Formula does not allow me to input current datetime.

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Best reply

Hello Joseph, 


This function is not available for the Pivot tables as mentioned in this academy article.

This function is available only  for business rules. 

Best regards,



Hello Joseph, 


This function is not available for the Pivot tables as mentioned in this academy article.

This function is available only  for business rules. 

Best regards,



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filter lookup value in creatio 8.0.4 in the new application Freedom UI

based on another Lookup

Like in Section Wizard in the previous release 7 and up

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Hello ElSayed,


Could you please provide us more details on what would you like to achieve here? Perhaps you could share a photo showing what exactly you have in 7.x releases so we can understand what is the task here.


Best regards,


Hi Dariy Pavlyk,

  1. filter like that but in 8.0.4 gif_chapter_business_rules_filter_lookup_values.gif
  2. when i try in new release i found 

Hi Khaled, 


At the moment the Freedom UI doesn't have the full functionality of 7.X. For business processes, they are adding additional functionality in every minor release. My understanding is that it should all be there by 8.1. 


I do think that it is possible to add the required filter you need, but this can not be done right now using the no-code business rules. 



Any idea on the planned release date of Creatio 8.1 ?

thanks Harry,

Damien Collot,

Support mentioned today that there is a 8.0.5 coming in November, so I imagine December? (I hope).

Is there a way to filter a lookup from code?  I'm trying to determine if the attributes for crt.combobox has any filter element.  The control is calling a standard dataquery call to get the data, which has a filter in it, but I don't see a way to set a filter at design time. 

Found an example on filtering a lookup here:

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I am trying to install DevLabs Zoom Meeting connector for Creatio.

During the installation, after the step to specify the domain:

I get an error:

I attached the log.

Tell me what could be the problem?


File attachments
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According to the package installation log:

2022-09-15 19:38:49,999 D:\App\1130722-demo\Terrasoft.WebApp\Terrasoft.Configuration\Pkg\UsrApp_e89ly9h\Autogenerated\Src\UsrIncidentRegistrationFromEmailProcessCustom1.UsrApp_e89ly9h.cs(4,16) ошибка CS0400: The type or namespace name 'Common' could not be found in the global namespace (are you missing an assembly reference?)

2022-09-15 19:38:49,999 D:\App\1130722-demo\Terrasoft.WebApp\Terrasoft.Configuration\Pkg\UsrApp_e89ly9h\Autogenerated\Src\UsrIncidentRegistrationFromEmailProcessCustom1.UsrApp_e89ly9h.cs(92,28) ошибка CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ILog' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

The package was not installed due to an application compilation error.

The application does not compile due to the "UsrIncidentRegistrationFromEmailProcessCustom1" process in the "UsrApp_e89ly9h" package.

Cherednichenko Nikita,

Thanks. We have already understood, there was a compilation error. 

We need to fix all compilation errors, otherwise we cannot install any package.

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I am wondering what happened this detail. Why did the + disappear? How can this issue be solved?

Thanks a lot.

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Hi Nic,

Have you transferred the package from one to another environment or when do you see this issue of + icon not appearing.

Usually, the detail is not binded properly to the detail lookup and hence the sysschema couldn't identify the corresponding client module GUID.


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

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I would like to display a field on the timeline of email activity on the account page.

On my activity custom object, i have add fields : dateRead, dateClick, dateBounce…

For example i would like to display dateClick if it is filled in.

So to know more about the account tile :

select *, [Data], cast('' as xml).value('xs:base64Binary(sql:column("Data"))', 'varchar(max)')

from TimelinePageSetting

if i decode the base64 account page result :

                                               "entityConfigKey": "706f803d-6a30-4bcd-88e8-36a0e722ea41",
                                               "entitySchemaName": "Activity",
                                               "referenceColumnName": "Account",
                                               "masterRecordColumnName": "Id"
                                               "entityConfigKey": "09a70391-b767-40ab-97b8-6d1b538adbe6",
                                               "entitySchemaName": "Activity",
                                               "typeColumnName": "Type",
                                               "typeColumnValue": "e2831dec-cfc0-df11-b00f-001d60e938c6",
                                               "referenceColumnName": "Account",
                                               "masterRecordColumnName": "Id"
                                 }, …

I have two activity results.

The email tile activity seems to be the second line.        

select Name, [Data],cast('' as xml).value('xs:base64Binary(sql:column("Data"))', 'varchar(max)')
from TimelineTileSetting


After decode, here’s the json in the db :

                "entitySchemaName": "Activity",
                "typeColumnValue": "e2831dec-cfc0-df11-b00f-001d60e938c6",
                "viewModelClassName": "Terrasoft.UsrEmailTimelineItemViewModel",
                "viewClassName": "Terrasoft.UsrEmailTimelineItemView",
                "orderColumnName": "SendDate",
                "authorColumnName": "SenderContact",
                "messageColumnName": "Body",
                "filters": {
                               "ownerFilter": {
                                               "comparisonType": 15,
                                               "existsFilterColumnName": "[ActivityParticipant:Activity].Id",
                                               "subFilterColumnName": "Participant"
                "columns": [{
                               "columnName": "Title",
                               "isSearchEnabled": true,
                               "columnAlias": "Subject"
                               "columnName": "Sender",
                               "columnAlias": "AuthorEmail"
                },{           "columnName": "Recepient",
                               "columnAlias": "RecipientEmail"
                },{           "columnName": "Contact",
                               "columnAlias": "Recipient"

I have changed

"viewModelClassName": "Terrasoft.EmailTimelineItemViewModel",

"viewClassName": "Terrasoft.EmailTimelineItemView",


"viewModelClassName": "Terrasoft.UsrEmailTimelineItemViewModel",

"viewClassName": "Terrasoft.UsrEmailTimelineItemView",

(to update :

UPDATE TimelineTileSetting
Data=convert(varbinary(MAX),'{VAR json}')


I copied objects EmailTimelineItemViewModel and EmailTimelineItemView to UsrEmailTim…

But modifications i do on this two new objects are not displayed in the tile.

Did i do something wrong ?

Thank you !


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Sorry for the inconvenience, but it actually works fine.

it would be nice to have an interface to manage the tiles

Hi Nicolas, 

Thank you for this example and a new idea, we will give it to our developers.

Thank you for helping us make the system better.

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Dear Creatio Community,


when linking a mail to a record a pop-up shows up and asks the user if he wants to "Link all emails from the conversation with this record?".

We don't seem to fully understand the meaning of this message. If the user clicks "yes" it appears like all e-mails from this e-mail address are also linked with the same record...

Could someone please explain the function of this pop-up?

Is it possible to disable it when linking a mail to a record?


Kind regards,

Markus Kumpfmüller

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Dear Marcus,


Thanks for your question.


The pop-up message 'Link all emails from the conversation with this record?' should show the emails that are on the thread only.


If it appears that all the user's emails are linked with a record, please contact us at and provide us with access to:


the website the issue occurred;


examples of emails that appeared in the record which are in and not in the thread.


This functionality is a part of the core logic that is not connected to any feature or system setting, and as for now, there is no way to disable it in the application. 

We've created a problem for our R&D team so they could add either a feature or a system setting that could allow disabling this functionality. Thank you for reporting this issue to us and for helping us to make our application better!


Best regards,


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When searching duplicates, we have no clue how many duplicates there are when the results are shown, there is no total number showcasing this.

Is there anyway to find it out ?



Like 2



Hello Damien,


There is no such a metric that can show the total amount of duplicates found by the process. But I will create a query to our R&D department to check the possibility of adding it into the future releases of Creatio platform.

Thank you for the idea!


Best regards,

Bogdan S.

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Creatio calculates the number of opened emails using the “pixel” tracking method. Is Creatio is doing something regarding privacy changes that block the pixel that allow Creatio to know if the email was opened or not? Is there a roadmap for this?

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Khalil Guliwala,


Please be informed that the articles you shared above are still relevant, however, there will be some changes in the Creatio version 8.0.5, so stay tuned and wait for the release notes to get more information on the topic. 


Also, I'd like to bring your attention to the fact that the tracking method you mentioned is the mailbox provider's functionality and not Creatio's, therefore we have no impact on the way their system works.


Best regards,




Please specify what provider you use. Also, can you elaborate on the matter and explain in detail if you have any specific concerns, and what possible vulnerabilities exactly you have in mind? 


Best regards,


Mira Dmitruk, the client is asking about cookies/pixels and the cookie apocalypse (a very complex topic). Essentially, they wanted to know if  Creatio had any best practices or information on how the Creatio platform is going to handle lead tracking and email opens/clicks in this new digital world. Is the information in these Creatio academy articles still valid?……



Khalil Guliwala,


Please be informed that the articles you shared above are still relevant, however, there will be some changes in the Creatio version 8.0.5, so stay tuned and wait for the release notes to get more information on the topic. 


Also, I'd like to bring your attention to the fact that the tracking method you mentioned is the mailbox provider's functionality and not Creatio's, therefore we have no impact on the way their system works.


Best regards,


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I've been searching for documentation on how to access data in a column, from the database, but to no avail. To give you some sort of background, my Product object has a detail called Collateral. Users can add more collaterals - each having an allocation percentage. What I need is to create a function that gets from the database the allocation percentage of each Collateral added to the Product. How can I implement this with javascript?

Example: Product1 has 3 Collaterals added: Coll1, Coll2, Coll3.

How can I get, for Product1 the allocation percentage of each Collateral?

Also, where could I check more documentation on the available methods? For example, asyncValidate for javascript?

Like 1



Hi Maria,


You need to use ESQ to get the data from some record in the detail related to the section. In this case you need to get the Id of the current main record (where the detail is located) by using for example:

var currentRecordId = this.get("Id");

and then in the ESQ filter you need to specify this Id in the filtration ("CollateralsInProduct" should be replaced with your detail object code, "CollateralValue" should be replaced with the code of the column in the "CollateralsInProduct" object where the actual values are stored, "ProductId" should be replaced with the code of the column that connects you detail to the main product record):

var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
    rootSchemaName: "CollateralsInProduct"
var esqFilter = esq.createColumnFilterWithParameter(Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "ProductId", currentRecordId);
esq.getEntityCollection(function (result) {
    if (result.success) {
        result.collection.each(function (item) {
            /* Process the collection elements. */
}, this);

As for more documentation on basic methods like asyncValidate - unfortunately we have none suitable one where all the methods are described. I will ask our Academy team to create this article where all the available methods and properties are described so anyone could easily search data they need, thank you for this suggestion.

Hi Maria,

I have an article outlining a simple place to start with EntitySchemaQuery (to query the database from client-side code) here:…

Also an article on using asyncValidate here:…

Hope this helps get you started. 


Oleg Drobina,

Thank you, your answer enlightened me very much. Though I have some trouble accessing the id of the product. 

Based on what you explained, 

In this case you need to get the Id of the current main record (where the detail is located) by using for example:

 var currentRecordId = this.get("Id");

I understood that through this line of code I am accessing the id of the product to which my collaterals are added. But by logging this id to the console, I noticed that each time it comes different. Is this the id of each collateral that I am adding? How can I get to the id of the product? That's what I am supposed to do, right?

Thank you so much for the attention.

For me, I usely add a debugger to the code. Then examine "this" In the console to see what values are already available.

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I am trying to build a business process that runs when a new SMS message is received. However, the Twilio SMS connector uses direct insert statements in the DlbSmsService source code object instead of the EntitySchema (ORM). Is there another way of firing off this business process without having to duplicate the entire SMS connector and changing out the method myself?


Thanks in advance.

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Hi Josh,


I've not had an issue with processes triggering the signal on record added to DlbSmsMessage. I also saw the code in the DlbSmsService using the direct Insert, but that is for a record in DlbSmsConnectorMessageLog, not the SMS message itself. The code starts a background task to a class in the Files of the package (assuming). Have you not been able to trigger the start signal on record added SMS message? (That *is* working for me)


Hi Josh,


I've not had an issue with processes triggering the signal on record added to DlbSmsMessage. I also saw the code in the DlbSmsService using the direct Insert, but that is for a record in DlbSmsConnectorMessageLog, not the SMS message itself. The code starts a background task to a class in the Files of the package (assuming). Have you not been able to trigger the start signal on record added SMS message? (That *is* working for me)


You were absolutely right! Thank you very much for your help.

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