How to change the css of detail's elements?

Hi community,

We need to change the CSS of the detail’s header, inline editable column input text color, and the other non-editable grid text color.

What client module we should replace, and what classes we should change?

Thank you very much!

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Best reply

Andrew Sheng,

I got the answer! All I had left to do was to fill the JS code with:

 define("BaseGridDetailV2", ["css!UsrDynasafeDetailV2CSS"], function() {
	return {
		methods: {},
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[ ]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/


Hello Andrew,

It could be achieved by development, please find similar questions bt the links below:….*1850rv9….


Hi Bogdan, thank you for the solution links. But the screenshots in the reply are no longer visible. I followed the two steps in the reply, but had no luck. I put my screenshots below, can you correct them for me?

Step1, I created a module in our package Dynasafe1, kept JS empty

Step2, I put the CSS in the LESS

 Step3, I created a replacing view model under Dynasafe1 package

Then I chose "Base schema - Detail with list" as the parent object.

And finally saved this replacing view model with JS kept empty. Did I miss something here?


Thank you for your answer in advance!

Andrew Sheng,

I got the answer! All I had left to do was to fill the JS code with:

 define("BaseGridDetailV2", ["css!UsrDynasafeDetailV2CSS"], function() {
	return {
		methods: {},
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[ ]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/


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