Freedom UI list component: handle record selection, menu and hierarchical lists in FormPage


In Classic UI I've customized a section page (let me call it "Production Page") with 3 details that must be shown and filtered depending on the record selected in the previous detail.

Let me call "detail 1", "detail 2" and "detail 3" the three details.

Only "detail 1" is visible opening the Production Page.

When the user selects an item from the "detail 1", then "detail 2" becomes visible and is filtered based on the Id of the "detail 1" selectet item.

When the user selects an item from the "detail 2", then "detail 3" becomes visible and is filtered based on the Id of the "detail 2" selectet item.


I've implementd it with custom javascript code in my classic ui "Production Page" and works very well.


My customer wants to migrate its classic section to Freedom UI, then I must do the same thing in a Freedom UI FormPage using list or datagrid components.

I've not found any documntation or guide on handling list item selection events.

How can I do it?

Is there a way to hide the "Open, Copy and Delete" bullet point shown at the left of the rows of a freedom UI list component?




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You can filter a list based on the selected record of another list all using no code in Freedom UI. See this post:

If you also want to have code that gets the change of the selected row in a list see here:

For removing the row toolbar menu with add,copy,delete, see here:


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