Email Page (Reply Email)

Hi Community,


We are localizing in Italian our application. We are using the OOTB Email Page for sending email and replying to email.


In the reply email window we are not able to localize the highlighted label (see attached file) while we do not have problem in localizing send email window.  


May we ask some suggesting for addressing our aim?





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To set localized values for the From, To, and other fields, you need to go to the settings of this field on the editing page and set the localized values as shown in the attached screenshot.

Sergii Zhmurko,

Hi Sergii, thank you very much for your response. We have already localized as per your indication and we suceeded in localized the (New Email window). We are not able ti localize the response window (reply/forward email window) even if the Creatio code page seems to be the same (Email page). 





Try to apply these localization settings specifically on the reply editing page. 


I was able to do this in the base application build.

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