I recently completed the Development on Creatio guided learning course. With my instructor's assistance, I set up a local Creatio instance—labeled Dev1_DEV—on my Windows server.

After switching my D1_DEV local development environment to use File System Development Mode instead of the default Creatio IDE mode, I encountered an issue where my Creatio instance failed to load the necessary JS files related to SectionModuleV2 for Classic UI sections (e.g., System Settings, Lookups). I reverted my Web.Config file changes to disable File System Development Mode, which resolved the issue.

For reference, I have attached screenshots of the error messages from my console when attempting to access Classic UI sections while File System Development Mode was enabled.

Could you help me understand why switching to File System Development Mode prevents access to the required JS files for Classic UI sections? Aside from modifying the Web.Config file, I did not make any other changes to the system. 

Any guidance on resolving this would be greatly appreciated.

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We recommend checking if all the steps from the article have been completed:



For example, ensure that these values are set:

<fileDesignMode enabled="true"/>
<add key="UseStaticFileContent" value="false"/>

All steps must be completed.

Hello Kalymbet,
Hope all is well. 

Thank you for providing that link. I followed its steps listed on the page as follows: 
Enabled file design mode
Disabled UseStaticFileContent 
Compiled my instance (no errors)
Downloaded packages to file system successfully (no errors)
Gave IIS Usr full access to the Terrasoft.Configuration file

I still received the same error. It looks like it is not able to find the SectionModuleV2.js file. 


Kalymbet Anastasia,



We also recommend that the user under which the application pool is running should also have full access to the {rootAppFolder}\Terrasoft.WebApp folder

Folder access

Serhii Parfentiev,

Thank you for the suggestion. I added Full control access to the IIS User for the Terrasoft.WebApp folder and I still received the same issue. For reference, I attached an image of the Terrasoft.WebApp security properties. 


Could you please verify under which user the Application Pool is running? If you have changed the user, please make sure to grant permissions for this user too.

If this doesn't help, additionally please try the following scenario:
1) Deploy the application.
2) Authorize and allow the inner part of the application to initialize (after login, wait for the application to finish loading).
3) Only after that, make changes in the Web.config file to enable development on the file system and follow further instructions. 

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I have a minipage that has lookup (contact) and whenever I try to add a new non-existing it suggests it as "New ContactName" which is nice, but when I click that, it opens the contact minipage and closes the original minipage and doesn't re-open the original minipage after I closed the contact minipage upon saving.

Do you have any idea of a better approach than making a custom modal?

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Best reply


I ended up making a Modal [BaseModalBoxPage] to create my own minipage.

I found this code segment in LookupQuickAddMixin and I want to know where can I change the value of UseSilentCreation?

		 * Checks that entity has mini page add mode allowed.
		 * @private
		 * @param {String} entitySchemaName Name of the entity.
		 * @param {Array} [additionalDefaultValues] Additional default values.
		 * @return {Boolean} True, if feature UseSilentCreation is turned off, and entity has add mini page.
		_needOpenMiniPage: function(entitySchemaName, additionalDefaultValues) {
			const entityStructure = this.getEntityStructure(entitySchemaName);
			if (!entityStructure) {
				return false;
			const notUseSilentCreation = !Terrasoft.Features.getIsEnabled("UseSilentCreation");
			const editPages = entityStructure.pages;
			const typeLookupItem = additionalDefaultValues?.find((item) =&gt; item.attributeName === "TypeLookup");
			let page;
			if (typeLookupItem) {
				page = editPages.find((page) =&gt; page.UId === typeLookupItem.value);
			page = page || Terrasoft.first(editPages);
			const hasAddMiniPage = page?.hasAddMiniPage;
			return notUseSilentCreation &amp;&amp; Boolean(hasAddMiniPage);
		 * Open page or mini page for new entity record.
		 * @protected
		 * @param {Object} newEntityConfig Entity config.
		 * @param {Object} newEntityConfig.entitySchema Entity schema.
		 * @param {String} newEntityConfig.entitySchemaName Entity schema name.
		 * @param {String} newEntityConfig.columnName Column name.
		 * @param {String} newEntityConfig.displayColumnValue Display column value.
		 * @param {String} newEntityConfig.valuePairsFromFilters Default values that were sent from filters.
		 * @param {Array} newEntityConfig.additionalDefaultValues Additional default values.
		 * @param {Object} viewModel View model context.
		openPageForNewEntity: function(newEntityConfig, viewModel) {
			var cardConfig = this._getNewEntityPageConfig(newEntityConfig);
			this._subscribeNewEntityCardModuleResponse(newEntityConfig.attributeName ?? newEntityConfig.columnName, cardConfig, viewModel);
			if (this._needOpenMiniPage(cardConfig.entitySchemaName, newEntityConfig.additionalDefaultValues)) {
				this.openAddMiniPage.call(this, cardConfig);
			} else {
			this.set &amp;&amp; !newEntityConfig.attributeName &amp;&amp; this.set(newEntityConfig.columnName, null);



It seems that this was already customized since OOB does not allow adding new records to the lookup inside the mini page.


As for the UseSilentCreation - it's a system feature with the UseSilentCreation code according to the code in the very same LookupQuickAddMixin

Go to 


/0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx#Section/AppFeature_ListPage - for old UI

/0/Shell/#Section/AppFeature_ListPage - Freedom UI


find the UseSilentCreation feature (if the record is not present there - create it and enable it for all employees role) and relogin to the app.


I ended up making a Modal [BaseModalBoxPage] to create my own minipage.

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Hi Team,


I'm trying to show the path on a custom embedded map in creatio edit page using the below given code in the edit page of the section for the polyline encoded path. However, it shows no path or coordinates on the map in the edit page. Could anyone help?


Diff Block to insert map in the screen:


				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "GMaps",
				"values": {
					"itemType": 7,
					"id": "googleMap",
					"styles": {
						"height": "500px"
					"items": []
				"parentName": "LeftModulesContainer",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 2





initMap = function() {
    var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('googleMap'), {
        center: { lat: 28.4595, lng: 77.0266 },
        zoom: 8
    // Polyline encoded string
    var encodedPolyline = "ic`i@ohqfN@A??????????????????????????????????????????????A????????L?HABAH@KEREDEDCJIFEJ??MFMHOHMFIFCF??EBC@ABC@AD@CIFEFCDEDCBCBBCEFC@?@A@A@@CCD?@ABABA@AD@CEFCBA@?@A@CB@AEFEBCDEDEDEF??EFEFGHAFGB@ACFCD?B?BABB?AA@@?AA?????????????????????@A???C@AA??A?@?D??A@?A????????????A@?A??@???A????@@??AA@@A?B?@?@@?A??@?????????????A?@???????????????????????????????A?@?AA??@???????A????@?????A?@?????A?????@A??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????A?????A@??@AA@??????@@???A?@????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ACA@??@?????A@?@A????A????ADABCDCDGLEJ??EJEHEJGJEL??ELELCNIJEJ??CJCFCHGHCHEH??EJGLIJMHKH??OHMFMFOFMFMF??KFKFMFOFMDOH??MHKJGJIPOPGH??KFKFG@EHED??GBEHCJGJEHEH??GHAFEBCBCDA??AE@?B?@A@CDAD@C?H???CAA?AA@@?A?A@???????????@?AA?@???????AA?????@?AABA@@?A??A??????????????A??@????@?A@A@CBCFCDGL??EDCDE@ABCF@CEH?DEDC@A?A?@AEHCDEDCLEH??EJEHGJIPGJIL??ELKNIJKLIHEP??EHEFCBADCBAB@CCDC@?@?@?@?AABA@??AA?AAA@@AA?AA???@@AA???????A???@?A?@?????????????A?@?@A?@A???????????????A??@???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????";
    // Decode polyline
    var decodedPath = google.maps.geometry.encoding.decodePath(encodedPolyline);
    // Create a polyline and set its path to the decoded path
    var polyline = new google.maps.Polyline({
        path: decodedPath,
        geodesic: true,
        strokeColor: '#FF0000',
        strokeOpacity: 1.0,
        strokeWeight: 20,
        map: map 
    url: "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=APIkeyvalue&callback=initMap&libraries=geometry",
    dataType: "script"
				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "GMaps",
				"values": {
					"itemType": 7,
					"id": "googleMap",
					"styles": {
						"height": "500px"
					"items": []
				"parentName": "LeftModulesContainer",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 2


Many Thanks,


Like 1



Hi Team,


Could anyone help, Please?

Maybe instead of referencing the map when creating the polyline, specifically add it after. After creating the polyline add: 




Hi Ryan,


Thanks for the response. Tried this but still not working.  

Sarika Sharma,

Might have better luck in a forum for the maps api or StackOverflow.


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Hi Community,

I want to place three new fields in the Account panel, of the Contact section.

I have already read the article https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/interface_elements/record_pa…

but this article explains how to add a new Connected Account Profile, and not how to extend the existing one.

Any idea how I can achieve this ?


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Hi Sasor,


This is done in the same way with the only difference that:


1) Existing AccountProfileSchema should be replaced

2) In the diff array of the replaced AccountProfileSchema you need to add 3 new fields.


I've also previously showed how to add new columns to the same profile schema, but in the OpportunityPage (here). Same approach here should be used to add new columns.

Hi Sasor,


This is done in the same way with the only difference that:


1) Existing AccountProfileSchema should be replaced

2) In the diff array of the replaced AccountProfileSchema you need to add 3 new fields.


I've also previously showed how to add new columns to the same profile schema, but in the OpportunityPage (here). Same approach here should be used to add new columns.

Hi oleg,

Thank you for the great answer.

Just to double check , by ' Existing AccountProfileSchema should be replaced' you mean:

Thank you again


Sasori Oshigaki,


Yes, replacing view model should be created.

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