have a problem. For portal users, by default, all schemas are considered to be administered and inaccessible. In order that portal users can use them, this schema must be in the lookup (the list of objects available to portal users). In other words - it must be in the SysSSPEntitySchemaAccessList table. After adding this schema to this table, the problem should be solved.


Should the above trouble-shooting not resolve your issue - please send us an email with detailed explanations of your problem to so we may inspect and analyze your specific case (as it is too few details available by now and further evaluation will be required for precise solution)


Best Regards,


Denis Bidukha,

Thank you very much, for your suggestion.

Adding the missing record in the SysSSPEntitySchemaAccessList table solved my problem.

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The above question has already been answered here:

How to remove communication options under progress bar ? | Community Creatio


Quoting the answer given:  "The code below should be added to the diff array of the ActionsDashboard module of your section".

I'm not sure where to find the "ActionsDashboard module of your section", could you help please.



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For reference and anyone who happens this way in the future there is some discussion on this in the linked article above.

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Hi All,


How to block the display of Modal box in Manager Mood functionality available in Opportunity page?

Tried setting the enabled property to false in diff as well as tried with Business rule but with negative results. Any other approach, kindly suggest.




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Best reply

Hi Anupama,


You need to use this:

var element = document.getElementById("OpportunityPageV2MoodContainerContainer") = "none"

and add some check into the onEntityInitialized method that will trigger the code above.


Best regards,


Hi Anupama,


You need to use this:

var element = document.getElementById("OpportunityPageV2MoodContainerContainer") = "none"

and add some check into the onEntityInitialized method that will trigger the code above.


Best regards,


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Is there any way I can access a button instance directly, e.g., in the 'click' method of a client module in order to set the colour of the button using the setStyle method of the button object?

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Not sure if it's possible since setStyle only receives some value as an argument and is being executed when the button is initialized.


In your case I would recommend to add this code to the click handler:

var buttonElementToModify = document.getElementById("ContactPageV2ChangeContainerStateButtonButton-textEl"); = "Green";

and replace ContactPageV2ChangeContainerStateButtonButton-textEl with an actual id of the element in DOM:

As a result when the button is clicked its color will be changed to green.


Best regards,


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Is it possible to add validation code to the client module of a pre-configured page (i.e. in the same way you would an edit page)?

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Hi Gareth, 


In this case, we are suggesting using Business processes for such implementation.……


This element will generate the code itself and you don't need to change the Schema manually, which will be much complicated and could potentially affect the whole page.


Best Regards, 


Bogdan L.




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Hi Team,

We have a business use-case like enabling the MiniPage (View Mode) in the activity section based on conditions. I have enabled the view mode of the MiniPage, now I am able to see the mini page for all the records. But I need to show it for the records based on some conditions like (Eg: Title = "Appointment").

How to achieve this kind of implementation?


Adharsh S

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Best reply

Hi Adharsh,


The logic below will make a mini page in view mode not appear on the page in case the title of the activity contains the "Visit" word.


Create a replacing view model for the ActivitySectionV2 and add the following code there:

define("ActivitySectionV2", [],
	function() {
		return {
			entitySchemaName: "Activity",
			attributes: {
				"ResultGridSet": {
					"dataValueType": this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT,
					"type": this.Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN,
					"value": ""
			mixins: {},
			methods: {
				onGridDataLoaded: function(response){
					var subjectsToExclude = "";
						var activityTitle = item.values.Title;
						var activityId = item.values.Id;
						if (activityTitle.indexOf("Visit")!= -1){
							subjectsToExclude = subjectsToExclude + activityId +",";
					subjectsToExclude = subjectsToExclude.substring(0, subjectsToExclude.length - 1);
					this.set("ResultGridSet", subjectsToExclude);
				prepareMiniPageOpenParameters: function(options, entityInfo){
					var rowId = options.rowId;
					var gridSet = this.get("ResultGridSet");
					if (gridSet.indexOf(rowId)!=-1){
			diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/

The logic is simple:


1) onGridDataLoaded method is always called when the grid is loaded in the section. It contains the response argument which contains actual data that is stored in the grid (and we can use it).


2) Once onGridDataLoaded is called we take the response and check if the activity title contains the "Visit" word and perform this check for each item in the grid. If the activity title contains the "Visit" word we take an Id value for this activity and add it to the string subjectsToExclude parameter.


3) subjectsToExclude parameter result will be then passed to the ResultGridSet attribute that will be then used inside the prepareMiniPageOpenParameters method.


4) prepareMiniPageOpenParameters method is the method from base MiniPageUtilities mixin and we need to override its logic in the Activities section. prepareMiniPageOpenParameters has the options argument that is primary data regarding the activity on which the mouseover event was called. We can get the activity id from the options argument and use it further.


5) Inside the prepareMiniPageOpenParameters method we get the ResultGridSet attribute value and then check if the Id that was received from options can be found inside the ResultGridSet string. If it can be found the prepareMiniPageOpenParameters does nothing (and as a result the minipage is not opened), else - perform the parent method execution.


Feel free to create your own logic based on this example.


Best regards,


Hi Adharsh,


The logic below will make a mini page in view mode not appear on the page in case the title of the activity contains the "Visit" word.


Create a replacing view model for the ActivitySectionV2 and add the following code there:

define("ActivitySectionV2", [],
	function() {
		return {
			entitySchemaName: "Activity",
			attributes: {
				"ResultGridSet": {
					"dataValueType": this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT,
					"type": this.Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN,
					"value": ""
			mixins: {},
			methods: {
				onGridDataLoaded: function(response){
					var subjectsToExclude = "";
						var activityTitle = item.values.Title;
						var activityId = item.values.Id;
						if (activityTitle.indexOf("Visit")!= -1){
							subjectsToExclude = subjectsToExclude + activityId +",";
					subjectsToExclude = subjectsToExclude.substring(0, subjectsToExclude.length - 1);
					this.set("ResultGridSet", subjectsToExclude);
				prepareMiniPageOpenParameters: function(options, entityInfo){
					var rowId = options.rowId;
					var gridSet = this.get("ResultGridSet");
					if (gridSet.indexOf(rowId)!=-1){
			diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/

The logic is simple:


1) onGridDataLoaded method is always called when the grid is loaded in the section. It contains the response argument which contains actual data that is stored in the grid (and we can use it).


2) Once onGridDataLoaded is called we take the response and check if the activity title contains the "Visit" word and perform this check for each item in the grid. If the activity title contains the "Visit" word we take an Id value for this activity and add it to the string subjectsToExclude parameter.


3) subjectsToExclude parameter result will be then passed to the ResultGridSet attribute that will be then used inside the prepareMiniPageOpenParameters method.


4) prepareMiniPageOpenParameters method is the method from base MiniPageUtilities mixin and we need to override its logic in the Activities section. prepareMiniPageOpenParameters has the options argument that is primary data regarding the activity on which the mouseover event was called. We can get the activity id from the options argument and use it further.


5) Inside the prepareMiniPageOpenParameters method we get the ResultGridSet attribute value and then check if the Id that was received from options can be found inside the ResultGridSet string. If it can be found the prepareMiniPageOpenParameters does nothing (and as a result the minipage is not opened), else - perform the parent method execution.


Feel free to create your own logic based on this example.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thanks for the reply.

One small change in the code,

Instead of , var rowId = options.rowId;

You can choose  var rowId = entityInfo.recordId;

Because, options.rowId returns "undefined".


Adharsh S



You are welcome.


This is strange, in my code options.rowId returned values and entityInfo was always undefined:

Maybe it behaves differently in different sections... Anyway, debugging will always provide a correct way to get the data needed:)


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,


It is interesting. Might be it behaves differently in different sections. But I see your screenshot, you have debugged in the ActivitySection right. I have implemented the functionality on the same schema page. It seems to be weird behaving different across instances!


Adharsh S

Oleg Drobina,

Could you please share how did you debug the client code using IDE.

Creatio doesn't have an article for the de-bugging the JS files in realtime using IDE. If you could share the steps it would be of great help.


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

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