Hi Team,


I'm trying to show the path on a custom embedded map in creatio edit page using the below given code in the edit page of the section for the polyline encoded path. However, it shows no path or coordinates on the map in the edit page. Could anyone help?


Diff Block to insert map in the screen:


				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "GMaps",
				"values": {
					"itemType": 7,
					"id": "googleMap",
					"styles": {
						"height": "500px"
					"items": []
				"parentName": "LeftModulesContainer",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 2





initMap = function() {
    var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('googleMap'), {
        center: { lat: 28.4595, lng: 77.0266 },
        zoom: 8
    // Polyline encoded string
    var encodedPolyline = "ic`i@ohqfN@A??????????????????????????????????????????????A????????L?HABAH@KEREDEDCJIFEJ??MFMHOHMFIFCF??EBC@ABC@AD@CIFEFCDEDCBCBBCEFC@?@A@A@@CCD?@ABABA@AD@CEFCBA@?@A@CB@AEFEBCDEDEDEF??EFEFGHAFGB@ACFCD?B?BABB?AA@@?AA?????????????????????@A???C@AA??A?@?D??A@?A????????????A@?A??@???A????@@??AA@@A?B?@?@@?A??@?????????????A?@???????????????????????????????A?@?AA??@???????A????@?????A?@?????A?????@A??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????A?????A@??@AA@??????@@???A?@????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ACA@??@?????A@?@A????A????ADABCDCDGLEJ??EJEHEJGJEL??ELELCNIJEJ??CJCFCHGHCHEH??EJGLIJMHKH??OHMFMFOFMFMF??KFKFMFOFMDOH??MHKJGJIPOPGH??KFKFG@EHED??GBEHCJGJEHEH??GHAFEBCBCDA??AE@?B?@A@CDAD@C?H???CAA?AA@@?A?A@???????????@?AA?@???????AA?????@?AABA@@?A??A??????????????A??@????@?A@A@CBCFCDGL??EDCDE@ABCF@CEH?DEDC@A?A?@AEHCDEDCLEH??EJEHGJIPGJIL??ELKNIJKLIHEP??EHEFCBADCBAB@CCDC@?@?@?@?AABA@??AA?AAA@@AA?AA???@@AA???????A???@?A?@?????????????A?@?@A?@A???????????????A??@???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????";
    // Decode polyline
    var decodedPath = google.maps.geometry.encoding.decodePath(encodedPolyline);
    // Create a polyline and set its path to the decoded path
    var polyline = new google.maps.Polyline({
        path: decodedPath,
        geodesic: true,
        strokeColor: '#FF0000',
        strokeOpacity: 1.0,
        strokeWeight: 20,
        map: map 
    url: "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=APIkeyvalue&callback=initMap&libraries=geometry",
    dataType: "script"
				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "GMaps",
				"values": {
					"itemType": 7,
					"id": "googleMap",
					"styles": {
						"height": "500px"
					"items": []
				"parentName": "LeftModulesContainer",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 2


Many Thanks,


Like 1



Hi Team,


Could anyone help, Please?

Maybe instead of referencing the map when creating the polyline, specifically add it after. After creating the polyline add: 




Hi Ryan,


Thanks for the response. Tried this but still not working.  

Sarika Sharma,

Might have better luck in a forum for the maps api or StackOverflow.


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Hi Community,

I want to place three new fields in the Account panel, of the Contact section.

I have already read the article https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/interface_elements/record_pa…

but this article explains how to add a new Connected Account Profile, and not how to extend the existing one.

Any idea how I can achieve this ?


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Best reply

Hi Sasor,


This is done in the same way with the only difference that:


1) Existing AccountProfileSchema should be replaced

2) In the diff array of the replaced AccountProfileSchema you need to add 3 new fields.


I've also previously showed how to add new columns to the same profile schema, but in the OpportunityPage (here). Same approach here should be used to add new columns.

Hi Sasor,


This is done in the same way with the only difference that:


1) Existing AccountProfileSchema should be replaced

2) In the diff array of the replaced AccountProfileSchema you need to add 3 new fields.


I've also previously showed how to add new columns to the same profile schema, but in the OpportunityPage (here). Same approach here should be used to add new columns.

Hi oleg,

Thank you for the great answer.

Just to double check , by ' Existing AccountProfileSchema should be replaced' you mean:

Thank you again


Sasori Oshigaki,


Yes, replacing view model should be created.

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