Hello, Community!
We are using Power BI Desktop to develop reports, which are then published to the Power BI Web version. However, we would like to set up a data gateway to connect to Creatio, which is hosted in a cloud environment.
We found this post https://community.creatio.com/questions/how-configure-gateway-power-bi-service-creatio mentioning this setup, but we were unable to configure it successfully.
Has anyone managed to set up a gateway to connect Power BI Web to Creatio Cloud? If so, could you share the necessary steps?
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Hello Inês,
Could you please provide an exact description of the issues that occurred?
Oleksandr Bilousko,
I share the steps that are being carried out:
- 1. On my OnPremisses machine, where I have the gateway, I installed the custom connector from Creatio. After installing is visible on gateway console (image 1)
2- On PowerBIService (PowerBi web) I have created a connection, using that gateway. Specified Connector Type Creatio and entered all the credentials. (image 2)
( After step 1, its visible on the connectors list of that gateway the connector type Creatio.)
When Testing the connection Im getting the following error “The Name Creatio.Contents wasn´t recognized…” (image 3)
Several screenshots, sadly, are not available.
Could you send it again, please?
Do you use add-on to Power BI?
We couldn't connect Power BI cloud - https://community.creatio.com/questions/connect-powerbi-creatio-odata
Did you manage "Gateway and cloud connections"?
It's a link between your dataset and the data source in the gateway.
What do you have here?
For example,
I'll share the answers:
Did you manage "Gateway and cloud connections"? Yes,, we did.
We have the name of the connector we have created and mapped to the GatewayY (GatewayY to my onpremisse server).
This configuration is business as usual for us, since we use the same GatewayY for other conectors types. The only thing new here is the type of connection Creatio.
Like showned previously, when we create a Conection, we specificy the Gateway (GatewayY), we select type of conection (Creatio) and also we specify credentials.
Ending this operation its made a "Test of conection" and the result is a error that says "GatewayY: The name 'Creatio.Contents' wasn't recognized. Make sure it's spelled correctly."
Let's try "Skip test connection" and specify Privacy level to 'None"
On my local machine, after applying these settings the connection passed well
Oleksandr Bilousko,
Thanks for the reply/sugestion.
"On my local machine, after applying these settings the connection passed well" : ts true, selecting "skip test conection" allows you to create the connecton but at the end the problem remains.", the conection fails / does not work.
Did you achieved to refresh any dashboard with that connection?
Thank you.
"Did you achieved to refresh any dashboard with that connection? "
Yes, I did. But my example was taken from Creatio trial.
Maybe you should try to set up it in a trial too. Just to exclude that your production has any specific configuration that we didn't take into account.